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Posts posted by eljeque

  1. Please feel free to PM me; I live in Pattaya, and can call you. If you are here I can meet you and even introduce you to my lawyer who can let you know whether or not you can go the criminal route.

    I would be very happy to help.

    If the scammer is a foreigner, I think you can at least get the police to call him in one time, and when you show the receipts from a fake company, push the foreigner to provice documents that the company really exists, plus that his company really exists, and most import, that he has a work permit to act as an interior designer.

    You are not in as bad shape as you think. It is no easy ride, but as he is a foreigner, it sounds a lot better than it did in the beginning.

    Few things in life have aged me, and building a house is one of them, not just the first builder who did the runner, but even using his lead worker to finish the project, simply looking over everything that they did was exhausting.

  2. I sued my builder and won, and collected, but it did take a while.

    I suggest that you do not do this, but instead, have your lawyer make sure that he can find a way to make it a criminal suit.

    If a builder does not finish the project, or a portion of it which he has been paid for, it is civil, not criminal.

    If you builder is given a deposit, and then just puts a few thousand baht worth of effort into the job, it is civil, not criminal.

    If on the other hand, your builder does nothing, or does not begin a portion of the contract which he has been paid for, then you can try criminal and go to the police.

    You have to show your appreciation for the policemen's efforts. $$$ from the beginning.

    The police will send the builder a total of three letters, registered, return receipt.

    If the builder does not respond to any of them, then they will arrest him. Really, they will. Simply stay in contact and always show your appreciation.

    You can use a lawyer to help with this or not. If you do, he must follow your instructions that you are going the police route, and will use the public prosecutor's office, not the civil court route.

    You will need to pay your lawyer either way, to keep him sweet, as he does not simply want to get the ball rolling for the police instead of the civil route, which is where he would earn his 25,000. So, he will need his 25,000 either way, unless you are able to convince him to research the laws for the police to show them where the builder broke a criminal law.

    After you meet the builder at the police station, then if he cannot explain his way out of it, he should post a bond of the value of the debt. Then, the papers will go up the chain of command in the police station, and then a board will review them. From there, a few months later, they will go to the public prosecutor, which will be another 6 - 10 months before it makes court.

    Please feel free to message me here.

  3. I know that the Thai Islamic Bank is easier to get loans from and does not care about the religion of the borrower.

    I think that this broker has connections to the bank and for less than his fee, can get someone at the bank to write the loan.

    If he prepares phony papers, and next year the bank looks at the papers again, and decides they are not legitimate, the bank can call the loan.

    I think it would be better to wait until your gf can rebuild her credit and then have her get a loan straight from the bank without the go between man.

    Best of luck.,

  4. On my last trip to Phnom Penh, I used a visa service from the first time, after taking care of it myself for the past few years.

    LMN Travel and Tours is located in a tailor shop next to the Paragon Hotel on the river.

    I gave my passport and $78 to Mr. Keo on Sunday evening and had my passport back on Monday evening with a double entry visa.

    The embassy was not offering double entry visas at all.


  5. Your research will need to include actually going through the process with bikes and parts being brought here and going to the Customs office and paying and paying and paying, and then registering the bikes.

    Simply reading the rules and regulations and tax rates will not give you an accurate indication of what you will really face once you actually try it.

    The vast majority of the people on this board will tell you NOT TO DO IT, AND WITH GOOD REASON.

  6. For a bit more oomph, get a 28mm Keihin PE 28 carb 1800 baht (OEM), or a cdi for around 1500 baht.


    Where can I get a higher output CDI for my Wave125, now a 150, with a better cam, larger carb and better exhaust? Or, just ask any shop for the CBR150 CDI or something similar.


  7. There is a very inexpensive open air restaurant on Soi Buakhow, nearly opposite the Katoey bar, north of Soi Diana about 200 meters on the west side, which for the price, is very good. Thre are thee open air restaurants there side by side, it is the most northern, north of the one with the buffet BBQ.

  8. "The facts speak for itself. Taksin's era was a time where the economy was at its zenith, inflation keep at bay, IMF loan paid and people were generally happy compare to last 2 years where inflation peaked and GDP was lower than most ASEAN countries. Taksin was touted as the next Mahathir and Lee Kuan Yew. Then the coup and schemers took that all away."

    Thaksin came to power at the time when all of SE Asia was coming out of the 1997 fall.

    All of SE Asia did well then; it was not due to him, but to the time at which he was in office.

    Some leaders have good timing, Reagan, Clinton, while others have bad timing, Carter, Bush 1, Obama.

    He did have some generally good ideas on improvements in rural poverty, but there was a lot of lending going on to people who had no idea it had to be repaid. The Democrats told them it was time to repay the money.

    The upcountry business lords who rake the wealth from the Isaan farmers are also Isaan people. That is what needs to be addressed, but we do not see Thaksin rallying against them. He has no problem in having 2,000 people shot, supposed drug dealers, although none went to trial, none were arrested instead of being shot, etc. And many had nothing to do with drugs, but did have disagreements with his policies.

  9. I see AF offers intensive French language classes. Maybe an instructor there could put you in touch with an attractive former student.


    ....... Thanks, I will give them a try, as well as the French clubs/groups in Pattaya. Whoops, the lady needs to be in Pattaya, I forgot to mention that.

    Do they need to be able to French kiss?????

    ..... No, not required, nor do they need to be able to make French fries or French toast.

    Thanks for your assistance.

  10. Go to the land office with your wife.

    Get a number.

    When called, show a copy of the chinote (if you have one) and the sales agreement (must have the chinote number, not simply an address) to the land office employee. Tell them you want to see the original chinote and make copies of it.

    You can get a copy of the building permit (if in Pattaya, at City Hall) or in most other cities at the Amphur's office or as another poster mentioned, at the Thesaban (Municipality Office) or they might be the same in some cities.

    After your wife reads the back of the chinote, hen you will know where you stand. Is there a registered lease or not? Who is the actual owner?

    Now look at your contract, if the actual owner did not sign the agreement, then it is, more or less fraud, as the signer has no right to sell anything.

    If there is a lease to the Farang, then that is another issue.

    If there is anything that does not seem right to you, then go to the police station and let them know that a non-owner tried to sell you property, and the police will call in the person who signed the contract. They will have to show what is going on, and or return your deposit , possibly based on not being able to get the paperwork straight, not by trying to commit fraud, which is fine, as long as you get your money back.

    People get off their asses and do the right thing when they are in a police station.

    Five years ago, I sold two houses, not yet completed, to a Thai woman who had lived in the USA for 16 years. She was nuts.

    I had completed the 800,000 deposits, and there was an additional 1.5M left for the balance.

    Prices were booming, and I sold the properties for 3.1M each. I was selling the right to complete the payments, take over the contract, and as her English was excellent, she understood everything.

    She gave me a 100,000 deposit on each house. As she did not arrange to make the final payment in 30 days, she lost out. About 4 months later, after I sold one of the houses and had transferred the other one into a company, I received a call from the police to come on in and talk about my defrauding her!!

    I went in the next day, showed all of my paperwork, and explained everything. They understood my side and allowed me to leave out the back with my passport and everything else, as the crazy woman was in the front part of the building.

    If you feel that they cannot or will not provide all of the necessary documentation to your satisfaction, file a police report and the police will call them to come in and provide documentation.

    You do not need a lawyer to do this, but if you already have one, take him along. The advantages of taking a Thai wife instead is that she will listen to you while your lawyer will always have his own agenda which may not be yours.

    Best of luck to you.

  11. I am looking for a young, attractive Thai woman with French language skills, not fluent or even really good, but enough to pass on the general idea of a summary of our 14 French language books on video, one at a time.

    If you know of anyone who might be interested, or have some good ideas where to look, please let me know.

    Thank you

  12. If you have some legal papers from court or..... try going to Immigration and getting them to check on the man's address on his TM card when he arrived, or when he changed his address, if he notified Immigration.

    Then.... no kidding, try the social networking sites, full of info, lots of people post way too much information about themselves.

    Best of luck to you

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