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Everything posted by bradiston

  1. You cannot say Khun Thai neung Khon. It's as simple as that. Khon Thai neung Khon is correct.
  2. Here's why, apparently https://thehill.com/opinion/technology/3520997-why-russia-blocked-western-social-media-but-not-youtube/
  3. My previous post amended.
  4. Just to wrap this up... If I really was in Russia, I wouldn't even have been able to write that last comment, and you preach to us about freedom of speech. Actually Google was fined $350 million and forced to move all its staff abroad as a result of Russian censorship. https://www.wsj.com/articles/how-youtube-keeps-broadcasting-inside-russias-digital-iron-curtain-11659951003
  5. Yes, neung Khon is one person. And yes, Khon Jeen is Chinese people. But one Chinese person would be Khon Jeen neung Khon. That's how classifiers work. Sunak song Tua is two dogs. Khun Jeen only makes sense if addressing somebody named Jeen.
  6. You mean RT as a Russian TV channel has gone, or as a YouTube channel? Where did, or does, the real RT reside? Is it even available in Russia? Does anybody in Russia give a flying duck about RT? I know I don't.
  7. I wonder where Lula will stand on BRICS membership?
  8. BKK to Trad also a Bangkok Airways monopoly. They own Trad airport.
  9. Sources please.
  10. No, you're wrong. If I said many mangoes, to be grammatically correct I would say look mamuang lay look. When answering the question how many kids do you have, mee look kee khon, I say I have one daughter, mee looksao nung khon. Khon is the classifier for most, but not all, humans. NB But not for priests. Khun Jeen 150 Khon makes no sense in Thai. You're mishearing Khon and Khun. Yes, you call a Thai person Khun as a mark of respect. Also, Khun Mor, Khun Kroo, doctor, teacher. Thais are generally very respectful if they don't know you that well. They'll often refer to you in the third person in a conversation eg if asking when you're leaving, a polite way in Thai would be, Khun <your name> leaving when? It's one of the things I love about Thailand. Respect for all living things - well, in an ideal Buddhist world.
  11. If somebody asked me who was there, and I answered many Chinese people, I would say Khon Jeen lay Khon. I would never use Khun with a classifier unless Khun was the classifier. Khun is, as I said, a polite form of address. As in Khun John, Khun Bill etc etc.
  12. It's a cable company in Pattaya.
  13. Try brand new Twitter or Trump's platform, what's it called, Truth for Suckers? Enjoy your freedom!
  14. Rats leaving a sinking ship? Let's hope so.
  15. Early on, I think it was Visa and MasterCard who sanctioned the Russian banks, so it became difficult to get funds. Since then I think many ways have been found to get round the sanctions.
  16. How do you calculate the 70-80%?
  17. RT is available, but not on YouTube. Just type RT into Google. You'll get their website. Why are you restricted to YouTube?
  18. Yes, I read a lot of them, but the majority were pre COVID. I also noticed every single Russian review was 1 star, total putdown. Just an observation.
  19. I love it. Doom and gloom I mean. Gloomberg was great when everything was falling down around their ears. When markets pick up again, I'm off to find my daily dose of doom thanks very much. Real depression only sets in if I watch Fux News.
  20. Slightly off topic, but you can get Al Jazeera on its mobile app. Been a fan for a while now. But of course heavy anti Israel bias, and heavily into post colonial criticisms. But so what? Refreshing! Good reception too in Pattaya on TMNT. Get Bloomberg, BBC news, Fux, AJ in English and Arabic, France 24 in English and French, DW in English and German, ABC Aussie news, Euro News, even Chinese CGTN in English, RAI, TVN, BVB, CGTN Russian, PTP (Russian), CNA, NHK etc etc.
  21. Tried searching the forum for this thinking there'd be numerous threads but found nothing. Must be a common question, I thought. I've had one dentist I'd never go back to. So any serious recommendations? It's to finish a root canal started abroad.
  22. Working without a work permit? Immediate deportation, normally, I believe.
  23. Are you serious? You're worried about some non existent Russians beating you up because your country joined the war against Russia? Very few Russians here in Pratamnak, which has a high concentration of Russian owned condo apartments. I live in one. I think they are well aware of the animosity, if not outright fury many ex pat Europeans feel about their invasion of Ukraine and are keeping an extremely profile. In my local spa there are the odd Russians, but they're treated like any other customers. I always try and initiate a conversation, same as I do with everybody. But what can you, or they say? I've met Ukrainians too. Easy to confuse the two for a non Russian speaking westerner. And most of Central Asia is Russian speaking.
  24. So Prayut only gets the VP for the 24/7 heralded APEC in Bangkok, while across the border, his chum Hun Sen gets the POTUS. Hmm. How will they spin this one out?
  25. This article must takes the prize for hot air headline of the year. Photos of Suvarnabhumi airport, an anonymous jet and some Thai airways jets, some hotel lobby with 3 or 4 people in it, a queue of 10 or so nondescript arrivals somewhere, and people picking up their bags from a carousel. Oh, but there's a report that travel agents both near and far have estimated that arrivals in December will approximately match pre COVID numbers. And not forgetting TAT in Moscow and the Russian Embassy confirming there would soon be 3 flights a day to Koh Samui. You could ONLY make this stuff up!
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