Many years ago I changed £20k at Vasu, they being the best of breed by far in those days. They provided a room with nobody in it, so you could count out your money into neat piles, unhurried and unflustered. They then entered and counted it. If it tallied, you'd bargain for a better rate, maybe a point or two up on the standard daily rate. Having agreed a rate, they delivered the agreed amount as a very large bound, shrink plastic wrapped bale of baht, in blocks of 100 x 1000 notes. ISTR it was about 1.4 million in those days, so maybe 14 blocks. Ah, the good old days, 70 THB to the £. It just remained for me to stuff said bale into backpack, actually front pack, and set off down Sukhumvit Rd. One for adrenalin junkies only! It did reach its intended destination, too.