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Posts posted by chuckd

  1. You don't get it. Trump isn't popular because of policies or "ideals". He's popular because people have had enough of the crooks in the big house in Washington and want someone, anyone to give them a good kicking. So far Trump is the only one that MIGHT do that, so it doesn't matter how many times he "flip flops" or contradicts himself. US politics are clearly broken, but no professional crook politician currently serving is going to give up the gravy train to sort it out. So much for "hope and change"- the past 7 1/2 years have been just business as usual with the usual pork, pork, pork.

    If a better person than Trump were to stand for POTUS they'd be a shoo in, but all there is is the professional politician.

    He's popular because he trots out a load of unsubstantiated populist nonsense, and there are a large number of people too stupid to question it.

    Believe that if it makes you feel better.

    I don't know if you are American or not, but if you are, how do you feel, knowing that there are millions and millions and millions of really stupid ( according to you ) people in the US?

    He's a Brit. Thus the self inflated opinions.

  2. Larry- You seem obsessed with Fox

    No. Not obsessed.

    Just pointing out that the people that watch that crap are getting a special version of the news that leave them with an appereance of being misinformed.

    GOOGLE: "Rupert Murdoch's War On Journalism"

    Larry, just for the record let me advise you I don't watch Fox News and haven't seen it since 2008.

    I watch CNN (Clinton News Network) and BBC when I get really desperate for a laugh. I live in a small village in Isaan and have TrueVisions as my TV provider.

    Now, how about fessing up? What is your nationality, what country do you live in and what is your major source of network news?

    Also wondering if you and ilostmypassowrd also happened to run across my backup for the Labor Force Participation Rate?

    Unemployment has gone from well over 10% down to 5%. 74 months of continued job growth = 14.6 million.

    I know that's hard to take for the FOX viewers so they pull some figures out of thre air about labor participation rate.

    I know, I know... I've heard it before.... All the jobs Obama created are low wage going to refugees.....or the numbers are fake.

    You're not half as smart as you think you are.

    I didn't pull any figures out of the air. I got them directly from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

    Since it is obvious you don't have a clue what the BLS is, let me provide a little information.

    I suggest you get into their site and find out how the unemployment percentage is calculated. You might actually learn something useful.

    Edit in" Check out the U-6 unemployment rate. It was 9.7% in April 2016. Surely you know what the U-6 unemployment rate is...


    Bureau of Labor Statistics
    Government Agency
    The Bureau of Labor Statistics is a unit of the United States Department of Labor. It is the principal fact-finding agency for the U.S. government in the broad field of labor economics and statistics ... Wikipedia
    Founded: 1884
    Annual budget: 618.2 million USD
  3. Larry- You seem obsessed with Fox

    No. Not obsessed.

    Just pointing out that the people that watch that crap are getting a special version of the news that leave them with an appereance of being misinformed.

    GOOGLE: "Rupert Murdoch's War On Journalism"

    Larry, just for the record let me advise you I don't watch Fox News and haven't seen it since 2008.

    I watch CNN (Clinton News Network) and BBC when I get really desperate for a laugh. I live in a small village in Isaan and have TrueVisions as my TV provider.

    Now, how about fessing up? What is your nationality, what country do you live in and what is your major source of network news?

    Also wondering if you and ilostmypassowrd also happened to run across my backup for the Labor Force Participation Rate?

  4. Still don't see any documentation for those bogus items you've cited.


    We all know that those items you've listed are bogus! laugh.png

    Read em and weep FOX viewers.

    Shocking I know.

    Get back to us with substantiation for those allegations OK? thumbsup.gif

    Don't have to google most of them. Our new friend just doesn't know what he is talking about.

    Let's look at just a select few of them since I don't have the inclination to google for the next half hour.

    1. "Banking crisis over."

    Bank bail out was under George Bush administration.

    2. "Ended 2 wars."

    Then why are we still fighting wars in Iraq and Afghanistan? Obama has screwed up the peace process.

    3. "Dependency on foreign oil all time low.'

    Obama had nothing to do with this. Drilling on government land is still on the black list. Fracking is getting the oil out of privately owned land.

    4. "Strong dollar."

    On 20 January 2009 the dollar to baht exchange rate for transfers was 34.68. This month it was 34.69. Not a terribly healthy dollar now as opposed to then.

    5. "Deficit going down faster than projected."

    Since the last Bush deficit had requested a deficit of $407 Billion yet Obama ran it up to $1.413 Trillion, I guess any number below that is a deficit reduction.

    6. "Iran nuclear agreement."

    What Iran nuclear agreement? Iran never has signed the agreement. Kerry made the agreement with himself at this point.

    7. " Healthcare reform."

    I presume yo are talking about the Affordable Care Act, where nearly all the insurers have dropped out of the program and all the coverage seems to be federally funded Medicaid?

    8. "Saved auto industry."

    ​Uh...George Bush did this before Obama took office.

    You really need to get out a little more and stop reading Media Matters. George Soros does that group proud.

    Edit in, I forgot this little gem of yours.

    9. "74 months of job growth."

    ​The labor force participation rate has dropped to it's lowest level since the Carter administration with 94,044,000 no longer seeking employment. In

    April the Obama economy added 160,000 new jobs, yet 562,000 dropped out of the job seeking role. Hardly a robust job picture at all.

    I may be getting to the other points you raised but this number of 94 million is not people who dropped out of job seeking. Utter nonsense. It includes teenagers, college-age kids and retirees among others. It may also include homemakers. . Where did you get this number from?, WesternJournalism.com. ? This is another example of the kind of weird closed misinformaton world the right wing lives in. Anyway, here's a link to Politifact, http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/statements/2015/feb/10/ted-cruz/ted-cruz-says-92-million-americans-arent-working/ And of course for this figure to convey any real meaning, it would have to be compared to the statistics for previous administrations. Have you done that? Did it even occur to you to do that?

    As for the declining labor participation, here's a note from the Bureau of Labor statistics dated Nov 2006 Bureau of Labor Statistics, November 2006: Every year after 2000, the rate declined gradually, from 66.8 percent in 2001 to 66.0 percent in 2004 and 2005. According to the BLS projections, the overall participation rate will continue its gradual decrease each decade and reach 60.4 percent in 2050.

    I got that from Factcheck.org . here's a link: http://www.factcheck.org/2015/03/declining-labor-participation-rates/

    You've got to try and break out of that bubble.

    1. The total civilian non-institutional available work force in April 2016 was 252,969,000.

    2. The civilian non-institutional participation rate totaled 158,924,000.

    3. The civilian non-institutional participation rate was 62.8%

    4. The civilian non-institutional non=participation rate was therefore 37.2%

    5. Taking 37.2% of 252,969,000, one comes up with 94,104,468.

    I must admit my error. My totals were some 60,000 less than the actual number.

    I got mine from the Bureau of Labor Statistics...not Factcheck or even Politifact. How's the air in your own little bubble?

    Link: http://www.bls.gov/news.release/empsit.t01.htm

  5. I certainly hope you are not teaching history to some unsuspecting young person.

    Right Chuck. I missed one more. GW Bush signed that Iraq pullout agreement.

    Obama wanted to stay longer to prevent the ISIL situation but was forced out by Bush's agreement. After that pullout date, US Troops would no longer have immunity to Iraq laws.

    Obama failed to get a Status of Forces Agreement out of the Iraqi government. All he had to do was push harder.

    "Obama wanted to stay longer to prevent the ISIL situation but was forced out by Bush's agreement."

    ISIL had never been heard of in 2009.

    But keep tilting at those windmills. You'll kill one before long. cheesy.gif

  6. Let's not forget we are better off than we were 7 years ago.

    GWBush left the US crippled, at wars, 20 million lost their homes, retires lost their savings, 800,000 were being laid off every month.

    People were ruined and jumping off their roofs in 2008..

    Stock market lost 60%.

    How soon some people forget...

    How is it that Ovama us seen as a failure?

    Where do these people get their information?

    Since Obama was elected:

    74 months of job growth.

    Retirees and the 225 million with retirement accounts have enjoyed 200% gains.

    What else?

    Killed Bin Laden & droned more terrorists than previous presidents.

    Housing crisis over. Lowest inventory in decades.

    Banking crisis over.

    Ended 2 wars.

    Dependency on foreign oil all time low.

    Increased fuel efficiency standards.

    US Exports at all time high.

    Strong dollar.

    Deficit going down faster than projected.

    Iran nuclear agreement.

    Healthcare reform.

    Cuba relations.

    Leadership on environment & climate change.

    TPP trade agreement with Pacifuc Rim.

    ISIL being effector pushed back.

    Reversed torture policy.

    Education reform.

    Saved auto industry.


    We all know that those items you've listed are bogus! laugh.png

    Read em and weep FOX viewers.

    Shocking I know.

    Still don't see any documentation for those bogus items you've cited.

    Get back to us with substantiation for those allegations OK? thumbsup.gif

    Don't have to google most of them. Our new friend just doesn't know what he is talking about.

    Let's look at just a select few of them since I don't have the inclination to google for the next half hour.

    1. "Banking crisis over."

    Bank bail out was under George Bush administration.

    2. "Ended 2 wars."

    Then why are we still fighting wars in Iraq and Afghanistan? Obama has screwed up the peace process.

    3. "Dependency on foreign oil all time low.'

    Obama had nothing to do with this. Drilling on government land is still on the black list. Fracking is getting the oil out of privately owned land.

    4. "Strong dollar."

    On 20 January 2009 the dollar to baht exchange rate for transfers was 34.68. This month it was 34.69. Not a terribly healthy dollar now as opposed to then.

    5. "Deficit going down faster than projected."

    Since the last Bush deficit had requested a deficit of $407 Billion yet Obama ran it up to $1.413 Trillion, I guess any number below that is a deficit reduction.

    6. "Iran nuclear agreement."

    What Iran nuclear agreement? Iran never has signed the agreement. Kerry made the agreement with himself at this point.

    7. " Healthcare reform."

    I presume yo are talking about the Affordable Care Act, where nearly all the insurers have dropped out of the program and all the coverage seems to be federally funded Medicaid?

    8. "Saved auto industry."

    ​Uh...George Bush did this before Obama took office.

    You really need to get out a little more and stop reading Media Matters. George Soros does that group proud.

    Edit in, I forgot this little gem of yours.

    9. "74 months of job growth."

    ​The labor force participation rate has dropped to it's lowest level since the Carter administration with 94,044,000 no longer seeking employment. In

    April the Obama economy added 160,000 new jobs, yet 562,000 dropped out of the job seeking role. Hardly a robust job picture at all.

  7. I don't think Bill Clinton is running for President. The real problems facing America are being avoided by most candidates. Trump remains a buffoon.

    I think you hit the nail on the head. BC is not running for president. Its just another way of flinging dirt and hoping something will stick. I understand Trump is one guy you would never want to play golf with especially for money. Once Hillary and her team start digging into Trumps past I am sure they will find lots of skeletons in his closet.

    You're right, BC isn't running. But his wife is running and her actions in covering up his many dalliances certainly impacts her reliability, honesty and her thirst for power.

    You do know BC had the pleasure of paying Paula Jones, one of his regular squeezes, the princely sum of $850,000 to drop her lsexual harassment suit against him?


    And this is what makes his previous actions on topic.


    Paula Jones: Hillary Clinton unfit to be president
    05/28/15 08:36 AM EDT
    Paula Jones, the woman who sued President Bill Clinton for sexual harassment while he was governor of Arkansas, says Hillary Clinton is not fit to be president because of her husband’s past behavior.
    “There is no way that she did not know what was going on, that women were being abused and accosted by her husband,” Jones said in an interview with Daily Mail Online. “They have both lied,” she said.

    Well I know many young damsels who would be happy with 1000 let alone $850,000. I for one would ! I ain't no damsel but hey that is nice for 30 mins or 5 if you are better at your job hahahah

    Who gives a flying toss who did what to whom and lied about it? EVERY couple or for that point tells porkies of some kind or another and plays around

    The only difference is people are interested in these peoples personal lives because they are bored themselves and cant talk about their own infidelities.

    Does it matter if he or she has seventy thousand screw arounds so long as they do a good job?

    Do you QUESTION every person you meet to see if they do or don't before you speak, do business, buy sell or whatever?

    Get a life. This is about running a country and the sills required, and setting leadership examples to the world.

    If they get a bit here or there WHO REALLY cares?

    What am I missing here? some tel tales out of school that is supposed to shock me?

    "What am I missing here?"

    What you are missing is the US President is held to a higher standard than most normal people. He has sworn to enforce the laws during his inauguration.

    Blatantly lying to a federal official while he is under oath is a no-no. He was only caught out when the infamous blue dress appeared and DNA tied him to the stains.

    In his case, the cover up was worse than the crime.

    It should be part of this campaign now due to the manner in which Hillary covered up his many girl friends and how she tried to destroy them and their credibility. She's a snake.

    Personally, if I had been married to Hillary I expect my eye would have been wandering around as well. I really don't give a shit how many ladies he poked, including his current one the Secret Service is calling the Everready Bunny.

    Personally I think Bill made the wrong choice several years ago.

    Monica Lewinsky today


    Hillary Clinton today


  8. “I never had sex with that woman, Ms Lewinski.”

    That's why he was impeached. Birds of a feather - Hillary is not qualified to be anything in Public Service. smile.png

    He never was impeached...

    Republicans tried to impeach him, but basically that was because he was a none Republican President, same with Obama because he was black, did not work either, and I assume if Hillary makes it too the White House they will want her out because she is a women.

    The Republicans are like a broken record...

    Clinton was impeached by the House of Representatives.

    He was not convicted by the Senate.

    The charges were lying under oath to a federal official (perjury) and Obstruction of Justice.

    There was never an attempt to file articles of impeachment against Obama.

    I don't know where you are getting your information but it is wrong.

  9. Seems like most here tend to either forget or do not understand that for the most part the decisions which led to the original problem in Flint were made by local elected officials like the city council. By trying to save money they decided to buy water from a cheaper source in 2013. The water from the Flint River contained high levels of chlorine which is highly corrosive to iron and lead used in the pipes. Right after the switch in April 2014 people started complaining about the water. In Jan 2015 a public meeting was held for people to complain about skin problems for some children. It's in 2015 that essentially everything hit the fan. State and Federal agencies were in conflict over what to do and what to tell the public. That became a cluster-<deleted>. Seems like the problems could have been avoided by adding phosphorous to the water a fix that would have cost the city $50,000 per year. The reason the city is in such dire financial straits is the fact that it is the second most poverty-stricken city in the US for it's size and the fact that 20% of all city spending is mandatory to pay pensions of retirees from city government. The city is/was in financial receivership.

    Obama for his part made this trip for public relations and nothing else. He simply moves on now looking for somewhere else to try to be presidential. Snyder, the governor is being blamed by the Democrats, which is political in motivation. Just goes to show how a stupid move by mostly Democratic, black politicians elected from a mostly poor black population, having not done their homework, reverberates throughout the nation and people try and place the blame on others. There is no doubt that state and federal agencies screwed up as well after looking into the matter and bickering over what to do. It is a given that the system did not work. However, if I were a resident of Flint, I would want the whole city council voted out, rather than trying to place blame on the state. After all it was the Flint water system and the Flint city council that took the initial action without due diligence.

    ? In 2011 Flint was deemed to be broke and taken into State receivership under the control of Republican Governor Snyder. A series of State 'emergency managers' were appointed to roll out austerity measures. Snyder's 'emergency manager' signed off on pumping polluted water from the Flint River into the towns water supply in 2013 ?

    Two of the three emergency managers were Democrats. I don't know the political affiliation of Ed Kurtz.

    See post 33, above.

  10. I don't think Bill Clinton is running for President. The real problems facing America are being avoided by most candidates. Trump remains a buffoon.

    I think you hit the nail on the head. BC is not running for president. Its just another way of flinging dirt and hoping something will stick. I understand Trump is one guy you would never want to play golf with especially for money. Once Hillary and her team start digging into Trumps past I am sure they will find lots of skeletons in his closet.

    You're right, BC isn't running. But his wife is running and her actions in covering up his many dalliances certainly impacts her reliability, honesty and her thirst for power.

    You do know BC had the pleasure of paying Paula Jones, one of his regular squeezes, the princely sum of $850,000 to drop her lsexual harassment suit against him?


    And this is what makes his previous actions on topic.


    Paula Jones: Hillary Clinton unfit to be president
    05/28/15 08:36 AM EDT
    Paula Jones, the woman who sued President Bill Clinton for sexual harassment while he was governor of Arkansas, says Hillary Clinton is not fit to be president because of her husband’s past behavior.
    “There is no way that she did not know what was going on, that women were being abused and accosted by her husband,” Jones said in an interview with Daily Mail Online. “They have both lied,” she said.
  11. There is a report out Hillary was fired by the Watergate Committee in 1974 for lying and unethical behavior with Congress. Since you're cherry picking from 2008 only, I suppose ancient history like that doesn't count.

    So where's the report? I think what you shoud have written is that there is a baseless lying rumor out there that Hillary was fired for lying and unethical behavior. How gullible can you be? http://www.snopes.com/politics/clintons/zeifman.asp

    Since it is becoming obvious you cannot access Google, here it is.


  12. One thing for certain, rather it be ugly, disgusting, trivial, demeaning and/or insulting, it's gonna be fun watching these two drag each other through the muk. The GOP debates had record numbers of Americans tuned into the entertainment and will obviously be outdone if Hillary has the 'nads to appear on stage with the Trumpster....... clap2.gifclap2.gifclap2.gifcheesy.gif

    i wouldnt find it fun to see my country's leaders acting disgusting, trivial and demeaning. rather, i'd be embarrassed

    And what country would that be?

  13. Thanks for referring to Politifact. They have different grades of lies and truth. Anyway for Hillary Clinton the entire total of Mostly False, False, and Pants on Fire is 56

    Trump is now tied with Barack Obama for Politifact's Lie of the Year.

    One-all is the score.


    Donald Trump, in his short political career has already amassed 104. That's over twice as many has Hillary Clinton already!!! He has 19 Pants on Fire award as against Hillary Clinton's puny total of 3.

    What's more I'd estimate about 90 percent of his lies were made in 2015 and 2016. A few statements go back to 2011 through 2014 but not many. Hillary's record goes back to 2008. So she has taken a lot longer to accumulate her much smaller total.

    Trump wins again!!!

    Oh, I see you already brought up Hillary.

    The most glaring thing I see in your somewhat silly post is Hillary's lies are only covered from 2008. You do know she has been involved in politics since the early 70's so it would appear you are conveniently bypassing some 40 years of documented lies to arrive at your mythical number of three (3) lies during the past eight years.

    There is a report out Hillary was fired by the Watergate Committee in 1974 for lying and unethical behavior with Congress. Since you're cherry picking from 2008 only, I suppose ancient history like that doesn't count.

    Since we are now into estimating lies, my estimation is Hillary probably lied three times before she had her morning coffee today.

    And no, I'm not "estimating lies". I'm going to an independent source whose business it is to evaluate specific instances of what public figures say..It's called Politifact. Politifact. Politifact. Has it sunk in yet?

    We don't have a convenient record on Hillary Clinton before she became a public figure. Nor do we have one on Donald Trump. Are you suggesting that Donald Trump was an honest person until his entry into politics? That his record-breaking lying is some sort of aberration? Really?

    As for 3 times being a "mythical number". Again, that comes from an independent source: Politifact. And it only refers to the number of times she got awarded Pants on Fire. That was against Trump's 19.

    As for "cherry picking", Politifact was launched in 2007. So that's as far back as they go.. So to compare Donald and Hillary, the best way to do it is to compare rates of lying. How many per year. I'll go and compare their performances in 2015 and 2016. I'll be sure to share the results with you.

    "We don't have a convenient record on Hillary Clinton before she became a public figure." cheesy.gif

    Google is your friend.

    My bet is you don't even know Hillary wrote her Senior thesis at Wellesley College on the life and thinking of Saul Alinsky.

    She wrote it in 1969.

  14. All of you blaming the Democratic party "leaders" of the City of Flint for making the decision to switch the water supply are

    forgetting one very important detail. All of the decisions related to the switching of the water supply AND the response to

    it occurred between 2011 and 2015 when the city was in receivership, being run by a series of financial managers appointed by

    Republican Governor Rick Synder.

    This was a cost-cutting decision spearheaded by Republicans, with the governor fighting tooth and nail for Flint's "right" to

    switch from Detroit City Water.

    Get your facts straight: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flint_water_crisis

    Those three financial managers appointed by the Governor were:

    Michael Brown - Dec 2011 to Aug 2012

    Ed Kurtz - Aug 2012 to JUL 2013

    Michael Brown (again) - Jul 2013 to Oct 2013

    Darnell Earley - Oct 2013 to Jan 2015

    Brown and Earley were Democrats. I don't know what party affiliation Kurtz had.

  15. A couple of interesting items in today's news.


    Students and parents sue school district over biological male access to girl's locker room
    Chicago Tribune
    May 7, 2016 at 6:45 am
    A group of suburban students and parents is suing the U.S. Department of Education and Illinois’ largest high school district after school officials granted a transgender student access to the girls locker room.
    In a lawsuit filed in federal court Wednesday, the group contends that the actions of the Department of Education and Palatine-based Township High School District 211 “trample students’ privacy” rights and create an “intimidating and hostile environment” for students who share the locker rooms and restrooms with the transgender student.
    “Students have an expectation of privacy in restrooms and locker rooms, and that expectation is violated when a school puts the opposite-sex student in those kinds of private and intimate facilities,” said Jeremy Tedesco, attorney with Alliance Defending Freedom, a religious legal advocacy group representing the plaintiffs.
    Schools such as Mizzou, Brown, Harvard, and the University of Wyoming will host lavender graduations, according to the Human Rights Campaign.
    Victoria Stroup
    Missouri Campus Correspondent
    Apr 29, 2016 at 11:00 AM EDT
    Over 100 colleges and universities will be hosting a separate graduation ceremony for LGBTQ and ally students this spring.
    According to the Human Rights Campaign, the “Lavender Graduation” (a reference to the pink triangles Nazis forced gay men to wear) will take place on at least 124 college campuses in the United States in the coming weeks.
    The graduations are intended to “provide a sense of community for minority students who often experience tremendous culture shock at their impersonalized institutions.”
  16. When a child is born in the USA, a medical doctor or perhaps a midwife assigns a gender to the newborn and this gender assignment is officially recorded and in some states, counties or municipalities this record is perhaps also accessible to the public.

    With transgenders, I understand it is the transgender who assigns the new gender to itself and nothing goes on an official or public record. Is it really enough for a man to say "I feel like a woman; I am a transgender" to acquire the legal right under US law to use female toilets and changing rooms in public buildings? Are there no official regulations or guidelines on this subject in the USA?

    Generally speaking, not every unequal treatment is discriminatory. For example, the fact that as a general rule men are not allowed to use female toilets,and vice-versa, is a clear discrimination on the basis of gender but it is not illegal because no law forbids it. The anti-discrimination laws specify the groups of people, often minorities, against whom and in what settings discrimination is illegal. (http://civilrights.findlaw.com/civil-rights-overview/what-is-discrimination.html)

    Outside of the limits defined by anti-discrimination laws it can be said that discrimination is only illegal when it is arbitrary, ie it is not illegal when all persons in the same situation are discriminated in the same manner and in equal measure. However, this is a moot point in this topic because the USA has laws to protect transgenders and other groups from discrimination on the basis of their sexual orientation. This brings me back to the question: on whose verification or judgement, on the basis of what written record does a person officially become become a member of a particular group deserving of protection from discrimination under the prevailing laws and regulations?

    "With transgenders, I understand it is the transgender who assigns the new gender to itself and nothing goes on an official or public record. Is it really enough for a man to say "I feel like a woman; I am a transgender" to acquire the legal right under US law to use female toilets and changing rooms in public buildings? Are there no official regulations or guidelines on this subject in the USA?"

    The following link will provide the information you seek.

    Birth certificates can be changed in 47 of the 50 states. Only Idaho, Ohio and Tennessee will not change a birth certificate.


  17. Not sure about the "Goofy Warren" accolade. Maybe Trump is trying various 5 yr old name-calling labels on each prominent person who is not a fan, to see which one sticks. I heard he called Elizabeth Warren, THE INDIAN, because prior, Ms Warren mentioned she had some Native American heritage. Boy, Trump sure knows how to stick his shoe into the shit, doesn't he. Now he's offending Native Americans. Who will be next? Inuits? Africans? Oh he already touched on Africans with his browbeating of Obama being Kenyan. Argentinians? Fijians?

    Trump thinks he's so superior to everyone else. He's even said "I've got a great memory. I really do." Yet, when asked which foot had a bone spur (to enable him to dodge the draft 5 times) ...he said he couldn't remember.

    The Indian tribe Pocahontas Warren claims to be descended from have said she is lying.

    I seriously doubt if the Cherokee Nation will be up in arms over this, as you so spectacularly claim.

    And you blame Trump for having a bad memory!

    For your belated information.


    Is Elizabeth Warren Native American or What?
    Elizabeth Warren is not a citizen of the Cherokee Nation.
    Elizabeth Warren is not enrolled in the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians.
    And Elizabeth Warren is not one of the United Keetoowah Band of Cherokee.
    Nor could she become one, even if she wanted to.

    he uses the word indian in a disparaging manner. he's a fool

    "he uses the word indian in a disparaging manner. he's a fool"

    A classic case of:


    PS: Not capitalizing the word "Indian" might be considered disparaging to the Indian Nations.

  18. <snip>

    How about this from Politifact? The Donald Trump Campaign gets the Lie of the Year Award for 2015


    Trump is now tied with Barack Obama for Politifact's Lie of the Year.

    One-all is the score.


    Thanks for referring to Politifact. They have different grades of lies and truth. Anyway for Hillary Clinton the entire total of Mostly False, False, and Pants on Fire is 56

    Donald Trump, in his short political career has already amassed 104. That's over twice as many has Hillary Clinton already!!! He has 19 Pants on Fire award as against Hillary Clinton's puny total of 3.

    What's more I'd estimate about 90 percent of his lies were made in 2015 and 2016. A few statements go back to 2011 through 2014 but not many. Hillary's record goes back to 2008. So she has taken a lot longer to accumulate her much smaller total.

    Trump wins again!!!

    Oh, I see you already brought up Hillary.

    The most glaring thing I see in your somewhat silly post is Hillary's lies are only covered from 2008. You do know she has been involved in politics since the early 70's so it would appear you are conveniently bypassing some 40 years of documented lies to arrive at your mythical number of three (3) lies during the past eight years.

    There is a report out Hillary was fired by the Watergate Committee in 1974 for lying and unethical behavior with Congress. Since you're cherry picking from 2008 only, I suppose ancient history like that doesn't count.

    Since we are now into estimating lies, my estimation is Hillary probably lied three times before she had her morning coffee today.

  19. <snip>

    How about this from Politifact? The Donald Trump Campaign gets the Lie of the Year Award for 2015


    Trump is now tied with Barack Obama for Politifact's Lie of the Year.

    One-all is the score.


    Obama got dinged for 1 lie. Pollitifacts examined 77 statements from Trump and found he had lied 76 times. He is far in advance of any other politician including Hillary and Obama in his lying percentage. He's the all time champ. And that was just in 2015.

    And Obama's lies, repeated multiple times, helped in the passage of the Affordable Care Act which is costing the taxpayers Billions of dollars, soon to be in the Trillions.

    You don't really want to bring Hillary into this particular side conversation about lying, do you?

  20. Trump's coining of "Crooked Hillary" and "Goofy Warren" have stuck because that's what they are! biggrin.png

    I don't think that kind of juvenile crapola is going to play very well in the general election. But good if he thinks so ... love to see him use stupid tactics.

    Not sure about the "Goofy Warren" accolade. Maybe Trump is trying various 5 yr old name-calling labels on each prominent person who is not a fan, to see which one sticks. I heard he called Elizabeth Warren, THE INDIAN, because prior, Ms Warren mentioned she had some Native American heritage. Boy, Trump sure knows how to stick his shoe into the shit, doesn't he. Now he's offending Native Americans. Who will be next? Inuits? Africans? Oh he already touched on Africans with his browbeating of Obama being Kenyan. Argentinians? Fijians?

    Trump thinks he's so superior to everyone else. He's even said "I've got a great memory. I really do." Yet, when asked which foot had a bone spur (to enable him to dodge the draft 5 times) ...he said he couldn't remember.

    The Indian tribe Pocahontas Warren claims to be descended from have said she is lying.

    I seriously doubt if the Cherokee Nation will be up in arms over this, as you so spectacularly claim.

    And you blame Trump for having a bad memory!

    For your belated information.


    Is Elizabeth Warren Native American or What?
    Elizabeth Warren is not a citizen of the Cherokee Nation.
    Elizabeth Warren is not enrolled in the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians.
    And Elizabeth Warren is not one of the United Keetoowah Band of Cherokee.
    Nor could she become one, even if she wanted to.
  21. Given the choice between "slim chance" and "no chance in hell", I'm all for trying the slim chance for 4 years.

    Obama surprised a lot of us by being so lame. Maybe Trump will be a surprise in the other direction.

    No surprises possible with Hillary. Disappointment- sure, but that won't be a surprise.

    there is no chance in hell and obama did a lot given that those repub bastards stonewalled him at every turn

    Obama is still doing a lot, but it is the right thing to do with the economy in tatters? He is successfully bypassing those "repub bastads" in the process.

    Red tape and bureaucracy have started the US on the road to a completely failed economy, and the federal government is leading the charge in that direction.


    Shock report: Federal red tape eats 11% GDP, rivals ALL pretax corporate profits
    5/4/16 9:19 AM
    Regulations under President Obama, who is working hard to issue more expensive rules than any other American president, cost taxpayers and the economy $1.9 trillion a year, a $14,842 hidden tax on every household, according to a shocking new report on government red tape.
    The annual "Ten Thousand Commandments" report from the Competitive Enterprise Institute said that there were 30 new rules issued for every single law passed last year.
    "If it were a country, U.S. regulation would be the ninth-largest economy, ranked behind India and ahead of Russia," wrote Clyde Wayne Crews Jr., vice president for policy. He said the total bill is higher than Canada's gross domestic product.
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