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Felix Lynn

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Posts posted by Felix Lynn

  1. Planning. Is there a Thai word for that? It struck as odd construction work on the airport would happen dead in the middle of high season. I guess it's vital work. They are also saying that nearby highway and street traffic will also be impacted, meaning congestion, due to the construction.

  2. On the best of Thailand Today,

    Are there too many beautiful, available women in Thailand to settle on just one, for the rest of your life?

    Thai Buddhism comes face to face with the emerging consumer culture as Buddhist Solace Corners open in shopping malls in Bangkok. I’ll challenge our resident expert Dr. Jim Wellington to explain the pros and cons of the move. Is this out-reach a new form of evangelism or a humble olive branch?

    Gekko’s, what are they and should they live or die?

    And a proud Thai English daily misleads it’s readers into concluding there are thousands of one hundred year old people living in Bangkok.

    On the best of Thailand Today, Sunday at 9am and 9pm only on http://www.radiobangkok.net Hot in the city!

  3. On the next Thailand Today,

    What do I love about Thai drivers? You know it’s not all bad on the roads around here.

    Medical advances taken to a practical level right here in Thailand, as a famous American singer receives stem cell therapy.

    One report, two stories: We’ll compare how the two English language news papers in Thailand reviewed the same economic report.

    All that and how diet pills are a major indicator that Thailand is growing not just fat, but growing up and into the family of civilized nations…on the next Thailand Today, each Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at 1pm, 9pm and 5am, only on http://www.radiobangkok.net Hot in the city…

    And this quick reminder, Radio Bangkok reaches more than a hundred fifty thousand listeners a month. If you or your company would like to sponsor Thailand Today or any of our shows on Radio Bangkok, go RadioBangkok.net or email us a [email protected]...

  4. Thai Buddhism comes face to face with the emerging consumer culture as Buddhist Solace Corners open in shopping malls in Bangkok. I’ll challenge our resident expert Dr. Jim Wellington to explain the pros and cons of the move. Is this out-reach a new form of evangelism or a humble olive branch?

    Also, is it your responsibility to know what the Thai sign says or is it the Thais responsibility to write them in your language?

    Illegal street racing claims a victim, as a young police volunteer gets gunned down by a gang of motorcycle racers.

    And a proud Thai English daily misleads it’s readers into concluding there are thousands of one hundred year old people living in Bangkok.

    On the next Thailand Today, each Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 1pm, 9pm and 5am only on http://www.radiobangkok.net Hot in the city!

    And this quick reminder, Radio Bangkok reaches more than a hundred fifty thousand listeners a month. If you or your company would like to sponsor Thailand Today or any of our shows on Radio Bangkok, go RadioBangkok.net or email us a [email protected]...

  5. On the next Thailand Today,

    Questions, questions, questions…

    Are there too many beautiful, available women in Thailand to settle on just one, for the rest of your life?

    Gekko’s, what are they and should they live or die?

    Where can you rant and rave, anonymously, and actually be heard – Message forum boards…which Thai based forum board is for you?

    And just what do you look for when house hunting in Thailand?

    On the next Thailand Today, broadcasting Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 5am, 1pm, and 9pm, only on http://radiobangkok.net …Hot In The City!

  6. On the next Thailand Today,

    Do a bad job, get a good job…or how to get rewarded for failing in the Land of Smiles

    Senior crime reporters back a police plan to stop the suspect press parade

    And is it a news story or a press release? A shabbily written story in The Nation has one humble radio host scratching his head and wondering where are the editors?

    All that and some tips for the new kids on the block, on the next Thailand Today, each weekday at 3pm, 9pm, 3am, and 9am only on http://www.radiobangkok.net

  7. my 2 cents...

    I think most people criticize when they are frustrated about something.

    it is normal for people from other countries to criticize things in a country that is not their home.  everything is new to them, and they get frustrated.

    when I first started traveling the world back in 1979, I recall myself criticizing things whereever I went whether it was the uk, china, italy, etc.

    as I got older and more accustomed to traveling, I learned to be more tolerant and understanding of things in the world.

    I think one of the most important things I have learned over the years is that the more time you spend being unhappy, the less time you have being happy.

    at age 52, I calculate I may have only about 20 years to live.  and of those 20 years, about 7 years is asleep leaving only 13 years of active living.

    only 13 years left..

    am I going to spend most of that valuable time complaining about the world????

    no way, jose.

    ... to happy memories.

    I like this guy! :o

  8. On the next Thailand Today,

    Your humble host proclaims “Free Speech Lives In Thailand,” as I defend my right to say the S-E-X word.

    Domestic violence increases in Thailand but it’s not all bad news…you’ll find out why on today’s show.

    And, are anti-smoking campaigns a waste of government money?

    All that and a listener defends his right NOT to tip to improve service, on the next Thailand Today, each weekday at 3pm, 9pm, 3am, and 9am, only on http://www.radiobangkok.net

  9. cv, you bring up some good points and good topic suggestions for future shows.

    However, its my contention that having the world "sex" in a headline does not make it sensational. The "Land Of Sex" phrase is obviously a play on the "Land Of Smiles" moniker that Thailand has. Thailand is also a notorious destination for those from far off lands looking for sex. But let's be honest, 99% of prostitution is conducted between Thais. It is an accepted form of recreational activity that although is illegal is not enforced nor prosecuted. If more nations took the Thai attitude about sex and prostitution there might be less abberrent forms of nurosis. (sp? forgive me.)

    To suggest that I'm insulting someone because I use the word sex, talk about sex or cover news that relates to sex, is stupid and rather indignant. Somebody has an ax to grind and I welcome the exchange. Too bad we are not live and ready for callers and you and others could call and put forth your opinions. It will get there.

    You also have to understand the limitations of my production. I don't have a team of producers helping me scourer the Kingdom searching for stories. We are just emerging as a commerical stations with limited resources. I have a mike, a computer and a voice. I do interviews when I can. I tell stories and I regurgetate the news with, hopefully, a fresh take on it. I try to give a peice of Thailand in a way that you can't get anywhere else.

    The talk radio thing for foreigners here is new. Radio Bangkok is the only place you can find an English speaking foreigner talking about Thailand on a regular basis.

    What is annoying is people, unlike you, that attack before investigation. Again, for someone to blow up over one headline, or one topic, AND NOT EVEN HAVE LISTENED TO THE SHOW, is not worthy of responding to...(He said following his tenth paragraph... :o )

    I enjoy reading all respones and I hope that one day the entire exchange can be carried live. I think foreigners here would appreciate that kind of medium.

    But rest assured, there will be more sex talk on Thailand Today...not everyday, but it will be there. If you don't like it. Don't listen. But when a massage parlor attempts to open across from a school, I will pass the info along and comment on it. People want to hear about that.

    Folks need to lighten up a little. I'm only talking, trying to have some fun and present a little of Thailand.

    BTW, you saw how much attention my rant on fried bananas got today...NONE! :D

  10. My point is, the sex industry holds absolutely no "allure" for me at all, and therefore a radio program that seems to feature it on a regular basis wouldn't appeal to me, or many other "settled" farang.

    You sound like you're an informed, reasonable, educated gentleman, however relentless. How come you're not demonstrating it in this case. You're spending a lot of time attacking a show you have never heard. My god the word sex was mentioned once in the headline and you are going over the edge.

    Listen to the show for two weeks and I may listen to your rants.

  11. No sex in today's show...and no interest.  :D


    I think your point has been made Felix :D

    Maybe if your titles went something like:-

    "Taking criminals out of crime stories, as the police and the press do battle over access to criminals and their victims of SEX.

    Curbside baht battles in the Land of Smiles or how to not get ripped off when buying a slice of action with a BG haggling with a watermelon.

    And searching for the best glui thod in Thailand…one man’s obsession with his favorite street food, fried bananas. And how he uses them as SEX aids"

    Maybe with these titles, you would have had the same lot posting as yesterday :o:D

    Thanks for the tip! :D

    The tip is especially appropriate for all those posters who don't want to hear about sex, yet can't shut up about it. :D

    Thanks indeed. I'll go to work on it right away.

    Don't forget to tune in at 3pm, 9pm, 3am, 9am http://www.radiobangkok.net

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