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Posts posted by SK1972

  1. Oh, I figured the B.S. that was coming out of HER mouth was only capable from a guy. But, I stand corrected.

    Well said igotworms............... totally agree..... :D You pal John is one of them.....

    you sure kicked yourself there..men bullshit and women dont ...........hahahaha

    Dr Pat Pong...........I sincerely hope you will be FAIR......why was the only warning to me?? Male power?? :o

  2. QUOTE (britmaveric @ Fri 2004-10-22, 11:26:04)

    SK1972- some are quite thick, no worries you are understood least from rational thinkers. Enjoy the looooooong wkd! 

    I will disagree with that. Sk is talking out his ass, and John has merely pointed it out. That so much is understood by this rational thinker.

    Wow, Igotworms........you think I am a HE?? What gave you that assumption????

    You confused about sexuality??? You must also be one of the "rational thinkers"..........figures :o

    What crawled up your ass??

  3. Dr Pat Pong......read the whole thread. I think SJ is the one who needs valium............he became personal and overly sensitive after a while. Especially since the thread wasnt even about him..........but a German in Issan...

    It was said merely to point out that before you try to insult someone, it's best to know what you saying. I've ignored previous typo mistakes prior to that. Actually, it's miswording, not a typo.

    Oh yeah.......and you dont insult anyone?? Somebody said I needed a heart transplant...ignored previous mistakes?? Are you an English teacher then??? hahahaha a yank English teacher...good one! Duh, forgot, you are Mr Perfect.........never made any mistakes in life! Good for you! :o

    Good luck to you!

  4. I have had enough of this. You can get your knickers in a knot for all I care......no point in talking to male chauvanistic pigs who do not value anyone else opinions save for their own.

    As I always say, we can lead a horse to water but we cannot make it drink. I just had emails about telling me about you, so I see no point in wasting my time. :D

    Good luck with your and YOUR truths. I am sure you do very well with it....... :o

    Have a nice weekend! :D

  5. Why not cite the examples I wrote after your quote of me? Instead you go off on some tangent about the truthfulness of the Thai media..... which wasn't part of our discussion.

    Why should I cite something when I do not find it wrong??? I never indicated the others were wrong. Just your opinion that whatever you said was the TRUTH. Selective reading again I see...........

    I never mentioned anything about the Thai media....can you read properly? Brain not functioning again? I said the newspapers/media..........the article came from BBC.....not Thai media. Whats YOUR problem with the Thai media? :o

  6. SJ. you obviously have a PROBLEM if you think ONLY what YOU say/express is the TRUTH..................

    If you read properly, I never said Issan was a rich place, I said not ALL of Issan is poor, espcially not in the place of incident, Chaiyaphum. Thailand is not poor compared to other countries in Africa and some of the Indo China region. Did you not know that???? :D

    Leadership of a country says a lot..............your leaders are elected by the people for the people, am I right? .....not a communist country are you? :o

    I know 16 or 17 year olds who are in college.......and they are not gifted.....so whats your point?? How old are the college girls in US?? 20-25?? :D

    I never indicated I was an expert on Asia, it was YOU, the farang who has just frequently visited Issan who said he could educate me on it..........DUH

    My well-functioning brain tells me your feeble one was grasping for the term dire need, not dire straits.

    Wow, so Mr Siracha John is also MR Perfect besides Mr Know It All About Thailand.......he has never had a typo before..............so perfect....... :D Add Mr I am ALWAYS right to your list of attitudes too!

  7. QUOTE 

    When dealing with fairly straightforward facts, however, the truth is the truth

    You must be DAFT if you think everything is straightforward in Thailand :o You call newspaper or media articles facts??? I know for a fact that not EVERYTHING you read in the papers/media are not facts nor the truth.....if you think so, you should get out more!

  8. Obviously someone is only happy ONLY if everyone else shares HIS views........figures :D

    Who are you to say what's the TRUTH??? Just because you have travelled there, you know everything??? OPEN your eyes and mind, please. :o

    You have no respect for anyone elses views except yours!! Typical Yank.....who is your President again?? LMAO :D

  9. Agree with Jockstar.........seek medical advice............but I think its better you speak to a doctor that actually understands English and the situation. Translators are sometimes too vague.......Good luck and asfe journey to your mum! :D

    Couple of whiskeys on board should calm her nerves :o

  10. The only reason I ASSUMED was that your comments reflected that you had not been there. Referring to the original post, the incident occured IN Issan, not BKK. Ask your friends if they think 4,000 baht is a "VERY measly" (your words) amount of money IN Issan. When you went to Issan did you happen to encounter any poverty there? Did you encounter any resident throwing around 4,000 baht like it was a paltry sum? Did you meet anyone who toiled for hours with farmwork for next to nothing and lived under the most arduous of conditions? If you truly visited Issan, these questions are of course, redundant and self-evident
    There you go with your assumptions again john.........tsk tsk :o .....for a person who says I assume, you seem to assume a lot too. I now know you have an emotional attachment to Issan, not just an assumption now!! Deny it all you want.......no one would know the truth.

    Poverty is EVERYWHERE in the world...even USA........not only in Issan. FYI Thailand is not considered the poorest country in the world you know.

    I have been to Issan, I dont have to lie about it, do you??? I have walked the fields bare footed, helped in their toil and labour and etc. Which part of Issan have you gone to?? Not EVERY inch of Issan is poor and certainly not everyone in Chaiyaphum (where the incident is) is poor!! Have you seen some of the houses there?? My father-in-law has a house in Chaiyaphum, if you must know.

    Your words

    Can't enlighten someone who refuses it.

    Soooooooooo soooooooooooo true.

    riterate for the 2nd time.......

    No.... there are always THREE sides to every story.... The first side's story, the second side's story... and the Truth

    Brit.........I didnt attempt to "make friends"............some people just get very emotional and sensitive about things.....which actually wasnt even about them. If you read my posts........I did try very hard to stop it.........but some wont even stop........selective reading..... or is it the male chauvanistic attitude?:D

  11. SJ.....I said you MAY (not have) be emotionally inclined to Issan.............that's not an assumption. :D

    My Issan friends all work in Bangkok (nor bargirls) and to some of them THB4000 is measly to be selling oneself and to contract HIV. :D That was the original thread posted. I have been to Issan with my friends so don't tell me to go there myself, you ASSUME.............dont throw stones when you live in a glass house! :o

    As I said before, you are entitled to your opinion and I am entitled to mine. I dont think we have to the RIGHT to say who is wrong and who is right ...... :D

    I reiterate.........

    You have reasons to your views and I have mine. Mutual respect for each others views....man enough to do that?
  12. No.... there are always THREE sides to every story.... The first side's story, the second side's story... and the Truth

    I totally agree with the above. Its Friday and a long weekend. I dont fancy a banter so let's just forget the whole matter and enjoy!

    You have reasons to your views and I have mine. Mutual respect for each others views....man enough to do that?

  13. Perhaps it would have been better to allow someone else to finish the last 3 years as you apparently had been given up at the 2 year mark.

    Even the THAI staff gave up on them, you dont know what went on there so you do not have the right to say anything. Have you done anything of the sort personally??? :D  I doubt it. Dont assume what went on when you have no f*****G clue.

    I dont think my remarks are "out of whack" as you put it. You may be "emotionally" involved in this, may it be your gf or wife is from there. Emotions tend to cloud one's judgement. You may not see the whole picture/reality (as you so nicely put it). There are enough "sob stories" going around as it is.

    FYI, if you read the thread properly, meemiathai started it again. It was all water under the bridge until he became "overlysensitive" again. Men always have to get the last word in! :o and take things soooo personal....thing is, the topic wasnt even about them!! Go figure......

    Yes, I am farang...and yes I do think I can educate you about Thailand on at least a few points, particularly the economic status of people of Issan which you apparently NEED to be educated on.

    You have been here what?.........15-20 years?? NO thanks, I would prefer a more "balanced View" from my Issan friends! :D

    Can't enlighten someone who refuses it.

    I agree whole heartedly with your above statement, especially those who only want to live in fantasyland. :D

  14. meemiathai........what crawled up your ass?? You make very ignorant remarks....since when do you have to be influential to join UN?? Qualification and experience is what is required. Join my father's company??? You must be mad, what gave you the indication my father has a company??? I just cant stand people who think they know everything and "personalise" their comments to include family, soooo IMMATURE. :o Are you sure you dont need a shrink??

    Oh yeah, I forgot......you are a "Hong Kee".......so thats your culture.....to work for your family and the family has to be influential, more so with the merge with China. Good for you then!

  15. Many Thai officials still don't know that dual nationality is now perfectly legal, so they (in their position of power) will often insist otherwise.

    They should be educated on the new law properly then instead of trying to create unnecessary problems.

    Penelope, watch your words.........what I said is not "utter nonsense" as you put it........it may not be precisely correct..........read Samran's post!Simply enter and leave Australia on the Aussie PP and enter and leave Thailand on the Thai PP.

  16. John....I was being sarcastic about the Thaksin statement, did you NOT catch it?? :o

    On your team, were you in any supervisory position? If so, I dare say your myopic vision of things would reflect and likely impede any education conducted by others. How much time was given to the people in the HIV education? Where in Thailand was this done?
    Yes, I was one of the "supervisors". If they are so easily influenced by little ole me.....that says a lot for their own abilities!!! They have their OWN brains, do they not??? We spent about 5 years in Bangkok, if you must know (areas such as Pat Pong, Nana and Cowboy). First 2 years was completely frustrating and after that I just became immune. No point in helping those who do not want help when they have a new farang to support them. What have YOU done to try to help them??

    I stand by my remark that they do not appreciate us as they only come to us when they need money. That's real gratitude for you....when it's a good day for them, they tell us to F*** off......go figure! Pray, tell me what have you done for those "poor Issan women" then? Let me guess, marry one of them? Kudos to you, you managed to save one poor soul!

    If you think college girls wanting to sell themselves are NOT a problem and it's NOT their fault, then you are naive! Always 2 sides to a story. Some may HAVE to do it and some may WANT to do it......good and bad in every country.


    If the Thai college girls want to sell themselves cheaply, thats their problem. 

    WRONG!!! unless they were all gifted and advanced students

    Are you trying to say the non-gifted ones should not go to college or should use it as an excuse to sell themselves?? :D

    Once again, I think you are a farang and just because you have lived here, you think you can educate me on the Thai culture??? I am Asian and I know how Asia works better than you. Unlike you, I dont need to boast about where I have been or how many countries I have lived in....my work with UN requires me to work and travel a lot.

    You believe your own beliefs and I will believe my own, I dont expect you to agree with me.

    Let's leave it at that shall we?? Or do you have to make everyone agree with you?

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