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Everything posted by chrischronic

  1. 5555 The wife would love to get a long vacation from me, but I'm on top of that visa yearly.
  2. Can someone in this situation avoid deportation if they hired a lawyer and paid before being caught? I am wondering if a lawyer could prevent deportation and take care of visa issues, because I have seen advertising for visa overstays on lawyers' sites and office buildings.
  3. Imagine if they targeted all the clubs, raves, and festivals around Thailand. Just Bangkok would be crazy with all the foreign DJs playing and flying in to play.
  4. There are so many more you can have with a monthly deposit. Don't build that home; build your contact list.
  5. Yeah I would love to find for exactly this reason. Thank you!
  6. I like Leo and IPA. As I stated above, I want to buy it for my father. He drank that all his life in the States. It's just a one-time thing for a special occasion. I just want to find it. Yes, I will definitely try Carabao though. I've been reluctant to buy it, but I will try it as you suggest..
  7. Does anyone know where I can buy a case of Coors Light? I want to buy it for my father, who loves this beer. I have seen it in a few bars but have yet to find a place to purchase more than a few cans. Any contacts of distribution companies or stores you know of in the Bangkok area would be greatly appreciated. Thank you all.
  8. Every neighborhood has that one Mom-and-pop shop.
  9. I see more posts and comments from people complaining about vegans then I ever see or hear from Vegans.
  10. What about open decks? All over BKK are open deck format where Forieners come and play. Is that considered working?
  11. Ok I will ... and how is a question misleading ? I asked and people answer. First guy answered and said "They won't accept one though printed from your online banking. " ...exactly the info I needed.
  12. The request statement emailed shows all info.
  13. In the app you can request statement. The app sends you a file from the dates you selected and this shows all info. Shows name location time date. I was not sure if this is the same as what the bank would give. The file looks the same as something mailed through the post.
  14. Type O visa extension funds in bank 2 months printout must show every transaction? I feel I failed and should have just put the funds in savings or a different account, but nope. The bank has hundreds of transactions and the online statement shows many people's names. Lots of bars, clubs, weed shops, and friends' names. I'm 100% legal but I really don't want to share all this information with anyone. Can I ask the bank for a printout without names and places? Can I give a partial printout of the date of deposit and the balance to date? Any info is appreciated.
  15. Friends have been complaining that the rent of condos in BKK is increasing dramatically due to condos being bought out and foreigners paying way too much on rent. I've been hearing stories of full floors being bought out and only finding foreign renters who will pay high because they compare rent to their home countries. I have a few friends who are very concerned that prices are going to get out of control. Do you think this will become a problem with rent increasing all across BKK?
  16. I've seen this in other situations, and the poster usually deletes apologizes or doesn't stick to their original statement. Has anyone seen a case of someone not backing down? Would you back down, especially if in another country? Would they deport you if you are here on a legit long-term visa?
  17. I find myself painting Warhammer 40k more often than not in my older age.
  18. Here is 100 Gs I just received through the post. I think no worries ... the group chat of the growers is full of shops ordering all day long.
  19. I've been ordering weed for the last year through multiple sellers. I order up to 100 grams directly from growers for personal use. Most shops are ordering from growers so it's wide spread and normal to get in the mail.
  20. Get well soon. You are a tough one for sure!
  21. My local corner shop will be busier than usual, and the granny who runs it will greet me with a large smile, for this is one of her best-selling days.
  22. Will the Thais likely be freed, or what is the typical outcome when dealing with Hamas and captured prisoners from non-conflict countries? If they are all executed, what will Thailand do? My other half is highly upset about this and has been focused on YouTube videos of the history of the conflict since the news dropped.
  23. Sounds like a staged tiktok post to me.
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