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Posts posted by chuckd

  1. Stephen Hawking, One of the smartest famous guys in the world can't understand Trump's popularity, but I think he's put his finger on the situation in one sentence below. I can't wait for the program. I'm sure the Trump guys will be along shortly with "Hawking's brain is crippled" or something similar. wink.png

    "He is a demagogue who seems to appeal to the lowest common denominator," Hawking says in prerecorded comments to be broadcast when the show airs at 6 a.m. London time (0500 GMT, 1 a.m. EDT) Tuesday.


    I don't know Hawking personally, I doubt anybody on this forum does.

    My guess is Hawking, like most people that spend the majority of their lives in and around academia, doesn't have a lick of common sense.

    Just my honest opinion relating to Hawking and many members of this forum...primarily those that self label as "elites".

  2. Just like the corporate media, many here are ignoring the fact that Bernie beats Trump in every poll by a larger margins than Hillary.

    In some cases by double digits.

    Polls also show her as one of the most unpopular candidates of all time.

    People do not like or trust her.

    Hillary is not the sure thing she is being played up to be. Remember back in 2008 when they told us Hillary was a sure thing and would be the nominee?

    Remember what happened?

    Nice try but it simply doesn't wash.

    So what if some polls show Bernie beating Trump? Bernie will not be the Democrat's candidate for a couple of reasons.

    One reason is he is not a member of the Democrat Party and the second reason is he is a 73 year old socialist.

    You cannot compare what happened in 2008 to today. In 2008 the Democrats had a handsome, young black man that gave a good speech. Of course the party will go with the Obama persona despite his total lack of experience and knowledge.

    Bernie ain't no Obama, aesthetically speaking, and the Democrats owe Hillary this one.

    It's gong to be Hillary and Trump in the general election.

    On the other hand, I agree with everything you said about Hillary.

  3. My daughter has a house for rent located between Soi Siam CC and Nern Plub Wan in a good quiet development. Recently refurbished inside and out. Two bedroom, two bath, 140 square meters on 300 square meters land. Monthly rent 10,000 with 15,000 deposit and one month rent in advance.

    PM for photos.

    Contact 08-4566-7991 for English or Thai.

  4. Obviously Trump chickened out. This is the same guy who talks tough but dodged the Vietnam War Draft because of heel spurs. Every hear this phoney talk about all his great golf courses he walks?

    Name one good reason for the winning Republican candidate to debate the probable losing Democrat candidate?

    It makes as much sense for Trump to debate Sanders as it would be for him to debate O'Malley. None at all.

    He could have used it to beat up on Hillary. So interesting that he bailed. It does indicate he's actually afraid of a REAL debate. He's never been in one. EVER. He was in republican debates where they agree on most everything.

    Also, don't forget, this debate was the vile monster's idea. Sanders said yes right away. Then the vile monster started dancing.

    Trump can beat up on Hillary anytime he wants. There is plenty of ammo around for him to use.

    The Washington Post seems to think the crazy old socialist proposed the debate.


    Trump agrees to debate Sanders but sets stiff price
    By Laurie Kellman and David Bauder | AP
    May 26
    WASHINGTON — Donald Trump has provisionally accepted Bernie Sanders’ proposal to debate, but the billionaire is setting a high price for participating. His condition: The hosting TV network would have to put up millions of dollars for charity.
  5. "He has been notably policy-light, but with the nomination sewn up, Trump is now making policy pronouncements to send shivers down the spines of many."

    It has been almost a year since Trump declared. If voters don't know much about his policy ideas it isn't Trump's fault.

    The media has only itself to blame. The Trump-hating media that for months has focused on twisting things Trump has said ("he wants to ban ALL Muslims!!", "Trump hates women!!") instead of focusing on his position on issues.

    During the debates, instead of asking his about policies, they asked about silly, tabloid crap trying to get the candidates to fight with each other just to boost ratings. Shameful, really.

    I really wonder how many people who parrot the comments like 'Trump hates women' and 'He a racist bigot' have every sat through an entire hour long speech he's given outlining his positions, like the need to get the American workforce working again and how he's go about doing that. My guess: virtually none.

    You're right...it's impossible to sit through an hour long Trump speech.

    Just for the record, unemployment is under 5%, half of what it was through the previous Republican administration.

    Get educated.

    "U-6 Total unemployed, plus all persons marginally attached to the labor force, plus total employed part time for economic reasons, as a percent of the civilian labor force plus all persons marginally attached to the labor force"

    The U-6 unemployment rate for April 2016 is...9.7%.


  6. Obviously Trump chickened out. This is the same guy who talks tough but dodged the Vietnam War Draft because of heel spurs. Every hear this phoney talk about all his great golf courses he walks?

    Name one good reason for the winning Republican candidate to debate the probable losing Democrat candidate?

    It makes as much sense for Trump to debate Sanders as it would be for him to debate O'Malley. None at all.

  7. I heard an interview and one of the commentators (from NY Times) made an interesting point: He opined that a big reason why so many elder white men are rooting for Trump is because that segment of voters DOESN'T WANT TO BE REPLACED. We already knew the white men were being led by their fears, but the articulation cleared up what much of that fear is about.

    When he said, 'replaced' he meant: because there are many changes taking place in the US'; there are more than 2-genders, there are women training for combat, there are Indians and all sorts of 'ferners' taking jobs. 96% of politicians were white men. Even that's changing. Most mayors in California and Texas have Hispanic surnames.

    That's why Trump gets so much resonance when he shouts, "Let's make America Great Again." Whenever the elder white men hear that, they think back to when the US was whiter, when there were 2 genders, when gays were in the closet (except for Liberace), and women mostly did their wifely chores around the home each day. So much is changing, and white men are feeling incidental. They don't want to be marginalized. But they can't join in the fiesta, because they're, ......well, they're white men, so they're mostly sitting home on the sofa with their beer bellies, their beer, beer nuts, watching golf re-runs. They love Trump because he gives them something to believe in: getting back to the America of their youth; sock hops, 17 cent gas, black folks knew their place (most of the time). Simpler times for simpler minds.

    "Simpler times for simpler minds."

    You would have fit right in.

  8. Senator: Obama Steals From Zika Victims To Fund UN Climate Programs

    Nice attempt at obfuscation diverting attention from your team holding the DESIGNATED Zika funding hostage demanding pay-back to trucking and pesticide industry lobbies (and cuts to Obamacare).

    Republicans REAL 'priorities' are in paying back industry lobbyists (while weakening water and road safety) by attaching it to the DESIGNATED Zika funding bill, thereby holding the DESIGNATED Zika funding hostage to their REAL priorities.

    Typical left wing post. Long on opinion, short on facts.

    My source says Obama took Zika funds to give to some greenies at the UN in violation of federal laws.

    What does your source say about that?

    "The Hill notes that nothing in the Congressional authorization for the Economic Support Fund actually barred the money from going to the UN Green Climate Fund, although Congress did refuse to pass a separate authorization for payments to the Green Climate Fund, which disburses money from developed nations to help poorer countries cope with the effects of climate change and to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases. The administration says Congresss refusal to support the Green Climate Fund made it necessary to shift money from other sources, like the Economic Support Fund, which was primarily intended for fighting infectious diseases"

    Read more at http://wonkette.com/602233/republicans-love-unborn-babies-so-much-they-will-give-them-all-zika-virus-to-spite-obama#yhf8u5jOoi1pCCzT.99


    I never claimed the Economic Support Fund made the transfer illegal. What makes it illegal is also explained in my link:


    "Now, Republicans are pushing back. Most recently, lawmakers questioned the legality of funding the Green Climate Fund, since it’s run by a U.N. body that recognizes the “State of Palestine.” Palestine became a member of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in March even though it’s not a U.N. member.

    A 1994 law prevents the Obama administration from funding UNFCCC activities since it recognizes Palestine as a state, according to Republicans. The State Department, however, has said it still plans on funding the UNFCCC’s green agenda."
  9. re; a possible debate between Sanders and Trump: It was Trump who broached the idea. I just watched an interview with Sanders on Bill Maher's show, and Sanders would very much like a debate. Sanders said that Trump said, yes, then no, then yes, then no (I'm not making this up) .....within 2 days. That's Trump style; to flip flop like a dolphin in heat. Sander thinks Trump would not only be very dangerous for America, but dangerous for the world and I fully agree. The reasons are many.


    I fully agree with the keemapoot's post above. In a perverse way, I too would like to see Trump win the general election, but only for the entertainment value. I'd like to see him renege of his 30 foot wall. I'd like to see him twist and turn every time it's shown what a complete dufus he is. I'd like to see him go through a long painful impeachment process, as he's bound to do one or more things that would make Bill's 5 minutes in the cloakroom look like, ......well, 5 minutes in a cloak room exchanging bodily fluids with a somewhat sexy gal.

    But like I said, I'd only want to see T in the Oval Office for the entertainment value, just like I enjoyed watching the Watergate Hearings and O.J.'s trial. ....both of which I watched in full. And I watched most of the Iran-Contra trial with star appearance of Oliver North. North was a creepy liar, but he became a darling of right-wingers. They sure pick sicko bed-fellows, don't they? The same sorts who love Trump and Palin.

    "That's Trump style; to flip flop like a dolphin in heat."

    Over my lifetime I have never known anybody that has ever seen a dolphin in heat.

    Can you provide a link?

    I had a job during the Iran-Contra hearings and OJ's trial so I had to work. I will take your word for it that you watched all of it.

  10. This whole Trump phenomenon is being examined from all angles, and I find the following writer's views interesting (Jane Coaston, political reporter for MTV News):

    Donald Trump’s candidacy lies on the malleable clay of “he’s making all this shit up as he goes along.” There is no principle, no guiding light, nothing beyond “only I can fix whatever it is that you believe is going wrong.”

    That’s not a candidacy. That’s a cult.

    She goes on to write: "A dark side of me wants to see what happens if Trump is in. There is going to be some kind of change, even if it’s like a Nazi-type change. People are so drama-filled. They want to see stuff like that happen. It’s like reality TV. You don’t want to just see everybody be happy with each other. You want to see someone fighting somebody."

    She is saying that because so many Americans' lives are devoid of meaning, numbed by mindless reality TV and the banality of their own meaningless existence that they are attracted to this guy just because he gives them some possibility to have more entertainment stimulation, like an experimental lab rat in a skinner box pressing a lever for a food reward.


    Did she interview Miley Cyrus or Lady Gaga to get all these earth shattering opinions?


  11. Senator: Obama Steals From Zika Victims To Fund UN Climate Programs
    Nice attempt at obfuscation diverting attention from your team holding the DESIGNATED Zika funding hostage demanding pay-back to trucking and pesticide industry lobbies (and cuts to Obamacare).
    Republicans REAL 'priorities' are in paying back industry lobbyists (while weakening water and road safety) by attaching it to the DESIGNATED Zika funding bill, thereby holding the DESIGNATED Zika funding hostage to their REAL priorities.

    Typical left wing post. Long on opinion, short on facts.

    My source says Obama took Zika funds to give to some greenies at the UN in violation of federal laws.

    What does your source say about that?

  12. Well, the SJW's are still in denial we see:

    WAR: Donald Trump Protests in Fresno, San Diego Get Violent



    Too bad. Maybe after 8 years of President Trump these people will have come to their senses?

    Naw...probably not. Haters gonna hate. whistling.gif

    This is exactly how I handle the Liberal nutters on TV posting abuse about Trump - I ignore them and walk on.

    I have added them to my ignore list - not saying anyone else should - but I see them the same as these people (ignorant abusers).

    Sure makes it easier to read the posts too - the Trump detractors left are the rational normal ones I am happy to debate with.

    Life is too short to listen to bad music people smile.png

    I see the photo differently than you seem to. I see the man in the middle with the white t-shirt as the liberal trying to walk through the crowd. Not sure about the fat woman on the left. But all the men on the right appear to be Trump supporters (all wearing Trump red hats) who are looking for trouble. So, BB24, it sounds like you would be like the liberal who is trying to walk onward - to bypass the threatening crowd.

    A post earlier mentioned something Trump said (typically vague and grandstanding) about beefing up the military. Even if he said something specific, he can't be trusted. He's Flip Flop city. That's a big reason why so many are turned off to him. Plus, when he does act, it's likely it will be from a tantrum. I had a mom like that. Her most adamant stances on issues were when she was red-faced, impulsive, hormone-riven, vengeful, .......a whole lot like Trump.

    I assume most Americans want a cool head presiding over their country. Someone like Obama who doesn't erupt in anger and vindictiveness. If Obama could run for a 3rd term, there's nobody who could beat him, not by a country mile. Even if he got Michelle to run, she would blow any other candidate away. Have you seen any speeches by Michelle Obama? She's awesome. Men who don't like strong smart women would be running to hide, trembling behind couches. A Sanders/Michelle Obama ticket, ....now that would be cool.

    1. "But all the men on the right appear to be Trump supporters (all wearing Trump red hats) who are looking for trouble."

    ​Don't give up your day job. Your private investigator skills aren't quite as finely honed as you would want.

    I think Trump lost the anti-trust case. Others can now make and sell red hats.

    The Arizona Cardinals. San Diego State Aztecs and the New Mexico State Lobo's to name a few.

    Another little point about your PI skills...the fellow being molested is wearing a shirt with an American flag on it.

    Bernie's supporters at these protests usually wear shirts glorifying drug dealers or the country of Mexico.

    2. " Men who don't like strong smart women would be running to hide, trembling behind couches."

    ​With that statement it is obvious you and I run in different circles. My group would all have a big laugh and then tell her to get us some beers.

    You seem to be getting farther from reality each day.

    Permit me to give you some friendly advice...

    Take a vacation from posting for two weeks, then give it up completely.

  13. It would seem to me the Dems need to stop the Bernie machine before shooting all their bullets trying to stop the Trump machine.

    She still hasn't gotten a concession out of all four of her primary opponents.

    You folks still have that wild eyed socialist in the running...along with all his ever so peaceful protesters.

  14. Senator: Obama Steals From Zika Victims To Fund UN Climate Programs


    10:41 PM 05/23/2016

    The Obama administration has taken $500 million appropriated by Congress to fight the Zika virus to fund the United Nations Green Climate Fund, which gives foreign countries money for green energy projects.

    “The threat to adults from Zika is relatively small, but the threat to pre-born children is very high,” Oklahoma Republican Sen. James Lankford wrote in an oped for The Daily Signal. “Our national priority rightly focuses on protecting the life of these young children in the womb, since each child has value, no matter their age or size.”

    On top of this, funding the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change is against US law.

  15. If Bernie wilts under pressure like he did with the two Black Lives Matter ladies that took over his campaign stop, it might not look too good for him.

    He didn't wilt...what did you expect him to do? Throw a punch?

    He had a security team and a microphone. He lost his security advantage when he handed his microphone over to them and got lost in the background.

    Surrendering to anarchy is never the solution.

  16. Yes, clearly, the vile monster, also known as SUPER TROLL in the flesh, has indeed BAITED violence from the beginning. It's part of his game plan. And anti-vile monster protesters playing into his TROLL game, falling for the BAIT, waving Mexican flags, sadly, indeed do help the vile monster.

    You mean like that sweet young thing in the short shorts invited her rapist to have his way with her?

    Come on, JT. You're better than this.

    Not the same thing at all.

    But I see you like to obnoxiously PERSONALLY BAIT just like SUPER TROLL trump.

    Discuss the TOPICS, not the POSTERS.

    Desist unless you freely choose to be on my ignore list.

    You do whatever turns you on.

    It makes not one bit of difference to me either way but please don't try and tell me how to post.

  17. From the OP:


    "Two other emails sent to Abedin were cited in the inspector general's report, but also did not turn up among the emails released by Clinton. Those messages to Abedin contained warnings in January 2011 from an unidentified aide to former President Bill Clinton who said he had to shut down Hillary Clinton's New York-based server because of suspected hacking attacks."


    It is rumored the unnamed individual was one Justin Cooper, a long time Bill Clinton aide who was being paid by the Clinton Foundation and Teneo..

    Mr. Cooper was not a federal government employee nor did he have a security clearance...but he had access to all the Clinton State Department emails.

    Another nail might just have been driven into the coffin.

  18. A Trump Presidency will see America totally isolated from the World. It is pretty clear few countries will align themselves with his Presidency. China and Russia will fill the vacuum. There will be little to no support for anything Trump attempts to coordinate. He is seen as a dangerous fool Globally. When even fellow dictator Dear Leader Un gives him the finger it gives you a pretty good indication of how low Trump is regarded on the World stage.

    You can relax. I'm sure the US Military will still protect you Aussies from those big, bad Chinese.

    After all, we've been doing it since 1942.

    If you look at history, Roosevelt wasn't the slightest bit interested in helping Australia, it was MacArthur that said it was an important base for staging against Japan and talked him into it. Aussies weren't saved for our sake, our real estate was saved as a useful military asset, and we have been a US base against Asia ever since. Don't mistake our respect for the brave US soldiers of WW2 with respect for your politicians.

    We had moments of rebellion to being a client state, but the removal of a few troublesome politicians (similar to the South American playbook) got both our parties to now be "all the way with USA" again.

    We want Hilary so we can get the war with China started, just like the EU wants its war with Russia. The future looks bright, who needs Trump to mess things up.

    I just read my earlier post and can find I mazde no reference whatsoever to Roosevelt or any other politician I said the US Military would save your collective skins from the Chinese horde, just as they did the Japanese in 1942.

    I lost an older brother on Guadalcanal so the subject is always somewhat fresh on my mind.

    You want Hillary? You can have her.

  19. Clinton will lose because she's a loser. She may get beaten in more primaries including California. Right now that's a virtual tie and even a tie with Bernie is a loss of face.

    Bernie polls better against Trump than Hillary does. If the DNC starts panicking about Hillary's scandals and poor poll ratings against Trump, she might not get the nomination. Her superdelegates may be asked to vote for someone else.

    The D party is in chaos. Trump has gotten more R votes in the primaries than any candidate in history and he had to split with 16 other candidates in the beginning. He blew away 16 competitors for the nomination (and some like Bush had powerful backing) and Hillary can't even shake Bernie.

    "No one In American history has moved from a June 16 announcement to a May 26 winning of a majority. Trump's achievement is remarkable." - Newt Gingrich.


    "16 competitors" over egging that pudding a little. Worst line up in history.

    Newton Leroy Gingrich is your 'go to man' in picking a winner. Not. If you want to lose the nomination race he'd be the guy to go too. Something wrong with Leroy his heads HUGE!!!!!

    Brilliant. Libtards like to attack the messenger, proving I won because they can't refute the facts.

    Get used to saying "President Trump".


    Refute the facts that Leroy is a loser. Why would anyone listen to a loser. He ran for the Republican nomination and lost to Romney. Who cares what Leroy thinks lol

    "Who cares what Leroy thinks lol"

    Yet you somehow are under the delusion what you think IS important. lol

  20. Yes, clearly, the vile monster, also known as SUPER TROLL in the flesh, has indeed BAITED violence from the beginning. It's part of his game plan. And anti-vile monster protesters playing into his TROLL game, falling for the BAIT, waving Mexican flags, sadly, indeed do help the vile monster.

    You mean like that sweet young thing in the short shorts invited her rapist to have his way with her?

    Come on, JT. You're better than this.

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