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Posts posted by razer

  1. FAIL -

    TPP will NOT assure prosperity in the long run (Not for the Thai people)

    NAFTA did not assure prosperity in the long run for Canadians, US Americans, Mexicans, South Americans

    A single Euro currency did not assure prosperity in the long run for Europeans

    All these beneficiaries are suffering economic woes.

    I am so sick of hearing this crap that mega treaties for mega corporations will assure prosperity for the people.

    This spiel is so obviously false.

  2. I knew a person (now deceased) who was taking his dispute with a developer to court and was shot point blank by a thug hired by the developer who, by-the-way, was a wanted criminal in the UK but enjoyed protection here.

    This is Thailand ... be careful. Consumer protection doesn't deal a bullet through the spine.

  3. "Thais see nepotism and corruption as normal. This attitude is dangerous and causes the country to lose huge development opportunities,"

    This is the cultural shift that needs to take place. Anyone who has bothered to study the cost of corruption on a society would probably agree this is the most significant statement made by a high ranking official, and teaching good governance in school is the best way to start.

  4. We see radicalization every day. The psychology behind radicalization is the same across the board. You see it within the Muslim community … if it were not religious based but politically based it would be called nationalism. The Nazis did it in Germany. Trump et al are doing it in the USA now. The NRA does it. The political right does it. The political left does it. I think the fact we have all become radicalized at some point in our lives is what disturbs us. It is done so cleverly and so easily. We subconsciously identify with Islamic radicalization and it scares us.

  5. Look at the past ... look at the present ... predict the future

    Past - Domestic politically motivated terrorist; foreign criminal or religious motivated terrorist (Erawan Shrine bomb)

    Present - Royal Thai Police efficiency, training and work ethic ??? Border control and vigilance ??? FSB warning.

    Unknown - Thai military intelligence and training

    Future - Probability of a terrorist act taking place could be a reasonable conclusion

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