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Posts posted by SK1972

  1. hi there,

    we got married in July in the UK

    need valid passport, we were not asked for her visa etc, although they were in the passport so they could have seen them.

    Spoken word to the registrar that she has not been married before, and a small interview 5-10 minutes for info regarding fathers and mothers name, job etc.

    hope it helps


    Costas could be right...................my friend got married early last year and was told she needed that.........which took 3 weeks for her to get the document. It may vary depending on the registrar and his/her "suspicions".......I am not sure.

    Lopburi........the link you provided was last updated in 2003.

    Anyway, good luck!

  2. If you want to go traditional, then follow the traditional rules:

    If she has been married or has children, then no Sin Sot.

    If she no longer lives at home, then no Sin Sot (usually).Otherwise, talk to your girlfriend away from the future in-laws.

    Remember, your Sin Sot should cover the wedding costs - which will be quite cheap by western standards. Other money will be show money. It is two fold: (1) to show that you vaklue their daughter (and believe her vaginity) and (2) that you can afford to keep her. This 'show money' should always be returned to you to help you build your lives together. Make sure this is so BEFORE parting with the dough.

    How would one know whether the girl has been married before if there were no "documentary proof" of it besides the religious ceremony? Or are still virgins when you met them..............Some women have been known to lie about it.....just to get the sin sot....... :o

    I would say most of the girlfriends would not be living at home.............they would be living with their farang guys, am I not right in saying this?? :D

    Drummer, if you dont have the means for sin sot, tell her so and if she loves you for YOU, she would not insist on it....or come up with a reasonable amount which you can afford. I dont think the in-laws should have any say in this.....but that is my opinion.

    As Pat Pong says...................

    Whatever you do, don't jeopardise you forthcoming visa application. That financial requirement is etched in stone.
  3. Me and my gf plan to get married next October 2005 then going to Oz in March 2006
    If my mate guarantees her, what will he have to do?

    I am a tad confused..............if you are marrying her, why cant you guarantee her?? Why does it have to be "your mate"? :o

  4. Interista, yes a foreigner can purchase property in Malaysia, may it be landed property or an apartment. There are some minor restrictions but its not a big deal, unlike Thailand. The property will be in your name.

    Just approach a good agent, approach any good lawyer in Malaysia or the relevant Governmental bodies in Malaysia. I dont know what your budget is but I would suggest buying a plot of land somewhere between Kuala Lumpur and Genting, very nice! :D One hour commute to work though....if you work in Kuala Lumpur.

    If you are looking for an apartment (good investment and the price escalates, easy to rent out), buy one in Bangsar or Damansara Heights. :o

    Good Luck!

  5. Like you suggested, you can run from the truth, but you can't hide, na'? 

    I just find it easier now to be transparent. I prefer to be real now. And my life wasn't always like that before....If I ###### up, I try to accept my responsibility-Funny, but it actually makes me feel great sometimes to admit my wrongs- not that I'm going to try to set myself up for too many of those 'great feelings' , though...

    Well said, Ajarn!!

  6. 32???? OMG thats a youngin...........the women prefer men over 35........... :D

    I am sure you will fit in fine...............cant comment about the looks though.......havent seen you yet. :o

    I think Nat and Sego may be at the Irish XChange.............tonight...........

  7. ha! well im not picky! cant afford to be, but the idea of waltzing into a pub and having them all laugh at me scares the ###### out of me! ha

    Hahahaha Andy...........sorry mate if you see a bunch of women laughing their heads off when you walk in.............thats us!!! (kidding). Send us your pics so we can be sure we are laughing at the right person!!

    lol well id be sat in the corner too scared too move! lol, which i spose is always the problem lol

    My dear man!!................how do you expect to catch anyone's attention by doing that??? Maybe the mozzies would bite.................The women will think you are one of the "panel boards" in the bar unless you are a "hansum devil"!!

    Movement catches one's attention!!! Move baby move!!

    Honeyen............I am always "cheeky"

    P/S Andy, how old are you???

  8. Sure is easier to remember truth, rather than a lie, but maybe the truth isn't as fun for some? 

    Ajarn..........the truth is not always fun but that's reality. Lies always catches up with a person and in the end the truth will be revealed. Where are they going to hide then or do then?? :o

    I never disappoint my good friends....... :D

  9. Shrek..............if you fly anywhere WITHIN Thailand with your lady friend, it would be considered a domestic destination, hence she does not require a passport, just her ID card would do or any other form of picture identification.

    Have a nice time! :o

  10. QUOTE (pop3 @ Mon 2004-10-25, 08:32:27)

    If we're so clever why do so many doctor's lawyer's bank manager's ect, ect, come over here and put their life saving's in somebody elses name ? 

    They are having their life decisions made by their second head. 

    Wow, well said Pat Pong!!!...............this is the FIRST time I have seen a Man post this!! Cheers!! :D

    I do not think that all Thais are backward, it all depends on the upbringing, nuturing and education. Most of the overseas educated ones are all right.......although some tend to fall back to their old fashioned ways. :o

    It also depends on the individuals' abilities and initiative. Some do nothing to improve and some try so hard to better themselves. :D

  11. Well, there are a lot of people on here who "pretend" to be someone else.........thats one of the negative sides of the internet. :D

    People can live their fantasies here and be what or who they want to be without being caught out. :o May it be men pretending to be women or vice versa. :D

    Some are real, some are not...........same everywhere, not only in Thailand.

  12. Drummer...........I dont think its SGD50k a month unless you are a CEO or something!! :o THB50k is nothing in Singapore and you will not be able to live on it, even with accomodation provided by your employer.

    As for your Thai gf, maybe its best you get your future employer to sort things out for you if they will

    If you need help in Singapore (if you do go)...........drop me a note. I have many expat friends there and will be glad to help. :D

    Cheers! :D

  13. Hi Guys.................sorry to dissapoint you but I dont have any pictures to share. I do not have a high tech phone with a camera...... :D Chon.........never promised a photo of me or the girls...........will any pic do?? Chon......birds??? You still call women birds??? OMG.......you are not Rodney Trotter or Dell Boy are you?? :o

    If you guys really want to see what we look like...............why not meet us in person?? We are all here in Bangkok, better in the "flesh" :D

  14. IamMaic..........Why am I not surprised that you are making comments in cosmetics and etc........ :D

    I dont think the farang women use them.........I know its a hit in Thailand, Singapore, Japan, China and Korea!!! :o

    Whether it works or not.........we will have to wait for someone who actually uses it to comment...........ladies......... :D

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