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Posts posted by SK1972

  1. Nat.............I know what happened with honeyen!!! :D

    Mai bok though...........or there will be no suspense on Thurs at "you know where"!!! :D

    I think the bull would be easier to conquer than the tambourine LMAO....what outfit?? Candy is going in her "birthday suit" (kidding) :o

  2. QUOTE (SK1972 @ Tue 2004-10-26, 16:08:40)

    Some people pretend to be someone else here............sad but true. Do not associate us with them though....as per the thread in one of the forums, Ajarn said "the truth will be revealed eventually". 

    YOU said it 

    Mango, come meet me if you have the *****..........then we will see who is the REAL one and who is a fake. I am sure some of the women here would like to meet you too........not for good reasons though! Let's say.......Irish Xchange on Thurs at 7.30pm??

    Best way to test whether one is real, ask to meet them and see what kind of stupid excuses they give!!

  3. Candy, you missed the picture taking as you were so busy chatting all the guys up there (kidding) :o

    Ask LC about the pic.........if she can remember in her drunker stupor :D Once she posts it, you will remember ........I assure you!!!

  4. Candy...........you guys went to Nana plaza??? I didnt know that. I am sure you guys had fun!! :D

    Count me out on Sat night.....I have 2 left feet and loads to do before my trip to Europe........but have fun. :D

    LC............pls post the "pic" we took at Robin Hood on here for all the nice guys......... :o

  5. Yes britmaveric, i am all about being English, i wont spell your ###### guies with a capital letter coz as we all know you are not part of GB you are WELSH and never forgett it. dont place your self with us from the mother land.

    You are so right there Brit.......mango's head is so high up his own arse......cant help him/her/it to get out of it though.......not that anyone wants to try.......its a lost cause :o

  6. Brit...........they may be on to something. I have known Thai women to be "psychotic" when they think they have "lost face" especially since they are already engaged and maybe lived together (not sure)........ I am sure her whole village knows about them now........... :D

    Great gal, just dont want to marry and support the entire village

    I personally know of a man who has to "pay a Thai woman" off to get her to stay away from him until he moved out from TH. She would go to his office everyday and create a scene and call all their friends bad things about him. Mind you, this was a professional educated woman we are talking about. Reason is, she has "lost face" and told her village they were "married/engaged"...............you never know :D

    Rodeooo.........only you will know what kind of woman she is..........and her "capabilities"......... The truth is good but just be careful after.................good luck! :o

  7. Brit.............why in the world would I want to make any comments about mango??? He just kicked himself (or herself or itself ) in the ass.......proved that he has NO life except to dig up stuff about other people. :D Life is so empty for him...sad creature

    I am new to Bangkok as I just relocated here AGAIN. 2 years is still considered a newbie to me. If that idiot could read my other threads properly, I lived here before for a UN project and the people I work with have all dispersed to other countries for other postings and etc. We do have a life you know.... :D

    Unlike mango, some do not have to stay in a country for long, we have other places to go, which he obviously cant. Such a sad git. :D

    She didn't say she had resided in BKK though did she... being new to Bangkok does not mean she didn't live elsewhere in Thailand...
    So true Brit, so you can read and understand what one writes. Mango may claim he is a POME but he sure doesnt understand English.......wonder why..........

    Brit you are welsh??? Wonder what mango is...............

    Brit, someone (who shall not be named) copied someone elses post as his own, take a wild guess who did that......... :o

    you are nothing but a sheep shagging piece of treasonist turd who should be put on the register for asilum seekers in the UK.

    Name calling is very mature :D such nice language for a sore loser

    Note : Shopgurl posted her 300th post thread to share her happiness, mango wants to know what he is getting out of it....always wanting something arent we?.....think about it.


  8. MaiSonJai


    Shopgurl is a girl.

    Mango is a man.

    Well CuteThaiGirl turned out to be 43 year old David West who recently passed away RIP

    So who knows who is who on here anymore?? 

    Bodypaul................I can vouch for a fact that shopgurl is a woman as I have met her in person and she is NICE.......... as for mango.. I dont know what it is......... :o Mango seems to have a problem with women with brains........(from what it seems) and has a knack for plagiarism.

    Some people pretend to be someone else here............sad but true. Do not associate us with them though....as per the thread in one of the forums, Ajarn said "the truth will be revealed eventually". :D

    Best way to know whether one speaks the truth? Ask to meet them and see whether they show up!!!! :D Gotcha!

    The real ones show up and the fake ones make 1001 excuses........ :D

  9. Burrito........no worries, its hard to voice one's views in a forum. People read them according to how they want to read them. :D

    I can understand your views..........I do not want to have any kids as I feel that the world just isn't a good place to bring kids up anymore.............but that's my opinion. :o

  10. Part of me admires you. Part of me wonders what you are getting yourself in for. All of me hopes that if you do it, that you do it well, since we all know what the ramifications for the child can be with a 'who's Daddy this month?' lifestyle that some of them must experience.

    Burrito....maybe I misread..............but the above is not very positive :o ..........if you are being positive, then good for you!


  11. Burrito, this is the modern age and people are now more open-minded (hopefully) :D

    Let's put the Thai girls aside. Will you be questioning the women or posting this if they were farang women? :o

    Some men do not mind children from a previous marriage and some do. It is up to the individual. I know a Canuck who could not accept them and I know an Asian man who can............we never know till we try. :D

    Some men are known to care for the kids as if they were there own and some dont...............they just have the "hots" for the mother. It al boils down to what each individual wants in his/her life, right? :D

  12. Honeyen, I do not agree with your comment................Malaysians do not sleep with every tom, dick or harry!!! :o

    I differ.I don't think that the living costs in Malaysia are far more expensive than in Thailand.I think the ratio is that if it costs you 1 baht in Thailand,It will not cost you more than 1.25 baht in Malaysia.Somethings are even cheaper than that.But overall average won't cost more than I said.i.e. 1 =1.25 .SIngapore is very expensive.
    Sas-cars.........I agree with you on this........but not everywhere in Malaysia is cheaper than Thailand. :DBut don't forget that Malaysia is a muslim country.And Offcourse it's not a sex destination.So Keep it in mind if it's important for you

    Just stay clear of the muslim states...........and you should be ok....... :D

  13. Whether a place is boring or not would depend on the people and the individual themself. There are some fun places to visit in Singapore but to compare an island to Indo China's "fun" country i.e. Thailand is not very fair.

    Ladyinred..........love the huge crabs...........yummy!!

    Sporting Dog..........where did you go?? Oriental Hotel? There are some places in Bangkok which are over priced too. It all depends on where you go and whether you know where to find them.

    Singapore has their restrictions on bars/pubs and night spots, Thailand doesnt....well they claim they do but everything can be solved with money......... Hence, it would seem night life is more "fun" in Thailand. :D

    Singapore is a "fine" city :o

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