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Posts posted by eljeque

  1. A young Thai woman, (27) just returned from The Netherlands on January 1, 2011

    She had been there for about nine months, on three separate 3 month visas (tourist visas, I think)

    She got married to the 31 year old man who originally invited her to go there nine months ago.

    All was going well, learning Dutch, etc.

    She returned two nights ago, and then received a phone call that her husband had died in his sleep. He had a bad heart, and took a lot of medication for it for much of his life. His death surprised no one in his family.

    The Thai woman came back to take her Dutch language test.

    She is now totally stunned. She had started her new life there.

    She has just learned (after I started writing this) that his family is going to send her all of the documents concerning the death, so that the Embassy will hopefully provide her with a visa for the funeral.

    Anyone have any ideas on this sort of thing?

    She was planning on taking the Dutch language test next month, and then applying for a marriage visa.

    Now that there is no marriage....? Her long-term stay possibilities appear to be unlikely.

  2. I ate there last night with my gf, my friend and his Vietnamese gf.

    Everyone was happy, and the Vietnamese woman immediately asked about when we would be eating there again.

    I did not see any sign on the front which indicated that the restaurant had Vietnamese food.

    For those of you looking for it, it is the first shop following the big empty lot after the TOT building. When coming from Central Road, it is before the entrance to the Carefour parking lot from the back. It is a double shophouse i size, and all of the tables are light brown wood.

    The salted fried chicken was good. The vegetarian spring rolls (not deep fried) were very good as well. The others all had pork with everything, and they were happy with all of it.

  3. in additon to the above

    ... For condos, the condo company (juristic person) should receive a letter from the auction house asking of there are any outstanding debts, meaning maitenance fees on the property.

    The juristic person is obliged to send this info the the auction house and the auction house should post it on the board where the info for the auctionn of the condo unit is posted. If they don't, then the buyer might get a small surprise when he asks for his letter to allow transfer from the juristic person.

    .. It should not be much over one year for maintenance or the jurisitc person would normally send the information to the auction house, but there is no gaurantee that they will.

    ON clearing people out. The court / auction officer places a court paper on the door of the unit. Therefore, the tenants are aware of the situation, and unless they have been in the place for 10 years as squatters (not the situation the initial poster is in) then it will not be difficult to have the police remove them.

    The initial poster should attend the auction and openly bid on the unit using his judgement from the court in order to eliminate delays. Do this on the second auctio where bidding starts at 50%, not at the first one where bidding starts at 80%.

  4. The length of time from court order to auction depends on where you are and how busy the court and auction house are. It may take one year, or it may take only five months. You can also go to the auction house yourself and show them the court paperwork and they will take a look at it for you. They are very helpful, but if you have a Thai girlfriend go with you, it will be a lot easier.

    I have taken many properties to the auction house based on non-payment of loans and it goes through without a hitch. There are no Foreign / Thai issues.

    Four auction dates will be given.

    The first one is starting at 80% of land office valuation

    The 2nd through 4th start at 50% of land office valuation, although I have also heard of other numbers being used besides the land office valuation. These are the numbers in Pattaya. The percentages used to be different here, so I do not know if they are still different in other parts of the country or they are all the same.

    Both the borrower and the lender have the right to refuse the final bid at only one auction.

    If there are still foreign units available at the condo complex, then you can use the court order to bid, if you so choose. You would then be liable for the auction house fees, and then pay the taxes at the land office, and sell the unit yourself.

  5. "Only a small area of the country affected by a tsunami? The 2004 tsunami caused approximately 8000 deaths and 3000 plus missing/unaccounted for. A little bit insensitive I feel."

    I do not mean to appear insensitive to the deaths and sufferings of the many thousands who were affected by the tsunami of 2004.

    And, this was the tsunami of a century or longer, affected only the south-eastern coast and some islnds, and all-in-all, versus the damage that is caused by floods each and every year over a large portion of the country, for a century, tsunami damage is relatively small versus flood damage when looked at over a long time period.

  6. They should do something about the flooding (some of which is preventable) which causes great damage to large areas of the country year after year rather than giving money to agencies to put into their leaders' pockets to "prepare" for a disaster that is not likely to happen in their lifetimes, plus anything they do will simply be washed away by any tsunami of significance. And a tsunami damages only a small area of the country...

    Flooding occurs in the low parts of the country, very easy to know where flooding will occur, and to make preparations for it, not entirley mitigate its effects, but reduce them. But the only thing we know about where a tsunami will strike is on the shoreline, but where on the shore? who *&^%$# knows?

    Look at the giant areas which are damaged by the floods; give them a helping hand.

  7. You can form a company and the company can build a condominium. You can own... 34% ? of the shares. Maybe even 49%, but then the land office may ask questions, so simply take the 34%, like most companies with foreign share holders which hold property.

    The condominium may be required to have a minimum number of rooms. You can break this up into little chinotes.

    A foreigner can own any units, ground floor or 2nd floor.

    Your inlaws can be the owners of the lower rooms, and you can be the owner of the upper rooms, to a maximum of 49% of living area.

    Best of luck

  8. He may have used salicylic acid.

    I used this 10 years ago for a girl I knew, and then some friends tried it as well and were very happy with it.

    Put vaseline around the mole, and then use a a cue tip to dab a small amount of the acid onto the mole.

    Do this twice a day, more or less for a couple of days and the mole will be gone.

    Have fun

  9. Please let us know exactly what you are trying to accomplish and maybe we can be of more help.

    I apologize if I am wrong below, but this is not an uncommon reason that your question is asked.

    If you are trying to get money to a girl here and she is not a Thai citizen so she does not have an ID card or a bank account here, then open a bank account in your name in your country, and make a deposit in it. Send her the ATM card to use. This way you know how much she uses as well.

  10. Teachers do not whip students over fighting with rival schools. I really do not think that this is the answer.

    In some poorer countries, if the children do something wrong, the parents are held accountable. There is some merit to those ideas.

    This is also a police and school administration problem. School administrators of "rival" schools need to get together in front of the students of both schools and show them that there is no animosity between the administrators, nor the schools so there should also be no fighting between the students.

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  11. There is a mini-bus which leaves at








    260 baht

    Next to South Pattaya Road

    There is a little connector street (to avoid the intersection) from Sukhumvit to South Pattaya Road, next to Big C, which has this little shop on it with an A-Board outside "CAMBODIA"

    My mother took this bus the other day and was happy with it.

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