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Everything posted by bradiston

  1. Update on my op. My supplier charged the earth for postage and wasn't that cheap when I compared prices. It's well worth shopping around every time you order or reorder.
  2. Why is it assumed that anal sex amongst heterosexuals is any different to that between homosexuals? Gender hardly matters, but the stigma attached to gay men is obvious. How many homophobic men will gladly have anal sex with a woman? Millions, no doubt about that. So long as they're in the giving role with a woman, it seems the homophobes happily indulge in exactly the same sexual acts as gay men, just not with other men, apparently.
  3. I'll check out AA. Thanks. Any reason for the "dubious" connotation, apart from what appears to be a very low profile?
  4. Yes, I saw a few comments on the forum, but very little on Google. I have a personal recommendation, but that's all. They have attractive policies and affordable for me. But like you say, not mentioned by any of the big brokers.
  5. I saw them advertised here on the forum and have had so far fairly positive feedback from them. But I was just wondering if any member(s) have had any dealings with them. My slight worry is, I can't find any reviews online, but that may be just because people tend to register complaints rather than praise. I'm not in any way pushing this company. Just doing a bit of due diligence. TIA.
  6. Online sources sell 3000w versions that simply replace the tap you have, and plug into a 220v socket. I've had two. The first lasted about 3 years. Not bad for Chinese import.
  7. It says "deaths from COVID-19". You're asking if that's above or below the usual number who die from COVID-19?
  8. She shouldn't be talking to the press at all, seeing as criminal charges are being brought. And as for the owner offering compensation, it would be the insurers who would more likely have to cough up, assuming the venue had public liability insurance. What's he offering? 20k THB?
  9. That wasn't Bell. Bell used to run from North bus terminal. You caught Roong Ruang. Bell is definitely not running currently.
  10. "This comes despite the fact that the disease can't be transmitted via sexual contact." Oh really? Who says? Surely this is grossly misleading. It's the main way it gets transmitted, right?
  11. Great, thanks. Am getting my daily fix now. Aaah, the relief!
  12. I went a week with no newsletter and ended up in AN rehab. Did anyone else go without from July 27th to August 2nd? It's happened before.
  13. My last TM 6 stub is still in my passport, so immigration left it there on my last exit.
  14. Came through BKK yesterday. No TM6 required.
  15. What government officials do? UK, Germany, US? I don't think so.
  16. In the Brexit vote in the UK, by 10pm on polling day with the ballots closed, it looked like the anti brexit voters had won the day. Come the actual results, turned out the opposite way. The interesting point being, I don't recall any shouts of fraud. It was a bitter blow for the anti Brexiteers, but they took it on the chin, something Trump seems incapable of doing .
  17. Indeed, Bannon has admitted it was all part of a planned strategy. The use of the staggered counting process, and the lag in counting the mostly Democrat mailed in vote, laid the foundation for the claims of fraud. Anyone still believing otherwise is as guilty of sedition as any of the main players most certainly are. https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2022/07/leaked-audio-steve-bannon-trump-2020-election-declare-victory/
  18. This is out of date. There is an update on a site that we are forbidden from linking to. The letter was recalled, if such a thing is possible.
  19. That's a big jump, Honey House on Soi 22 to South Korea. Maybe some pages fell out of the reporter's notebook?
  20. Actually your post had me thinking why is it I find this all wrong when it appears to have a lot of credibility? Anyway, it hardly matters now. I take your point, they have a great welfare system that looks after their "members", so who knows? But, as somebody else pointed out, the funding comes from the federal government, not from the military raising taxes on their personnel.
  21. I'm not American. And I'm not anti American, which I see more and more amongst friends and acquaintances. Socialism has long been a dirty word for many even in my home country, which used to be part of Europe. In the States, and elsewhere, it seems conflated with communism or some form of state control which they are programmed to violently resist, deeming it an infringement of their "liberty". Well, that's another story. Your assertion that the US military was a socialist institution just struck me as too incongruous to go unchallenged, and I haven't changed my mind. Socialism is, or was, an ideal that people have given their lives to strive for, have been imprisoned, tortured and murdered for, and one that the US government and hence military, has historically been involved in actively destroying. That's all.
  22. Name one large corporation that doesn't have at least one of your acid test of a socialist system in place. Large organizations all offer rewards and benefits, in order to attract potential employees. The fact that those benefits seem to resemble what you consider identifies a socialist regime hardly marks them out as socialist organizations. But as for the military, their internal hierarchical structure, essential to their effective operation, is far from any socialist ideal. If it wasn't, why don't all would be socialists enroll? They've nothing to lose but their lives. I know very few US army personnel so I don't know how it all works. Maybe it does, maybe it doesn't. But do they really perceive the US military as some sort of socialist utopia?
  23. You haven't listed anything to support your absurd allegation that the US army is socialist. You fit an aspect of the army into your assumptions about socialism. And your patronising nonsense about not being able to help me blah blah blah. Classic deflection. Your assumptions are leading you up a completely blind alley.
  24. The American military taking care of it's own doesn't make it socialist. What an absurd notion. There has never been and probably never will be a socialist government in the USA. Socialism is a political doctrine. And what has the Australian government got to do with all this?
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