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Felix Lynn

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Posts posted by Felix Lynn

  1. On the next Thailand Today,

    Can Thais drive drunk? The holiday driving crackdown has begun but it remains socially acceptable to drive drunk in the land of smiles and impolite to try and talk a drunk out of getting behind the wheel.

    More than three thousand children die each year due to unsafe in environments. Calls for improvements bring so much more good news to all residents of Thailand than just a safer world.

    And how to get everything you ever wanted from a Thai bureaucrat.

    On the next Thailand Today, each Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at 5am, 1pm and 9pm, only on http://www.radiobangkok.net Hot in the city!

    This quick note, please visit our website and take our Radio Bangkok survey. It takes only a couple of minutes. Also, Radio Bangkok reaches 150,000 listeners a month and if you or your company would like to sponsor Thailand Today or any of our shows, visit our website or email us at [email protected]

  2. You know what...? I'm sorry, but I think it sucks that farangs are expected to support their wife's family. The family extends from 2 to how many?????

    Come on! Not fair! Give us a break......

    I have NEVER expected a man to support me (as a western woman) and I find it highly offensive that western men are expected to support an ENTIRE extended family in this country.

    What's the story? You guys are being taken for a RIDE - GROW UP!!!!!!!!!!

    Yeeeehaaaaaa! Truth with a passion!

  3. :o

    On the next Thailand Today,

    Solace corners in shopping malls...now Bangkok temples extend their hours of operation to help Thais connect with their religion…Are Thai Buddhists stepping towards evangelism? Noted Buddhist scholar Dr. Jim Wellington joins the discussion.

    Also, a peek into a Thai prison…anybody for fish head soup, for breakfast, lunch and dinner???

    And a lesson in wai-ing, when to do it, when not to do it and why this humble host rarely does it at all…

    All that and a warning to drivers who drink, stiffer penalties are on the way, on the next Thailand Today, each Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at 5am, 1pm and 9pm, only on http://www.radiobangkok.net Hot in the city!

    This quick note, please visit our website and take our Radio Bangkok survey. It takes only a couple of minutes. Also, Radio Bangkok reaches 150,000 listeners a month and if you or your company would like to sponsor Thailand Today or any of our shows, visit our website or email us at [email protected]

  4. Yeah, this could very well be a wind up post. I've certainly taken the bait.

    Steve had some mighty wise things to say for what appears to be a losing situation.

    I stand my ground if I think I'm doing the right thing. I rarely budge. I refuse to ever be a 'welfare state' for some Thai family who doesn't want to work. I work my ass off. I always have and I just can't see why it's the 'farangs' responsibility to support a lazy Thai family. I really can't believe this guy is not moving into a comfortable home he can afford if that's what he wants. Senseless. He works everyday and he has that choice.

    If people marry unreasonable people and then try to reason with them later, they've already lost.

    A pig farm??? This has gotta be a troll.

  5. Felix, I listened to that show today. I thought it was quite interesting though no new revelations were revealed.

    Well...thanks for listening. What I'm trying to get at is that this German guy got arrested for what many Thai girls do everyday: Lie and cheat unsuspecting foreigners. For those who missed the 1pm broadcast, tune in at 9pm.


    I suspect the subject could make for a good debate along the lines of: should the recent proliferation of female school teachers having sex with their young teen students receive the same punishment as their male counterparts. There is quite obviously a double standard applied there on sentencing, though I believe the guidelines to be the same.

    Great topic for the US! I think there is a double standard.

    There will naturally be a consensus on both sides of the issue. I personally think it is more despicable that a foreigner does it posing as a Thai girl, as from the off it is plain and simple deception. Where as the Thai Girl is in a position to claim otherwise and come up with at least some half plausible mitigation that even Blind Benjamin would have too concur with.

    You got a good point. I wish we had live calls so you could call up with just that opinion.

    For me, it's buyer beware. If these guys are stupid enough to give money to some picture, fine. I just want fairness in applying the law. If one guy gets cuffed and sent away for lying and cheating, all those girls who are doing the same thing need to get the same.

  6. On the next Thailand Today,

    Should Thai girls receive the same fate for the same scam??? A German man posing as a Thai girl was arrested for scamming and lying to lonely Westerners…should Thai Bargirls get the same?

    A Thai astrologer gets a report card on 2005 and it appears he’s going to be sent back to school.

    And one out of every ten Thai students carries a weapon to school.

    All that and a look back at the tsunami tragedy one year later, on the next Thailand Today, each Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 5am, 1pm and 9pm, only on http://www.radiobangkok.net Hot in the city!

    This quick note, please visit our website and take our Radio Bangkok survey. It takes only a couple of minutes. Also, Radio Bangkok reaches 150,000 listeners a month and if you or your company would like to sponsor Thailand Today or any of our shows, visit our website or email us at [email protected]

  7. I like the story for Thailand Today. Alot folks living overseas would love to hear this one but it is OLD NEWS! It's from 2000! I can't find the results of his trial or anything like that...just the news story of his arrest. Anyone know anything?

    German man arrested in Thai girl fiddle

    No "Bangkok" puns - honest

    By Tim Richardson

    Published Friday 28th July 2000 14:58 GMT

    Get breaking Internet news straight to your desktop - click here to find out how

    A German man faces up to seven years in a Bangkok jail for fraudulently receiving money from American Don Juans who thought he was a Thai woman looking for romance.

    Rudiger Reischert, 50, - aka Thaee Maiyuran - used online singles clubs and lonely hearts services to con men into sending money for "her" to travel to West and meet them.

    The money was supposed to be used for visas and flights.

    Reischert managed to swindle at least 500,000 baht (£12,200) from guys interested in Thaee. He was rumbled by police earlier this week after an American contacted the authorities when Thaee failed to show up, according to AFP.

    Details of the scam are also detailed at allcities.net/thailand/thai-scam/which warns potential male suitors to stay away.

    It's not known whether the warning was published before police arrested Reischert.

    "Thaee Maiyuran of Bangkok suspected of running a scam!," screams the warning.

    "The scam involves singles ads by Thaee and maybe a friend Gun, whereby men inticed (sic)to ask her to visit him in the US, and wire funds to The Thai German Consult, supposedly for a visa and round trip air fare.

    "Trouble is, the visa is never applied for and the money is gone, and the man never hears from Thaee again," it says.

  8. On the best of Thailand Today, Sunday at 9am and 9pm,

    Thailand pledges to take complaints of sexual harassment at the workplace seriously and launches a series of investigations.

    A survey reveals Thais aren’t washing their hands after going to the bathroom or before handling food.

    Stories of double pricing and revenge

    And what Thai men think about you making off with their women…

    On the best of Thailand Today, Sunday at 9am and 9pm, only on http://www.radiobangkok.net Hot in the city!

    This quick note, please visit our website and take our Radio Bangkok survey. It takes only a couple of minutes. Also, Radio Bangkok reaches 150,000 listeners a month and if you or your company would like to sponsor Thailand Today or any of our shows, visit our website or email us at [email protected]

  9. On the next Thailand Today,

    Are Thais laughing with you, at you or to help you? Unraveling the mysteries of Thai laughter without ever asking a Thai: Why are you laughing?

    Does Thai culture make you a daily “social” offender? Has it changed you?

    Some massage tips for the newbie to Thailand.

    And searching for a snowball fight in the Land of Smiles during the Christmas Season…

    On the next Thailand Today, each Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at 1pm, 9pm and 5am, only on http://www.radiobangkok.net Hot in the city!

    And this quick reminder, Radio Bangkok reaches more than a hundred fifty thousand listeners a month. If you or your company would like to sponsor Thailand Today or any of our shows on Radio Bangkok, go RadioBangkok.net or email us a [email protected]...

  10. We've investigated the added "service charge" at 4 different establishments.

    In every case, the staff sees none of it.

    With the advent of tipping in Thailand, greedy business owners have found a new means to boost profit margin.

    If you tip to show appreciation for good service afforded you, give the tip directly to the staff.

    This annoys me to no end. Having had several tip oriented jobs in my life, I take extra care in tipping. Sometimes I even tip when service has suffered, if there is some legit reason for it. I hate to hear stories that the staff does not get the tips. A shame, especially when considering the low salaries that wait staff receive in Thailand.

  11. My biggest concern would be for my children's education. Getting a western education would go far for a young Thai national. Five years in a British school would give a youngster very competitive skills, not to mention a bloody attractive accent! I love hearing Asians speaking with an English accent.

  12. As I was exiting a bus one day, and being the tall lug that I am, I smacked my nogin on the bus side mirror. The Thais around me, especially the driver, began cackling. I was immediately offended at this lack of sympathy. However, I have learned that the Thais weren't not necessarily laughing at me but, in a sense, to help save me from embarrassment and loss of face for such a clumsy manuver. Lauging is a way of relieving the seriousness and the stress of an unsettling situation for Thais. They want to maintain harmony and keep themselves and the people around them from losing face.

    But, in respect to the OP, I have felt as if Thais were laughing at me in other situations. However, many have pointed out that the truth behind their laughter can easily be discerned by learning the language. We may have it very, very wrong.

    I'll give you the nine minute version of my response on Wednesday's Thailand Today Radio Show. :o

  13. On the next Thailand Today,

    Why Thai men don’t care one little bit that you’re here, in the Land of Smiles, after their women…

    The history of the word “Farang,” what it means, where it came from and who is one…

    Lady boys, one half lady, one half boy, so are they a he, a she or an it and why they flourish in Thailand…

    And an in-depth look at what one major Thai English daily feeds you as news, on the next Thailand Today, each Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 1pm, 9pm and 5am, only on http://www.radiobangkok.net Hot in the city!

    And this quick reminder, Radio Bangkok reaches more than a hundred fifty thousand listeners a month. If you or your company would like to sponsor Thailand Today or any of our shows on Radio Bangkok, go RadioBangkok.net or email us a [email protected]...

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