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Everything posted by garzhe

  1. Zelensky is always seen in military attire to show solidarity with his troops, many of whom are crawling through cold, muddy trenches, risking their lives. He is respected by his military, far more than if he were prancing around dressed like some dandy as we see in the US. All respect to him. His February approval rating in Ukraine was 63%, far more than Trumps by the American people who must be disgusted and embarrassed after seeing this debacle with Putin's puppet in the white house.
  2. Z Zelensky came to negotiate a deal. However, the offer he received was essentially, "Give us your resources for all eternity, and we'll discuss security later." It's good that he walked away from these two morons. He entered negotiations to stop the war with a degenerate president, who didn’t even know how or when the war started and has been parroting Kremlin propaganda since he came to office. Zelensky's only mistake was attending the meeting without an interpreter, making himself vulnerable and unable to respond effectively. These two must be an embarrassment to the American people.
  3. I don't think she would be throwing Ukraine under the bus and making ridiculous claims.
  4. There are many unfounded claims and conspiracy theories but official audits from different sources have not confirmed widespread misappropriation of any aid to Ukraine. The Ukrainian government, in collaboration with international partners, implements measures to enhance transparency and combat corruption.
  5. Zelensky’s Actions That Provoked Trump. Wrong title. Should be Trumps actions that provoked Zelensky
  6. Here we go again ! Next, bring back the TM-30, back to immigration every time you leave your house for 24 hours.
  7. Not what I was told when I visited the tax office. I asked if I needed to register and was told to bring in my statements and they would let me know whether I needed to register or not and if any tax would be due. I know there is no tax to pay so have not bothered.
  8. Thailand does have emission testing with the annual testing to tax your vehicle required on 5 year old vehicles I believe. All these old smoke belching vehicles appear to have been taxed however. Go figure!
  9. Its not a prison its an immigration detention center. They have the same in the airport, bang up people who they don't want to let in until someone gets them a ticket to fly out.
  10. "Chief Weerakit Manarojkit convened an urgent meeting yesterday" More meetings and more assaults, nothing will ever change as long as the police don't do their job.
  11. A Meeting but no member from Cambodia, Laos or Myanmar where much of the burning takes place and affects Thailand.
  12. Any imported foods that Thais don't eat or drink carry high import duties. For instance, a bottle of scotch whiskey costs less than a mediocre bottle of wine, as generally Thais don't drink wine but are big whiskey drinkers, nor do many eat baked beans..If you want to eat and drink western style in Thailand, expect to pay high prices.
  13. Foreigners purchasing units in the additional 26% will have no voting rights, ensuring they can only use the properties for personal residence Sounds like this is from the Hotel lobby, cant rent out and can only use for your personal use.
  14. Thailand already has dual taxation agreements with 60 countries. These agreements differ in their scope and specifics. How Thai Tax authorities can deal with this remains to be seen. Australia Austria Bahrain Bangladesh Belarus Belgium Bulgaria Canada Chile China Cyprus Czech Republic Denmark Estonia Finland France Germany Hong Kong Hungary Iceland India Indonesia Ireland Israel Italy Japan Korea Kuwait Lao Luxembourg Malaysia Mauritius Myanmar Nepal Netherlands New Zealand Norway Oman Pakistan Philippines Poland Portugal Qatar Romania Russia Seychelles Singapore Slovenia South Africa Spain Sri Lanka Sweden Switzerland Turkey Ukraine United Arab Emirates United Kingdom United States (limited treaty) Uzbekistan Vietnam
  15. Except that Thailand joined the CRS last year (common Reporting Standard)
  16. "However, assessing the tax on each individually boxed item is a daunting task for customs officers, opening the need to devise effective methods of tax collection on low-cost goods" Like many other Ideas, are they competent to implement it?
  17. They have been going to do this for 20 years. I'm not holding my breath. So easy to resolve. Do as Ive seen elsewhere. All Taxis must carry a notice on their dashboards saying "NO METER NO CHARGE" with a phone number to report the driver.
  18. If it was booked through booking.com they would know what was paid and by whom. If it wasn't why would they pay. Dont believe this story.
  19. Nothing wrong with booking.com. The hotel exists and has a room price starting at 1000 baht per night. something wrong with this story, says he booked 59 nights for 13,000 baht
  20. Read earlier posts. The hotel is available on Booking.com at 1000 baht per night, yet this Guy says he paid 229 baht per night. Something wrong with this story.
  21. I first thought this was some sort of scam but the accommodation exists on Booking.com so he must have seen what he was getting when he booked. At 13,000 baht for 59 days that's 229 baht per night or $6.20 or 4.95 GBP. You have to ask just what he was expecting for this price, 5 star hotel? The booking.com website shows the cheapest room at 1000 baht per night. That would be 59,000 for 59 nights. Seems something wrong with this story. I can't believe they discounted it to 13,000 for a long stay.
  22. Thailand is party to the CRS, they made their first report last year
  23. The US is not a party to the CRS
  24. Maybe he has never seen inside a Thai Jail, thinks it's like a Swiss jail
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