No mention of what's happened to the money. Under the CRS rules, I believe it can be held until a satisfactory explanation of where it came from is given.
With China declaring itself in a partnership with Russia and its president having no contact with Ukraine since the beginning of the war can anyone expect this so-called peace plan to be anything more than an offer for Ukraine to surrender?
With China declaring itself in a partnership with Russia and its president having no contact with Ukraine since the beginning of the war can anyone expect this so-called peace plan to be anything more than an offer for Ukraine to surrender?
Unless they already received draft papers they are unlikely to be arrested on return. 50k baht a year will get them an ED visa extended every 3 months.
So simple to resolve. The rental companies should be heavily fined for renting without checking the license as happens in most countries but that wont happen. Most will want to see your passport but not interested if you have a license. As usual punish the victim unless of course he is Thai.
Taxi Scams Remain Top Complaint Among Foreign Tourists in Thailand
So easy to resolve if the Gov wanted to. Like elsewhere I've seen, all Taxis need to display in the car sign "No Meter No Charge" Best use Grab or Bolt.
The police officer in the meantime continues with his investigation. He searches through the personal possessions to establish an ID of the individual. He secures the veteran’s possessions and takes them to the police station to begin his task.
Hmmm !