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Posts posted by chuckd

  1. Guys, I promise this will be my last attempt at this.

    Huski: Thank you for the response on the Non-Immigrant "O" visa. It would appear I can obtain one at an Embassy abroad with no wife and a dependent Thai child.

    I have previously read the retirement visa thread you pointed out. I fully understand the 800,000/65,000 baht requirement at present. What I (and wpbr) are requesting is information available for requirements after 1 July 2004.

    Do you know if the requirements will change from the current 800,000 to something like 1.2 to 1.5 million when the other requirements change in July 2004?

    I just don't know any other way to ask the question. Please see wpbr's previous post on 2-26 at 09:09 for another way to ask it.


  2. Dr. Pat Pong:

    Thank you for your answer regarding Support Visa requirements affective in July 2004.

    Please forgive me for trying one last time on this.

    1. What will be the banking/income requirement for NEW applications for RETIREMENT visas when the new rules take affect in July 2004?

    2. Will I have trouble qualifying for a Non-Immigrant "O" visa at a Thai Embassy since I do not have a Thai wife? I do have a Thai daughter (age 11) that I have supported since birth and still support. She will live with me in our house in Pattaya when I retire. Will my daughter qualify me for the Non-Immigrant "O" visa required to obtain a Retirement Visa?

    3. I can find nowhere on this thread where it addresses NEW applications for Retirement Visas. There are several references to RENEWALS but not new applications.

    I am normally smarter than the average turnip so where am I going wrong here?

  3. George:

    Thanks for your response. The original post in this thread addresses Retirement Visa Extensions but does not address any change that might occur on new retirement visa applications. I will be applying for a retirement visa soon, but if I cannot get back before the 10 July date, my question was: will the requirements be raised for new applications submitted after the drop dead date?

    Since my other question concerned qualifying for a non-immigrant "O" by virtue of having a Thai dependent daughter vice a wife, my question was addressing new applications also.

    My other question addressed grandfather rights on future retirement visa extensions, which was answered in your first post.

    I'm just a poor old dumb country boy so type slowly as I can't read very fast.

  4. Huski:

    You are absolutely, 100%, positively correct about this as it relates to United States law. Dual citizenship is possible under certain circumstances. I was told this by my Thai lawyer as it relates to her Thai citizenship a couple of years ago and even that might be incorrect. My post was misleading, improper, ill-thought out and poorly stated.

    I stand corrected.

    Now, can anybody answer my questions about retirement visas?

  5. Now my second post.

    wpbr and myself now asking the same question.

    What about retirement visas?

    Is the requirement changing in July from the 800K/65K combination to something else or will it remain the same?

    Will you have grandfather rights if you receive your retirement visa prior to July 2004 on any new requirements?

    I have no Thai wife but I do have an 11 year old Thai daughter from a previous marriage that I have full custody of and have been supporting since birth. Will this qualify me for a Non-Immigrant "O" visa in order to obtain my retirement visa? I think it will. We own a home in Pattaya as backup.

    Huski: FTT = "Foreign Telex Transfer" in the old terminology

    monitorlizard: It is true your daughter must enter the U. S. on her U. S. passport but the American government doesn't care which passport she exits Thailand on as long as she presents her U. S. passport at U. S. Immigration. She has the option to maintain dual citizenship until she reaches 15 (I think) years of age but then, in theory, must choose one citizenship over another.

  6. This is my first post so please be kind.

    I am retirement age with an 11 year old Thai/American daughter, which I have full and legal custody of, as determined by Thai divorce documents. I am, obviously, divorced with no Thai wife.

    I wish to get a retirement visa in June and am counting on the 800K/65K combination to qualify for this visa. Will these requirements change in July or do they remain the same? If they change, will I be grand-fathered on any subsequent changes?

    I are confused....please help.

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