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Posts posted by devaram

  1. "Give me a break!"

    Prayuth hungry for a buck? Are you even aware of what went on with the rice scheme? And the corruption that was involved?

    It's called Holding the Gov't accountable for malfeasance. Pure wrongdoing by the previous Gov't and being held responsible for their actions.

    It's about negligence not malfeasance. Since u seem so keen to educate everyone about this case..
    Sorry, are you an English speaking person... Because Malfeasance is completely right in this case .." Malfeasance is an affirmative act that is illegal or wrongful". So , no getting away from it... Malfeasance is right..! Negligence is an act of Malfeasance... Seems YOU need educating in English language... And whatever, Yinluck should and I hope does go to prison for a long time...
    I think her motivation was pure and you should go to prison because you are too arrogant
  2. There is no news here other than the landlord thing can someone confirm if an extention in chiangmai also requires the landlord to fill out a form? Also, I thought we could count on a few Lao border runs even after the 30 day extention, is this not true? Chiang Kong in particular?

    The last I heard is Lao had no limits and Cambodia had limits to three consecutive border runs?

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