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Everything posted by bradiston

  1. You do know it ends December 18th, right? Haha, only kidding.
  2. Estimated $1.6 billion will be gambled in Thailand on FIFAWC, about 30 times more than the cost of buying the rights! There's a moral in there somewhere. Legalise and tax gambling? Would pay for a lot!
  3. https://worldcuppass.com/watch-fifa-world-cup-in-thailand/?amp=1
  4. I never waited that long. Usually called back in a day or so. You have to fight for your rights!
  5. WiFi and phone signals don't like concrete. My tplink's on the top floor, outside, but under cover. It's wired up to 2 access points. What do you use in your phone? Are the speeds the same? BTW AIS have a shop in central mall, 3rd floor. I've never found them very helpful at all, but the AIS call centre is. They'll run checks on the number and the surrounding towers if you give them your location. Might be a hardware fault in their equipment. Call 1175 free.
  6. Just a lot of hot air. Same ASEAN, same COP27, same UN. What do any of these junkets achieve? Russia's still bombing the <deleted> out of Ukraine. The Iranian and Myanmar governments are still slaughtering their citizens. And so it goes on.
  7. You mean HM government? But you already gave them 20%!
  8. Do you really believe $28m (1 billion THB) could fix Thailand's flood/drought problems? No, it's a false argument it could be better spent elsewhere. It would take billions of $ to fix, not billions of THB. And how many would actually benefit from public works' spending of a billion THB? Maybe a project in Bangkok to create a public park. How does that benefit folk in Isaan? Or down south?
  9. Brazil 1970, the greatest football team the world ever saw.
  10. Are your speeds from SIM in modem or SIM in phone?
  11. Well, no actually, not tactics, just cheating. You don't see rugby players, NFL players, in fact players in any other sport trying it on, faking injuries, arguing with the ref, having tantrums. Footballers, I mean soccer players, in general are a nauseating bunch of massively overpaid prima donnas. Send 'em off!
  12. I use an AIS SIM both in my phone and in a Tp Link router. Same packages, unlimited at 15Mbps for a year, about 1800 THB. In Pratamnak my phone runs at between 30 and 40 Mbps. The problem with the router is, if there's a power out, the SIM has problems reconnecting. Also, the 2 locations could hardly be more different. Router on a very small island 35k offshore, phone in Pratamnak. BTW, the router offers WiFi, or wired network, so why all this talk of a hotspot? Oh, you mean when on the move with your phone as a hotspot? Unless your WiFi is encrypted, tethering isn't secure I don't think. Could be wrong on that. At home, I connect an rj45 cable between my laptop and router. Works well.
  13. Here's who's got the rights world wide https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2022_FIFA_World_Cup_broadcasting_rights But can't find who paid what. Here's what Fox and Telemundo paid https://www.thewrap.com/fox-snags-fifa-world-cup-broadcast-rights-espn-32056/ but for 2018 and 2022. Now Fox has 2026 wrapped up too.
  14. If you want a weaker cup, just use less grounds OR a different bean/roast. Watering down speaks for itself. Would you water down a single malt, a great wine, a 100 year old brandy because they were too strong? Yeah, why not, but not on an everyday basis on an industrial scale.
  15. Are we sure this wasn't a shoot for The Monk Part III?
  16. Jeremy Fisher greets Sir Isaac Newton, n'est-ce pas?
  17. Many years ago I changed £20k at Vasu, they being the best of breed by far in those days. They provided a room with nobody in it, so you could count out your money into neat piles, unhurried and unflustered. They then entered and counted it. If it tallied, you'd bargain for a better rate, maybe a point or two up on the standard daily rate. Having agreed a rate, they delivered the agreed amount as a very large bound, shrink plastic wrapped bale of baht, in blocks of 100 x 1000 notes. ISTR it was about 1.4 million in those days, so maybe 14 blocks. Ah, the good old days, 70 THB to the £. It just remained for me to stuff said bale into backpack, actually front pack, and set off down Sukhumvit Rd. One for adrenalin junkies only! It did reach its intended destination, too.
  18. It's all just watered down espresso, right? The infamous Americano for instance.
  19. For once it looks like Pattaya News got the scoop (unless you can read Thai): https://thepattayanews.com/2022/11/14/update-chonburi-high-ranking-police-officer-charged-for-swapping-suspects-with-scapegoats-in-pool-villa-shooting-case-says-big-joke/
  20. Like in Doha? Qatar? The kafala system? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kafala_system
  21. Some details about Indonesia, but precious little about Thailand. Nothing's changed. What's the point of the article? It's cheaper here? Is that news?
  22. Love the 2 guys in the background. Secret service for the square cut, and the other looking at Prayut like I've got my eye on you, mate!
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