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Posts posted by eljeque

  1. Twisted?

    ......Maybe this should get a little edit to find an alternate word.

    BTW, there is a 10 percent service charge that people pay already.

    ..... Thank you, I was aware of that.

    Many people will think that is quite enough tip.

    ...... I don't! The food not being very good in my opinion and the prices being a little high for what was offered is not a reflection of the work of the waitresses. I do not know where the service charge goes, nor do I know where the tips go, but it is a lot more likely that the service personnel will receive a larger share of the tip than the service charge. For all I know, all of the service charge does go to the staff. Either way, I will tip above the service charge unless service was really awful, and I cannot really remember when that has happened, although it has.

    It seems twisted that someone who has dissed the place and won't be back is lecturing other people to over tip as he did there ... ONCE.

    ...... Twisted? I did not "lecture" anyone. I simply stated what I did and hope that others are happy and tip showing it. The staff members need it. This is far from being a lecture. It is entirely up to any customer to tip or not tip, whether there is a service charge or not. And, I do not see why the staff should not be tipped well for their efforts. They earn, 5,000 ? , 6,000? / month salary. The owner's decisions on how the food should be prepared / presented / priced are not the fault of the employees, and they should not be penalized, nor not thanked for their efforts to make the time in the restaurant as pleasant as possible. They did their job.

    As I stated in my first post, the staff members were fine; I wish the meal was the same.

  2. Again, my complaint was not that rice and beans were included in the burrito, which was written in the menu. It was that the rice and beans basically were the burrito, and there was some chicken included. I would not say that there was almost no chicken, but there was not a lot.

    I did not expect the fajitas to be spicy, but I did expect a bit of flavor, and that was lacking.

    Others may love the place, and I hope they are happy as can be and tip well.

    I hope the place does good business so that there are a variety of Mexican restaurants for many people to choose from. And, it will not get my business again, more than likely because of my expectations prior to my visit.

    The food was not bad, except the chips, but it was bland, and it was very expensive for bland food, and the 10% + 7% is not going to do the restaurant any favors.

  3. Fajitas meat is flavored

    from a website:

    Fajita spices can be homemade or purchased as a pre-made blend. The exact ingredients may vary slightly depending on the chef or manufacturer, but most contain a few core spices.

    ....Fajitas are flavored, more than just the salsa, and the salsas are very good, but the meat was really mild-- not flavorless, but pretty weak.


    A Cal burrito has meat and beans, and it also has an ample supply of meat, and this one had some, but not a lot, not nearly as much as it should have. Had I wanted a chicken flavored rice and bean burrito, I would have asked for one. There was not nearly as much as there should have been for 230 baht. I did not write that it should have no beans and no rice, but that the beans and rice overshadowed the chicken, and the flavor was weak as well.

    I do not agree that customers should wait until the owner works out the kinks to judge the restaurant any more than the owner would agree that no one should pay their bill until after the kinks are worked out.

    Very simply, the food which we ordered was not very flavorful. Other items on the menu may be better. I will not find out.

    I could not hear the owner / manager very well when he was speaking to customers at the table behind ours. I think he was British.

    I grew up in Los Angeles; have been to Mexico about 30 times; spoke Spanish well decades ago; worked in factories where the majority of the employees were from Mexico; my mother's maiden name is Manzanares, and it is pretty difficult to get me to complain about anything, but my anticipation of the opening, and the reality of it were so different, I decided to let others know.

    I can tell the difference between good Mexican food and bland Mexican food. It does not need to be from one region of Mexico or another to be good, or even if it is made for Joe-America, Texans, Californians, or anyone else. The food which we had left a lot to be desired. Even so, I did not walk out in a huff, tipped the staff well, and know to eat at the place on the hill next time.

    I hope that others are happy there, but I will not give it another try.

  4. I eagerly awaited the opening.

    I did not tell my girlfriend where we were going to eat.

    We arrived, and she was OK with it.

    That was the best moment of the night.

    I may be off by a few baht, but the total is accurate.

    Chips- 49 baht and would never eat them again. NEVER!

    Salsa - Great, and wide variety of different styles.

    Lemon shake - 79 baht I do not believe it was over eight ounces, although the menu says 12 oz. glass - too much syrup, too.

    Tamarind Drink - 69 baht My gf said only average

    Steak fajitas - 295 baht Not very large for the price, and the flavor was very mild, not tasty at all.

    Chicken Burrito 230 baht -- A lot of rice and beans in it, but enough chicken. Wish it would have tasted better, too.

    Diet coke - 30 baht if I remember correctly

    Subtotal: 752 baht

    Tax and service = 7% and 10%

    Total = 885

    I paid 1,000 and told the cashier to keep the rest.

    The staff was fine.

    I really never complain about much, and am not opinionated either. If the restaurant had been less expensive and the food was average, that would have been OK, not good, but OK. Also, I had been eagerly awaiting the opening, as many other posters had mentioned that the restaurants in Bkk were very good. But, as the food prices were above average, and the flavor was below, especially the chips, I felt compelled to write about my experience yesterday evening.

    The owner? - manager?, a Westerner walked by our table as we were almost finished, and stopped for a moment, waiting for me to look up, but I kept talking to my gf instead, although she did acknowledge him. I did not want to tell him what I thought. He then talked to the customers at the next table.

    This is only one person's experience there, and opinions are like taste buds, but I will not be back.

    The other Mexican restaurants in Pat - Jomtien are far better.

  5. The land owner and bank need to go to the land office in order to clear the registered mortgage which has a notation placed on the back of the chinote.

    I may be paranoid, but if you paid the bank for her debt, she and the bank could simply go to the land office and then clear her debt.

    If you are able to arrange for her and the bank to meet you at the land office and clear the loan and make the sale all in one, then move forward. If not, then look elsewhere.

    As other posters have already said, this is the ONLY way it is done.

    Listen to no explanations. Walk away if this is not the way they want to do it.

  6. At any rate, Yingluck may want to show off her English during international events. After all, she received a master's degree from Kentucky State University in America.

    How real is the MA? If she has an MA and says "overcome" instead of "welcome" there is definitely something wrong here.

    There are many Thai politicians with "honorary" degrees, or instead call THEM BOUGHT DEGREES, and they erase the honorary when noting the degree.

    But her speech-writers should have done a better job in creating a speech with the right diction.

    Welcome and overcome do not seem to be a diction problem. Maybe she though Hilary was overcome by being able to meet the great one's sister.

    Speech-writers should come up with the right notes to match the speaker.

  7. This is nonsense...imagine if every single restaurant had a sign on the door every single time there was a price change of any item on the menu.....there would be signs on almost every restaurant door....as another poster notes, this is what menus are for....if the price is not indicated in the menu then that is dishonest....otherwise caveat emptor....

    Justified or not, any such sudden increase should be accompanied by a LARGE sign on the door so that people know what they are letting themselves in for.

    To do otherwise is simply dishonest.

    A price change on any item on the menu? ????

    There is only one price at a buffet.

  8. http://www.fr-ray.org/

    This is an organization in Pattaya which among many things, offers training to young people with many physical disabilities.

    (Missing limbs, polio, etc.)

    The location is Pattaya, but I am sure that someone here would be able to show you some of their many varied transportation possibilities.

    Most of the time, I see their people on three wheeled motorbikes, but I have also seen other members of their group on a variety of different motorized contraptions.

  9. OP,

    Have the best health insurance you can find.

    Have the best disability insurance you can find.

    Have the best motorcycle insurance you can find.

    Then, you are fully covered.

    If the insurers choose to go after the criminal driver, then they can, as they have far better resources and the infrastructure / connections to do so than you do.

    I come form the US. If an uninsured driver hit my car after an illegal lane change, he would not go to jail, and I would have a hell of a time finding any assets which he may have, outside of the old car he was driving.

  10. The Dream is the "workhorse" as you mentioned.

    If you are going to be on the highways a lot, I would take the Wave.

    If most of your driving will be in town, then you can take the Dream.

    I have two slightly modified Waves and could not ask more of them.

    And, I used to own Dreams, and they would take a beating and keep on going for years and years.

    Have fun.

  11. well that's it, then. The wellies are on, the noodles are on standby and over 1TB of downloaded movies/TV shows are ready to go !

    I hope the electricity holds out for you.

    Did you ever see the Twilight Zone, where the man who loved to read, after the nuclear devastation, arranged thousands of books to enjoy for many years..... and then broke his glasses!! argh!!

    Stay safe and dry!! :-)

  12. You talk the same as the ones who said 100 years ago that it would be impossible to fly to the other side of the world within 24 hours or less than that.

    There's something called future rubl and I'm happy that a few people in The Netherlands BELIEVED that it could be done and it was an (American Built by Douglas) Dutch plane -De Uiver- that won the handicapped race from England to Australia in 1934 and flew there in just 4 days in 90 hours and 17 minutes.

    Negativity won't stop the planning of realistic futuristic plans like high-speed railways, whether some are still old fashioned thinking or not.

    That railway link from China to Singapore WILL come, no doubt about it; it depends on the intelligence of the Thai government if they have the vision to accept that they HAVE to realize it's of great importance to Thailand's exports also.


    I think there's a misunderstanding. I don't say the project should be shelved. I simply try to point out that a lot of planning and preparations go into building high speed links. Even if you do not have to worry about the environment and protesting greens, you still need to overcome various technical problems. A few months ago one of the ministers said he had surveyed the traject with some Chinese and saw no problem. That type of mentality I try to fight.

    I do believe in the future ever since I saw Neil Armstrong set the first foot on the moon, life thanks to the Early Bird satellite which had been revived for a moment.

    OK, maybe I misunderstood you.

    First of all it's a MEO agreement to be signed. Nothing has been finalized yet.

    But I'm sure that the parties involved have studied the possibilities and impossibilities as where and how to construct the high-speed line on Thai soil.

    If the Chinese can built a railway into the highest mountains on earth into Lhasa - Tibet at an altitude of more than 4.000 meters and a tunnel at 4.900 meter and the highest trainstation at 5.068 m in the mountains with a total of 675 bridges, the railway in Thailand seems a bowl of noodles to me.;)



    Until it rains.

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