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Everything posted by bradiston

  1. Surely eggs are on the price control list? Doesn't seem to have any effect. Guess you can charge what you want.
  2. Eggs. As the price of eggs rises, the value of the chicken rises. She can constantly replace the eggs. Difference between value and price. IMHO of course!
  3. If it ain't stiff, it ain't worth a fxxx! Slogan from a bygone era
  4. Here's a selection, FWIW: https://www.thaipbsworld.com/thailand-freezes-prices-of-46-products-for-another-year/
  5. Searched everywhere but can't find a complete list of price controlled goods and services in Thailand. I can't see the price of chicken being controlled, even though it's supposedly on the list. It's doubled in 6 months. Ditto pork. The RPI in the UK is made up of a shopping basket of supposedly typical everyday goods. Do they include dried squid/shrimps here? Fish sauce? Pla ra? Rice (surely?). Anyone got a link? I've seen the lists which start "goods such as...", but nowhere a definitive one. And can't link to BKK Post.
  6. How about they remove the little packets of seasoning and charge 5.50 or 6? Then charge 1 THB or 50 satang for them if required? Or, use your own. Or, oh just take me away...
  7. This always makes me laugh. 7 years or 140k fine. Wait, wait, I'm thinking. Err, think I'll go with the fine please guv.
  8. Because millions eat this every day. It's pretty much a staple for low incomes.
  9. TLDR: is this for real? I've had contact with this organization. They bought AA insurance brokers recently. They offer very attractive 5 year and longer savings accounts, paying 6% pa, guaranteed, with capital secured. Too good to be true? I've looked at their sites, but they're all glossy brochures. There is a list of group companies, registered in Hong Kong, Nevis, etc etc. They have a long list of personnel, in a wide variety of roles. https://www.welcometoalliance.com/ You can find the old archived thread here: Anyone have any experience with them, or their subsidiaries?
  10. Actually, we've been over this ground already. I took it up with AA. I believe the explanation was, if, in the first 6 months, you develop any of the listed conditions, you won't be covered, but whether this is for an indefinite period I've no idea. If, however, you declare a pre-existing, then the insurers will decide on the level of cover, if any. The red breaking news "quote", was taken out of its context. I believe it was put up by a broker elsewhere in Thailand as clickbait, if you like. It was poor practice.
  11. It's possible. Then the whole thing is completely fraudulent.
  12. Yes, but I'm not a surgeon or a doctor. How do I know if a tumour isn't growing somewhere inside of me? And why aren't they interested in finding out through a simple medical procedure? Seems crazy to accept that risk and the potential huge outlay for want of a simple medical test. Risk assessment is what insurance is all about. They're taking on incalculable risk with no apparent qualms.
  13. What I find slightly questionable is that, although I offered a medical, previous medical records and a blood test, they weren't interested. So having disclosed my Afib as my only known (to me) preexisting condition, they might argue in the event of a claim that I had others, even though I wasn't aware of them. I've been warned Pattaya is full of scams, but hopefully this is not one of them. I mean, enough people know about this apparently legit company now to bring derision on themselves in the event of no cover. Right??? Hmmm.
  14. https://www.area.co.th/english/area_announce/area_anpg.php?strquey=press_announcement5383.htm
  15. Of course, but the insurers are equally remiss in covering anything without requiring an inspection certificate. Oh wait, I suppose they can be bought too. Well, it's simply down to the owners then. If they refuse to acknowledge the risks then they must pay. Jail, fines and proper compensation. Too late for the poor victims though.
  16. Public liability insurance. Should of course be mandatory for all public venues and vehicles. Hard to find in Thailand. Private liability ok. I used to rent out my house. Managed to get cover eventually. Somebody trips over and breaks a leg, slips in the bathroom etc etc, in theory, I was covered. Never put to the test fortunately. Also, so as not to invalidate your cover, it forces you, if required, to look at all your safety precautions, compliance etc.
  17. You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink. Or, to paraphrase Dorothy Parker "You can lead a cop to culture, but you can't make him think." Law enforcement + pay off = catastrophe.
  18. How come they fine your friends who have Thai bike licences? What's the fine for? No helmet? Other documents?
  19. But it's not strictly speaking a Thai company. I think it best if I bow out of this thread. I'm not qualified to answer any questions regarding policies etc etc. I can only pass on my experiences.
  20. Yes, there is confusion over the wording. I checked with an agent today, and it seems if you declare pre-existing, as I did, then the insurer will set conditions eg a moratorium. If you have "nothing to declare", then if you develop a listed condition within 6 months it will be excluded, or otherwise uncovered, but I'm not sure how long for or what happens thereafter. If you develop a condition after 6 months, then you're covered. This is only my understanding to date. It doesn't constitute advice, just my point of view.
  21. No, I meant the notice in bold red? I thought I'd seen it somewhere but can't remember where. It seems to have disappeared now, and Benny says he has no knowledge of it. Sorry for the confusion.
  22. Anyway, bottom line is, I'm signed up paying on a monthly basis and can cancel any time. I know where I stand vis a vis the small print, I think. Anyone know of a 100% water tight no questions asked insurance policy open to a 72 yo with a heart condition? Not saying that's what Wrlife is, but such policies are not easily available.
  23. Thanks. I didn't want to drag you in on this but somebody asked for examples of covered treatment.
  24. One member here (see Monday on page 2), and an acquaintance I have who says he's had 1.5m THB of treatment and has been with them for 3 years. Showed me his original cover note. He has had radiation treatment at Bangkok hospital Pattaya and elsewhere.
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