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Posts posted by cooked

  1. Just think about landing at an airport. Very few people remain seated until the doors are open. I stay sat and get on the bus last, meaning I get off first. Most of you do it.

    Mind you I have (in Europe) scraped my working boot down somebody's shin on to their foot, but never mind. In Switzerland I got up for a lady that obviously had Parkinson's, the lad that grabbed the seat got yanked. ... I mean, this isn't uniquely a Thai problem.

  2. That Korat Save One Night Market "pet shops" are not a pleasant sight for Farang pet owners. Have you asked at the pet shops in Buriram near the Train Station? The Vet located between the large Maxxis Tire Shop and Big C might have valid leads. He owns a poodle. The excellent Vet who works nights at his clinic across the street from the original Siri Electronics Shop (down from the main branch of Bangkok Bank) has several flyers for dogs on his clinic walls and he is very aware of poodles. He also owns a poodle. A Thai speaker will obtain better answers from those two vets than a person who is not a native Thai speaker. The front desk staff at the vet clinics might NOT be able to answer your questions, but the male vet in each respective clinic is worth speaking to about a new poodle. There are better reasons to drive to Korat than sad pet stalls.

    I didn't know about the first vet you mention, I will look out for it this morning.

  3. That Korat Save One Night Market "pet shops" are not a pleasant sight for Farang pet owners. Have you asked at the pet shops in Buriram near the Train Station? The Vet located between the large Maxxis Tire Shop and Big C might have valid leads. He owns a poodle. The excellent Vet who works nights at his clinic across the street from the original Siri Electronics Shop (down from the main branch of Bangkok Bank) has several flyers for dogs on his clinic walls and he is very aware of poodles. He also owns a poodle. A Thai speaker will obtain better answers from those two vets than a person who is not a native Thai speaker. The front desk staff at the vet clinics might NOT be able to answer your questions, but the male vet in each respective clinic is worth speaking to about a new poodle. There are better reasons to drive to Korat than sad pet stalls.

    Thanks! We tried these two places already. I am beginning to think that breeders cull out the mals so that they get a higher price.

  4. We have a middle sized poodle who is we should like to have a litter some time. Very troublesome keeping off the local dogs when she is in heat. So we thought to find a puppy that could later mate.

    We asked all over the place here in Buriram, no success. Thanks.

  5. There is a big nightmarket (7 days) on the road to Saraburi close to the Bangkok Bank. They have a big pet market there. Maybe it is this you have heard about. You might also get advice where you can find a breeder if they don't have what you are looking for.

    Sounds like it, thanks.
  6. You can try marinading them for 24 hours, only helps to a degree. Or after killing the cow you coulds hang the carcass in a freezer for at least two weeks, that's just one of the things that's wrong with Thai beef.

    scallops are not derived from a killed cow but from grain fed saltwater crocodiles whistling.gif

    Ok, ok! I ate 'escalope de veau' many times in Switzerland, meaning veal cutlet. That's why I screwed up.

  7. You can try marinading them for 24 hours, only helps to a degree. Or after killing the cow you coulds hang the carcass in a freezer for at least two weeks, that's just one of the things that's wrong with Thai beef.

    Shame we are not talking about beef, but rather seafood.

    Ah yes, sorry, slight linguistic problem there.

  8. Can anybody explain how the financial requirements for the marriage extension (฿40 000.-/month or ฿400 000.- in the bank) and the requirements for the retirement extension (฿65 000.- / ฿800 000.- or combination) were arrived at? I saw someone suggest that the ฿800 000.- was what might be required as a measure of self insurance. So following this logic, married people will be looked after at home and cared for by their wife? So why should married people need less to live on? Badly formed question, maybe I'm asking the wrong question...

  9. Nobody is asking you to go to bed with them. Eye contact, maybe a nod, that's enough. Deliberately looking at the pavement or a pile of dog turd instead of looking people in the eye like a human being (I look most people in the eye, even girls when my wife's not looking). Big cities are different of course, but in a small town you are, sooner or later, going to get to know who everybody is and wonder why people that are very active on internet forums can't even acknowledge your existence.

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