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Posts posted by JeffreyMcCollum

  1. i think the best speed mod you could do to a pcx is to sell it and buy a cbr 250..............

    I have both and they both have there place, but I agree, why spend so much to modify a PCX to end up with something that cost the same or more than a bigger bike and gets poor fuel economy ?

  2. Tell me, is the headlight an improvement on a wave or is it still completely inadequate? I'm looking at buying the PCX but worry that I still can't see ahead if doing more than about 40 on the way back through the hills in northern Thailand.

    On my PCX the lighting seem OK for the speeds I drive 90 - 100 kph

    The bulbs are a simple up grade if you want something with a little more power but I have never felt the need for it

  3. Last November I placed a deposit on a Honda Brio. After the Auto show I was not so sure I wanted it any more. Then I got a letter from Honda due to the problems in Japan it could be months (12) before I got mine. I went to the dealer and received my deposit back. Not in the week they said but after 6 weeks.

    This is also true one other time with a Nissan

    Both dealers are in Chiang Mai

  4. So we can pay 400 Baht to enter a temple, but we can't get a beer? (Foreigners who don't look Thai). I believe this is called profiling. If profiling works so well when entering temples, why can't it work the other way when ordering a drink in a bar?

    Oh well, I'll just stay home, drink whiskey alone and cry. :jap:

    What are you talking about? Paying to enter a temple... never heard of it.

    Up here in Chiang Mai they are very heavy handed in demanding money from you to enter at Doi Sethep. Even though the ticket says you don't need to pay, even though I have Thai ID and work and live here and pay taxes just like anyone else. It is a circus and I stopped going.

  5. If it has a controler you could lower the temp. you could get a smaller wattage unit also. How is your water pressure ? Most homes have poor systems were it goes up and down. Might want to check the water flow too.

  6. On Google translate I just type in English and it comes out Thai, even says it for you if you want

    Go to Google and in the upper left is a translate link.

    Some times my wife and I argue passing the compuuter back and forth

  7. In the case of foreigners dying in Thailand it is mandatory for the police to inform the persons embassy, as to the disposal, a Thai will is a must, re-patriation of a body to Europe or USA can cost in excess of 250,000 baht, a budhist ceremony with cremation in the temple in Pattaya City Centre is 30,000 baht minimum, I would guess that it can be done cheaper at some of the more remote wats. This 30,000 baht includes all the paperwork from the hospital/police and the transportation of the body to the temple. Hope this helps.

    My father died about a year ago in Thailand. I was here with him. Police never contacted. I contacted the Embassy. That is needed to help with any will or life insurance abroad. Having his body burned at the Wat was 20,000 Bt, however the locals pay 10,000 Bt. He had no Thai will and it was never asked for. My brother flew his ashes back to America but I think he would have been happy to have it done here. It was "carry on" and no charge from the airline. Really was easy except for the stress of a lost love one.

  8. Please remember this is Thailand and not America. The cars, as well as the safety devices in the cars are not the same. Neither are the drivers or road conditions.

    I am happy with my small car. My friend with their big double cab has been in 3 accidents in 6 months. It just too large and hard to drive and turn as sharp

  9. December I got a new car - I did not get the RED plates nor was offered any. I drove all around Thailand, BKK, CM, Pattaya, etc ... many times. I carried the papers from the dealer as well as the insurance, only one time the road pirates stopped me but let me go without a payemnt. I got my plates (CM area) in Late May

    I to thought the dealer was givng me a run around but in the end I got them

  10. I'm A Hilo boy. 20 years in the islands and now over here. My plan was to wait until I was 50, have a few rental condos here for income and ride until my hear is content. But with the death of my daughter, then my father (here in Thailand) when I was here a few years back, I just decided to stay. Very happy and not looking back. First, Thailand is wonderful. Much like Hawaii and more. I live up north in Chiang Mai, Honolulu size but you would never know it. I find more people here from Hawaii than any where else I have ever been in the world. I'm not talking hundreds, I'm talking thousands. So that in itself is saying somethings. If you come here with an open mind, and a sense for adventure, you will do well, If you want things like America, you will fail. Hawaii is something in the middle if you from Hawaii you will know what I mean. I am 49, and I wanted to be here and found a way, You too, easily could go today and stay, if you really wanted to. I want to wait on the retirement visa a few years for some reasons like work, as well as others.

    If you seriously want to move here, you're off to a good start. But catch a flight over and look around more. In Hilo I had a ocean front home and thought I never would be away from the water, Here I have a home near the beach, but much more like it up north and live there now. Look around an see where you like and fit in. Some things are just different here, Both good and bad, and some things are the same as in Hawaii. Weather is a little hotter than Honolulu by a few degrees but the rain is mostly the same. Some things cost less, way less, and some thing more, way more. You really have to toss out things you've learned back home and start over on a new life adventure. It is easy to keep in touch with friends back home by phone or internet, as well as travel if you wish, I have not. Health care here is way better than in Hawaii and at 1/10 th the price. I am learning more thai every day, but it really is not nessasary to start here

    I am happy to help more, if you need, Think of what you like to do there and what will you do to keep youself busy here.

    PM me if you wish

    Aloha !

  11. So this is a forum where it is assumed that

    1/ You are western

    2/ You are a male

    3/ You have got yourself a thai gf / wife

    The rest of us can bugger off I presume ?

    I would be happy to hear from anyone

    Thai married to Thai

    Man or woman what they do to help their families

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