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Posts posted by razer

  1. I have a Taiwanese friend who is a linguist and certified in simultaneous interpretation. He speaks 7 languages fluently. He explained that Chinese would never replace English as an international language because English is a fluid language as opposed to a fixed language meaning that English is always evolving and taking in new words. Example the word computer … in Chinese it is thinking machine. This is one reason English is the most precise language in the world. English adapts to new environments where other languages do not. English is comprised of several languages and is a natural stepping stone to learning other European languages.

    I believeThailand has been kept poor and under educated primarily because of the overwhelming corruption in all levels of government leaving higher education for the children of the elite.

    The elitist statement of a former Minister of Education a few years ago is a dead give-away of the elitist thinking to keep a cheap labor force of under educated people. Thailand does not need to have English as an official second language because it might give the impression that Thailand was colonized.

  2. It is the proverbial slippery slope. Next .. the words "pub" and "bar" will be against the law because these words encourage people to come in and drink ... next will be "windows" pub and bar windows should be covered so as not to encourage people to come in and drink.

    Is this guy a Muslim or perhaps a Southern Baptist?

  3. For some reason, jihadist and illegal economic migrant have become synonymous with refugee. After the war the people in this area and the baby boomers built a utopian lifestyle. These are not complicated people. They are naive and very provincial. There will be a segment of the Muslim population they will not know how to handle. When a mosk goes up courtesy of Saudi Arabia, and call to prayers echo through the countryside five times a day, the people won't know how to react. When crimes against the people begin, they will shake their head and ask; "What can we do about it?" Violent intimidation is foreign to them.

    When any government says something it does is temporary ... don't bet any money on it. I suspect in about a year we will start to see negative repercussions.

  4. People need to know how corruption effects them .... think about dams on the Mekong. If the water represented money flowing into Thailand and every corrupt official represented a dam, then the amount of money getting to the people is small. The amount of money going to building infrastructure, social services, hospitals and education is reduced every time a corrupt official redirects the flow of money to his own personal wealth.

  5. Under the previous democratically elected governments comprised of families and cronies, the corruption started at the new-hire cop all the way up to an MP. Corruption was eating the country alive and keeping it on a level comparable to undeveloped Africa. If anyone would take the time to research the true cost of corruption they would see that infrastructure and education are hit the hardest. The biggest losers are the greater population.IMO these hi-so homeboys and girls should be doing jail time and their ill-gotten gains confiscated by the government.

  6. Singapore has sued five Indonesian companies blamed for farm and plantation fires causing serious air pollution over the city-state, which is a global financial centre with a tropical climate and multicultural population. The latest move by the Singapore government could lead to massive fines against the companies that have been served with legal notices, according to a government statement issued Friday.


    Personally I think Malaysia, Thailand and the Philippines should also file law suites.

  7. I saw the news release when Putin was in Saudi last month The body language of Putin and the body language of the Saudis said it all. Like Putin was saying ... enough of this crap ... funding Islamist ... it's going to stop. By the way ... Do you know at what temperature sand turns to glass?


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