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Posts posted by KOZMO

  1. This targets bars, pubs, nightclubs and other "entertainment venues" in Bangkok. So, what about all the Thai restaurants/karaoke places that are rarely seen by tourists/foreigners and stay open until sun up? Business as usual???

    The Karaoke clubs in Korat are open 24 Hours a day, not much singing going on!!!! w00t.gif

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  2. No time for rest, there is much for this lady, the face of democracy in Thailand to do:

    1, Defeat the flailing coup attempt

    2, win a crushing victory in the ensuing election

    3, Round up and lock up the street thugs who caused this mess

    4, Round up and lock up the behind the scenes string pullers and financiers who masterminded this mess

    5, Clean out the corrupted public officials who have destroyed the independence of the courts, the military and the NGO's - lock them up too

    6, Preside over a new referendum to fix the damage done to the 1997 constitution

    7, And finally, return to doing the peoples work by implementing PTP policy that has and will continue to improve the lives of everyday Thais

    You go get'em girl!

    You better stay away from the Ya Bah!!!!! and Meth!!!!

  3. lucky thailand still has expats living here dumping money into this country even tho they are made to jump thru hoops

    Time for the expats to move!!!! Only an idiot would continue to stay in a country where you are treated like dirt!!! They only want your money to support their families and they are just hoping you die soon. Sad but true! sad.png

  4. Once again we see the true colours of the reds, they are the violent thugs and will kill anyone who op[poses them, even peacefull protesters. This is directly on yingluck and she is now responsible for this death. Comeon all you red lovers, start bragging how great you are now .

    Please let me remind you once again. It was not Yingluck that started this problem, but his excellency the mouth from the south. So this death has to be directly his responsibility. If he had not started this problem, that man would still be alive and waiting for the next election whilst the Elected government would be getting on with running the country as they were popularly elected by a large majority to do.

    It sure as hell was Yingluck who started this mess!!!! If she had not sneaked thru the AMNEASTY BILL, all this would have not started. She would have already been in jail or ran away from Thailand to escape her corruptible Rice Scheme.

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  5. "The current situation is like (we) are waiting for a coup as the army has clearly stated that they will intervene if any violence occurs," said the UDD leader.

    So by demonstrating ourselves we will hurry this along and make sure violence will occur


    Rubbish! The UDD and associated Red Shirts are peace loving citizens anxious to avoid confrontation with the vicious, yellow thugs led by Suthep.whistling.gif

    Boy!!!!! You sure are a dreamer!!!! Red shirts were very peaceful in Bangkok last time, right???? No burning malls, throwing people out of hospitals, shooting guns and throwing both grenades and molotov cocktails. Very peace loving!!!!! cheesy.gif

  6. This is the beginning of the end of the army's influence in Thailand. They are blatantly taking sides with the elite and a minority, undermining democratic rights and supporting an UNPOPULAR shutdown in Bkk. It is a huge mistake. In ten years from now, the thai army will not be a factor in thai politics anymore. They have already undermined their god like status, by showing utter and total incompetence in handling the situation in the south where a few untrained armed Muslim amateurs are destroying a "professional" army. Likewise, within ten years from now, the south will break out of Thailand....and who knows if Isaan and Lanna will do the same. It is really sad. The army could have been a catalyst for positive change, but instead they chose to widen the divide.

    You are so wrong!!!! The military will always be a big part of Thai politics. They have been so since my first encounter with Thailand during the Viet Nam War, back in 1970. How do you think Thailand has lasted so long without a civil war???? The Army is their to make sure it does not happen and so far, they have stepped in when needed and no civil war yet!!! w00t.gif

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  7. very simply the police are controlled by Thaksin, period!!! The army must do the best to prevent anymore blood shed and that includes getting rid of Yingluck and her lackies. The sooner it is done the better for all of Thailand!!!! Let Yingluck try to run to Dubai, hopefully she will be imprisoned because of her involment in the rice scheme. She does not deserve to be called Prime Minister of Thailand. cheesy.gif

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  8. First question, how long have you known her online? Second is your age and her age?? It doesn't sound too good for you already. the age thing well that can be a giveaway or not. I met my wife in America, she was on a government visa and it took 6 months just to get her to talk to me. No mention about marriage, dowry, etc. We have been married for 40 years and she has always worked and helped us raise our family. At one point she was general manager of a small germent manufacturer in florida and made more than me. I had previously spent 2 years in Thailand in the USAF. I did not even consider marrying to a thai back then. I was 20 and no AIDS IN THAILAND. I hope you decide fast before they ask for more. She said she loves you? In the AIR FORCE back then, I had a saying when I would come into work. I'm in love for the first time-----------TODAY. Many of my friends would tell me the famous, but she is different. I hope you find out the truth about her. Good luck to you.

  9. Where is the prime minister? What does she have to say in response to this latest plan by the protesters? Why isn't she in Bangkok overseeing the crisis?

    Hiding in Chaing Mai, or going to hua hin or anyplace except Bangkok. She is no prime minister and has always disappeared when something big happens in Bangkok. She does not know how to over see what she will wear let alone oversee the government or any crisis that comes along. I hought Obummer was useless but she even makes him look good!!! Since she has not fulfilled her obligation as prime minister she should just step down and no difference would be noted. whistling.gif

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  10. Great!..A Coup!...this will really place a lot of confidence with the rest of the world.

    Better than what is going on now. Yingluck will not step down, which would take some of the pressure off of this crap. She promised to earlier after sneaking thru the AMNESTY BILL. Thaksin is just hoping the AMNESTY BILL will be voted on soon enough so he can sneak in and get more money and control of the Thai people. This is a no win solution, so a Coup is the best bet for now!!!! thumbsup.gif

  11. It is apparent the Election Commission (EC) is intimidated by the hardline tactics of Suthep. Certainly, they would prefer a proper election atmosphere for the country. While postponing the elections might temporarily appease Suthep – such an action by the EC might elicit a negative reaction from the disenfranchised.

    Oh! You mean Thaksin and the RED shirts and the puppet herself, Yingluck???????????w00t.gif

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