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Posts posted by cooked

  1. The video is in English. However it is full of statistical mathematics that I doubt many of us will understand much. I did the maths a long time ago but am not willing (or able) to sit down for 6 hours and work out what the guy is talking about. I know that he has some valid points to make but it doesn't change the fact that we are approaching a catastrophe. e can't do anything about it, no amount of collecting aluminium and waste paper is going to make an impact.

    I long gave up worrying about this stuff. I worry more about getting brewer's droop.

  2. In Bangkok people assume an ambulance has its lights on because he wants to get home for tea in time.

    In Isaan, certainly not every ambulance has its light flashing. Two days ago a Honda Civic came up behind me and flashed his lights repeatedly to move over although he could see that the other lane was packed with motorcycles. I did so as soon as I could. Comes an ambulance with lights going, I let him go by and he gets stuck behind the Civic who ignores his presence completely.

  3. I was a lawn specialist and did as much as I could distributing fertiliser by hand. These things will either: overlap, thus burning the lawn, or underlap, leaving yellow stripes down the middle of the lawn. I did have an expensive piece of stuff for large areas. Up to you if you think you can't get along without one, but I recommend measuring out the amount needed for your lawn and, starting with one half of the fertiliser, go one way, then going at right angles to this with rest. You will soon find out how to do it. Don't do it like the Thais, they just throw it, I am sure you can find something on You tube to show you. Flick left and right.

    • Like 1
  4. This is probably the scariest attitude I've come across on TV.

    But what he is saying is true though. If a girl consents to you having sex with her then it's not rape is it?

    If she consents and then later things are getting a bit out of hand or she changes her mind and tells you to stop / no (therefore no longer consenting) and you continue anyway then that becomes rape.

    Most 'normal' males will stop when requested to do so by the lady, even when they are starting to come to an orgasm.

    • Like 1
  5. I met with a lot of resistance from the family when I suggested home schooling so now I drive 400Km a week driving our 7 year old to school and back. So she teaches me Thai, I teach her English. You also meet up with resistance from school teachers (Farangs mainly, who claim truth to the myth that the child will grow up antisocial. I grew up antisocial and I went through the state school system. You can google this))




    Many of the sites out there are run out there are run by religious nuts who want to prevent their kids meeting up with other points of view than theirs.

    • Like 1
  6. In relation to the airplane accident, some of you might be interested in the following news item: http://jansaviation.com/news.php?art=crash-landing-in-bangkok

    Nothing about nose wheel failing.

    Yes, that is interesting and completely contrary to everything Thai air has said. Sounds like a very rough landing. It says the right wing touched the runway, but did't say if that was before or after the right main tires blew. Also doesn't say anything about collapsed landing gear.

    Can't believe a word Thais say.

    No, no one with a brain will be interested in that story. Can't believe a word they say eh? Yet you both believe an article dated Sep 8 from Jansaviation.com.

    cheesy.gif Laurel and Hardy go to Thailand.

    eh? Jansaviation is highly respected, unlike Thai Airlines

  7. I am also a bit worried about the health insurance issue, I have Int. health insurance now but I am only 51 so not too expensive yet but it goes up and up the older you are getting.

    I am considering when retiring at about 65 years of age to move my address back to Denmark and thus get covered from there from the free public system (which off-course will not pay anything for treatment in Thailand).

    So if I get cancer I will have to go back to DK and get treatment for free.

    Is it possible to have a health insurance issued by the Thai Government and thus be covered for treatment on public hospitals?

    Maybe have an accident insurance too? They are not that expensive.

    Health insurance inevitably becomes more expensive with advancing age. The bills get bigger and there may well be more of them. You have the choice between insurance and self-funding.

    You, as you say, can return home but you may be there for quite a ling time. Are you prepared to give up what you have here for many months?

    An airline may not be ready to transport a visibly ill person on a long trip. I think there is a repatriation assurance available, but most of these are connected with travel insurance. Is it legal for you to maintain an address in Denmark? I am thinking of doing the same thing v v Switzerland but am a bit nervous about not answering official communications that land in my letter box. I also wonder how I would manage getting a visa for my wife when I am ill as well as who would look after my family here.

    My gripe with these insurances is that they charge more for old people than for young ones; some solidarity between age groups, meaning that you pay the same premiums throughout your life.

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