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Posts posted by KOZMO

  1. With all the crap happening in southern Thailand, those protesting should protest down their. I prefer Thailand when the military controlled it. Sure their was corruption but nothing on the scale of Thailand today. Also the military would not allow all this B/S by redshirts or anybody else. In 40 years thailand has declined, not improved at all!!! I have been in and out of Thailand since 1970, when i was stationed at UBON R.T.A.F.B. I cannot believe that the big shots now want to compare Bangkok with Singapore, no comparison and will never happen, period. Nice to visit, but only for my wife's medical reasons. Time to build a new capital for Thailand! Lot's of rambling, but just my 2 cents.

  2. The problem with these stories is that people speculate without knowledge of all of the facts. Questions that should be asked are along the lines of;

    -financial status of the deceased

    -did the deceased have a terminal or chronic health condition

    -had the deceased indicated depression

    - had the deceased been involved in a life changing dispute, e.g. domestic spat

    Due to Thailand attracting a higher concentration of foreigners that are either mentally disturbed or physically impaired, or financially limited, it is to be expected that there will be a related higher incidence of suicide. I am sorry to say that a great many of the deaths people question really are indeed suicides. Due to privacy issues and poor reporting methods, full details are often not released. After all, how would you feel if you read that your dad that had a mysterious fall off a balcony had serious financial issues combined with a chronic health condition topped up by alcoholism?

    So you have to be insane to want to come to Thailand?violin.gif
  3. And just the other day some bigwig from Starwood was saying that Thai hotels in the high-end sector should raise their rates by 20% to be on a par with HK and Singapore. Ridiculous comment given the overheads of those two destinations vis a vis Thailand. Will the staff on the floor see a % of that? Doubtful. And Thailand isn't cheap anymore as others have said. If Thailand starts to get serious about the mafia taxi, tour guides, jet-ski and tuk-tuk scams, then maybe it can call itself a quality destination but I might as well p**s into the wind.

    plus a big one

    It is wishful tinkering with the truth. Can he really compare Singapore with a backward country like this one? Soi dogs all over (symptom of urban decay), motorcycles roaming freely on the sidewalks endangering the lives of pedestrians. Add to that the perennially scummy buses that only get washed when it rains and before Songkran, and few of them with signs in English. Not only in Bangkok but in many cities where trash is either jogged over a fence or placed in plastic bags on the sidewalk only to have the soi dogs rummage through them and spread the rubbish all over. A country that gives little importance to the safety and protection of tourists: Poisoning, electrocutions, victims of scams, etc. Is this a country at a par with Singapore and Hong Kong? There are many more examples about this country that has an overinflated ego and pretends to be today what decades ago could have been: another Singapore. Not today. Thailand is a superficially modern country with the head in the year 1,000.

    I agree fully with your statement. Thailand can never equate itself to Hong Kong and Singapore. i have been visiting and living in these 3 places since 1970 Both Hong Kong and Singapore have built a country that is on par with it's costs. Unfortunately, thailand hasen't made the grade. With the slums mixing with the elite, there can be no praise for what has happened to Thailand in the last 40 years. It is just a hollow cover for the crap underneath that has never changed. I guess if you drink all day and night you probably wouldn't know the difference. I do not live here and i would not! Especially now!!! Take an impressive vacation to Hong Kong or Singapore; come to Thailand if you want to get drunk day and night or be an old fat fart with a 4 year educated bumpkin from the sticks to be so proud of.;)

  4. I rather let all others murderers and rapist in Thailand walk free than to see this man return to Thailand.

    After all those money he stole from us Thais.

    OK, I understand, BUT... maybe you will enlighten us which former PM or other politican hasnt steel any money from Thaipeople?

    What hast changed in the years with Khun Abhisit? are there free shools? Free health care for Thais? (visit an Emergency room at 2 o clock in the morning, where 1 24year old woman doc is playing with her telephone instead taking care for the 30 (Phuket) older and younger patients waiting for a doc )

    We all know Khun Thaksin is not the best solution for Thailand but he is by far not the worst!

    He is the worst thing to happen to Thailand!!! No one comes close to what he has done to the thai people. I would prefer a military dictatorship to Thaksin anyday!!! :realangry:

  5. Well, then let's move it!

    Let's move it all, the subaway, the skytrain, just everything... out of there and then let it all flood!

    Can't believe the stuff I am reading here!

    Is there any, any of the infrastructur, that is found in inner bangkok, out there in the flooded plains?

    What makes my mind boggle is the sheer amount of the floods, how and where did it accumulate?

    Just accumulated from rainfall?

    It makes my mind boggle... :blink: how could all this massive amount of water have accumulated woithout beeing somehow noticed.

    Because the powers to be were too concerned the first month about taksin's passport, visa, re-entry to notice the north of thailand was being flooded!!!:blink:

  6. Unfortunately, those pictures are making their way into the foreign press with headlines like "Bangkok Airport Flooded," scaring off thousands more tourists into canceling their plans to come to Thailand.

    "Bangkok Airport Flooded" is correct. Don Mueang Airport is the ONLY airport in BANGKOK. This is a fact.

    All other airports are OUTSIDE Bangkok.

    Techically correct but ask the vast majority of tourists where they are flying to as they jet into swampy and they will invariably say Bangkok.

    Geographically correct but not technically, the IATA location code BKK is for both the city of Krung Thep and the Suvarnabhumi airport jap.gif

    Don Mueang is DMK...

    Technically now Don mueang is DMK. Since i flew into it in 1970 and up until the new airport was opened it's IATA was BKK. Air Force Vet.;)

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