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Posts posted by razer

  1. I never was required to do a 90 day check in in Iran, Morocco, Malaysia, Taiwan or South Korea. There are no 90 day check ins in the USA unless you are a patrolled convict or in the EU for that matter. The only requirement for resident visa holders was to go to the local police station and register a new address.

    I think this rule was just a whim that seemed like a good idea to give face to some minister and generate a little cash.

  2. I lay the blame for the chaos smack on the doorstep of mass media ... BBC, CNN (et al). Since the mass invasion of migrants began, they framed the situation as one of dire need for refugee women and children ignoring the masses of non refugee males between 18 and 45 coming from Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Bangladesh. They were understanding and sympathetic for the hoards of men who defied EU law and overran border police and attacked the boarder police and their governments for trying to do their job which is to protect the borders of Europe. These men are now raping women and little girls in the camps in Germany and local German girls too.


    For me, BBC is no longer a credible source of information.

    I hope the BBC will be sued in court for criminal negligence for not reporting stories that concern the safety of the people and national security.

  3. Grumpy? Not really. I have come across several that didn't care if I bought anything or not ... even high ticket items. They were just not interested in providing service. Language fear probably. On the other hand, I came across a young lady selling fans. Bubbly personality, good English and exceptional product knowledge. LMAO ... I bought a fan from her.

  4. Serious question. Really bugs me. How to all the hi-so police earn aviator wings?

    They are not proper aviator's (flyer's) wings; they are jump wings (note the parachute representation atop the badge). The Thai army parachute school pumps a large number of candidates through their course for the express purpose of adding an impressive attachment to their uniforms. Police members with influential sponsors will be sent to this program early in their careers and will forever wear a visual reminder of their 'eliteness'. True story.

    Having lots of insignia, ribbons etc is of paramount importance to many military and police types and wings are one of the most coveted adornments. Since very few people (especially police) qualify as actual flyers they have adopted parachute wings as a somewhat passable substitute.

    Short story: They're 'copy' wings.

    At first I thought they were jump wings and then I noticed that was not a chute but the Thai emblem. PX Rangers, huh?

  5. It is well known now, and AJ knows, that there is a massive amount of funding by Saudi Arabia (et al) for the expansion of the Jihadist movement world wide. The strategy, as seen in recent history, is to take advantage of a non Islamic country's freedom of religion, claim autonomy under Sharia Law, then attempt to destabilize a government through violence. If no one has seen the Muslim attacks on the army in south Thailand take a look on YouTube.

    Myanmar does not want another south Thailand, or a Bali bombing or groups of Islamic extremists attacking villages and kidnapping tourists like in the Philippines. I understand their angst. Look, the Muslim radicals exploit freedom of religion in every country to serve their cause.

    It's time for due diligence and education about Islam and Sharia.

  6. In my opinion, until recently, the RTP nationwide hasn't really had to be accountable for a serious criminal investigation. They have just gone to a crime scene, said what they think happened and that was it. That was the investigation. They are not trained to do serious investigations, they are not motivated to work that hard and I think there may be an issue with education and intelligence. It is something that can be fixed.This is why there is no confidence in police among the Thai population and among the expat population.

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