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Posts posted by razer

  1. Using the term "navy Seal" in a headline to characterize some Thai navy guy is misleading journalism. There is only one brand of Navy Seal and that is the US Navy Seals. Hijacking their name and brand tro attempt to create sensational headlines is a disgrace.

    The headline is not misleading and is accurate and have been an active unit since 1956 - Royal Thai Navy SEALs

    Well ... Thailand is known to rip-off copies of just about everything ... medals, ribbons, badges and wings are as common as jelly beans in a candy store.

  2. So ... why don't they show a photo of a drunk Thai? I'm not a bar hopper or night crawler, but I have actually seen more Thai men stretched out drunk on a side street than tourists.

    And yes ... put a 1000% tax on any alcohol made outside of Thailand. In Thai thinking it will fix the problem and make the local moonshiners very, very happy ... and some politician$ very happy too.

  3. On July 14, 1933, Adolf Hitler’s Nazi Party officially declared itself the only political party in Germany and outlawed the formation of any other parties. Adolf Hitler became Chancellor of Germany on Jan. 30, 1933. Immediately, he set in place a plan to take full control of the country’s political and economic institutions using a policy called “Gleichschaltung,” meaning a switch to the same wavelength.

    If there were a Muslim right wing political party calling for a duality of law, Sharia for Muslims and civil for non Muslims as in Malaysia, I think the German courts would be too afraid to even consider banning them.

  4. We need the street vendors ... tourists want the street vendors ... but they do need to be managed ...

    and what about the hotel on Petchaburi that uses the sidewalk as a restaurant? (Someone is getting paid-off)

    Speaking of having to walk in the street in on-coming traffic ... What about the motorbikes blocking the zebra crossings ... can those ### cops leave their AC booth long enough to make them clear the crossing?

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