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Posts posted by razer

  1. Taipei also has many green lungs. It looks like all buildings but walk around back and you will find a park with trees and grass in just about every section.It is great for old people and children and even office workers to grab a coffee or lunch ... it gives people a chance to be in Nature while living in the city.

  2. Dear OP ... to respond to your question and comment on the threads one saying yes and the other saying no ... well both are correct. This is Thailand. Always have a few thousand handy when you deal with Immigration.

    You suggesting BOTH are correct. Has this actually happened to you or friend, or your posting a theory?

    I would prefer to listen to the experienced members for my advice. That advice has been clearly provided.

    Yes ... both are correct ... I have been here 9 years and yes it has happened to me. If I were you I'd do an on line 90 day ... CYA.

  3. I agree, the way Buddhism is practiced in Thailand is a lot different than other parts of Asia. Here it seems to be a tool to redeem oneself for bad behavior and not much more as if making merit takes away the pain one causes others ... it makes things right for the offender.

    I think it comes down to one word ... respect ... something that is rare in Thailand. There is respect for family, the rich, the powerful but not much more.

  4. " Pol Colonel Peerapan Chanthian led the Japanese Embassy's second secretary and consul Kenichi Tsukagoshi and members of the foreign media to inspect the scene for clues and assistance with procedures regarding Yoshitoka's body."

    Damn!!! Can you imagine a North American or European embassy doing that?


    I can't either.

  5. RE: BBC

    I have seen so many comments and labeling by those who need a color code or label for anything they deem too complicated.

    BBC used to be what I would call liberal in that it always presented two sides of a story quite often stirring debate which liberal and liberty should do.

    Since the Cameron government took control, there was a major shake-up of the BBC and since that time the BBC has pretty much been towing the line.

    The BBC is conservative. So conservative in fact they serve as a mouthpiece of the Tory government.

    Sad ... very sad.

  6. Given the nature of the culture it is hard to believe this was over two young men known to be drug users. I think perhaps a lot of angry taxi mafia people, beach mafia people and so on, were also venting their anger and frustration.

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