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Posts posted by Norvid

  1. There is a new trend of coming to the roots of Muslim power in the Middle East and this is ISIS. EU in Europe, ASEAN in Asia, N.America Free Trade and so on. Nobody is trying to change the later. I do not think there is anything wrong with it. Does the West need to control the world affairs constantly with their money and guns, or let the people decide of what they want? Western type of democracy - in doubt anyway - is not universal for all humans. People are brainwashed in all system of government by government, media and especially religious groups which all are fanatical to a certain extend. God bless America is a good example of this. What if there is no god? Why to force lies on people? Is this has a different merit or agenda then ISIS? All is about control, isn't it?

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  2. Ask architect if he knows reputable builder. Get Labor cost per person per hour. All separate listed materials cost. City connections cost. Taxes if any. If all done then sign a contract with all clearly listed details even if they say it's included. It will be a long list. Go through it for a week with someone if you didn't miss anything, like type of window, or sink. Color of tiles and shapes. Make sure you approve all the samples of the materials being used. Good luck.

  3. Whatever happened there shouldn't. Even touching is suppose to be prohibited. It is an insult and should be reported to police. Thais should learn the proper behavior. It is not Thai way, it's international way. Maybe Police will learn this too with any reports that follows and register. Signs with as suggested here multilingual wordings could do the trick. Swimming prohibited. Swim at own risk, if red flag posted.

  4. "Smart" Obama have no clues and EU kissing Putin's a.s. This is a short history in the making. Russia Soviets, and now Russia again have one agenda in their policy throughout its history. Never withdraw form land ones occupied by its army. The rest is clear. When they moved capital from Kiev to Moscow killing owners of the land, they usurp all rights to themselves. This continues with new Russia's KGB government and its governing Putin. Sober truth. This is a criminal organization. Or you do what they want, or you will be eliminated. Free societies do not get that. This is not what they do and think. Russian power was never compromising anything. Tsar did it. Trotsky and Stalin did it. Putin got Russia by the throat and is planning nuclear war and nuclear attack, just to make sure EU will be reactant to oppose him in his moves. Baltic republics, Ukraine, and all other Eastern Europe he wants back under his two eagle head imperialistic Russia.

    Maybe new US president will be more up to the job as Pres. Ronald Reagan and Mrs. Margaret Thatcher were.

  5. Israel doesn't want to negotiate anything. Wants all Palestinians out of Palestinian land, which is doing progressively with success. This is called by the way ethnic cleansing. US is only doing Israel favors with billions of dollars support every year. Any rhetoric, promises of negotiations, engagements, are pure strategy to this Israeli's game. Not expect anything from this apartheid state and all initiatives until Israel is forced by US to deal according to international law and international resolutions. South Africa was forced to abandon their racist polices and apartheid system under international pressure. Now time for the world to do this same to Israel a terrorist state...............................................................Peoples, look at facts and not propaganda, not brainwash.

    1. Under the occupation any activities against the oppressor is internationally recognized as self defense and as freedom fighting.

    2. All countries have to be measured by exactly the same international standards.

    3. In any democratic state all people are equal and have the same rights and privileges.

    4. In a democratic state you do not through people from their houses, you do not kill ethnic groups, you do not build on somebody's land, you permit people born on this land to return and not block them, you do not call a terrorist a person fighting for their rights and freedom, unless_______________the Jews are ABOVE THE LAW and all international law and historical facts doesn't apply to this terrorist state.

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  6. There should be implemented certain proven in the west precautions:

    1. Child Delivery Vehicle has to fully stop with with the semaphore like sign saying STOP to stop all traffic in both direction on the road until child is secure with the waiting for him adult.

    2. Child Delivery Vehicle can't proceed before the disembarking child is with adult who has to wait for the child prior to Child Delivery Vehicle arrive.

    3. Serious penalty to all drivers disobeying this STOP sign, similar to those who ignore ambulance, fire department, police, etc.

    4. Child can be only delivered to a driver's KNOWN adult waiting for the child to avoid kidnapping.

    This simple precautions will insure safety of the children and with 4 years old someone should give him a hand all the way from/to such a vehicle and on any road.

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  7. 138 post is a lie. Polish underground, civil population, christian convents saved thousands of Jews playing with their own life (for that all family was shot by Germans) and some underground fighters like Home Army (AK) had small Jewish fighting force within their ranks. 138 post, if you want to publish something here make it according to historical facts and not insinuation, otherwise you are just anti-Polish spreading false information on the net. The smallest Jewish uprising (200 plus on 500 000 population) in Warsaw Ghetto was supplied by Home Army (AK) in all armaments and some fighters where from this group as well.

    So stop spreading anti-Polonism nonsense you deviant "historian".

  8. I try to make a comment, but was rejected.

    To me this whole process stinks. It looks like Holly Inquisition and not a democratic process. To gather prosecutor's 600 pages took months in a very controversial manners. The defense has only two weeks to read and prepare defense. This is not a joke, it is travesty of Thai justice system. Things like that were in Stalinist time all over Easter block countries and after 1944 Hitler's assassination attempt by Count Staufenberg where accused was already guilty as charged. Where is democracy? Where are civil rights? The accused are not guilty until proven otherwise.

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  9. The prosecutors gathered the evidence for many month "happily" supplying it in a very controversial manners and public releases. The defense has been not furnish with these 600 pages. How the defense could be prepared? It looks like they are rushing to kill those youngsters asap and this is a disgrace of the Thai justice system itself. It looks to me like Holly Inquisition and not democratic process.

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