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Posts posted by cuddleypete

  1. hi all a friend off mine and his wife are getting divoice because she has been playing away from home, she has ilr but no uk passport, does that mine that ilr is granted because they are married and living as a family. And if they get divoiced her ilr will be stopped? or she will be aloud to stay in the uk??????


  2. a truck driver really had to go to the bathroom so he pulled over to a truck stop and went in side and said were are the bathrooms, the clerk said there in back so he went to the back door and it said out of order,so he went back to the front and said the mens bathroom is out of order and i have to go,the clerk said use the ladies the trucker said NO ! the clerk repleid go ahead,then the trucker decided to then the clerk said dont push the red button and the truck driver asked why not the,he said because,so he goes in the bathroom and sees 3 buttons so he pushes the blue and water sprays his butt off, then he sees a green and he pushes it and it wipes his butt then he wanted to push the red but he thought what the clerk said but then does, then clerk herd a loud scream, the trucker comes out and the clerk says you pushed the button trucker says what was.he says THE INSTANT TAMPON REMOVER!

  3. Hi there i think your wife will have to go to a ceremony Once complete she may apply for a British passport.

    check out uk border agency, under naturalisation as a British citizen, and form an, and i think it cost £720

    iam not to sure myself on this someone with better info might help


  4. Scooty i agree 1000% with you. i believe it is my right to marry someone i love and have them live with me regardless of what country they come from.

    it seems like you have to ask the goverment if you can get married, when i went on hoilday i went to dubia and the to thailand where i meet my wife, i went on hols for a rest and good food and drink, i did not go because i thought i know i ll go to thailand to get married, it just happened that i met my wife and fell in love, then when i got home i then found out about the stuiped rules we have in the uk.

    ibetter stop before i get to pissed off.


  5. Hi scooty i would just like to ad when you do your ilr Make sure you got the correct set m form's They are on set m version 04/2009 at the moment, Because if you use old forms and send them in they will not give your wife ilr and keep the money ,and just make sure you read over and over again before sending. AND USE BLACK INK

    Also i think you will find that Bank statements MUST be originals not copies or printed from internet, i went to my bank and got them to print and date and stamp to make sure that i got it right,

    It does say on the set m form Copies of any kind are not acceptable unless there are valid

    reasons for not being able to provide the original document.

    And the fee's are If you are a single applicant on form SET(M) and no

    dependants are applying with you, there is a fee of £820

    for applications made by post, or £1020 for premium service

    applications made in person at our Public Enquiry


    All the best mate


  6. Hi all last year when i was in pattaya i rented a pick up from a cire hire place in soi diana next to the diana dragon hotel Buakhao Rd.

    1. is car rental still there? if so would some one give the phone number or web site email please

    2. hotel still there and open?

    many thanks pete

  7. Hi, I know a nasty peice of work who has been in Thailand for over 3 months, he has been going over most years, he has a criminal conviction for assault on a child, what he is doing there I am unsure but i feel very uncomfortable knowing he is there. My question is, who can I inform of my worries ? Is he allowed to be over there with a conviction, with inprisonment, in the UK 6 Years Ago ?

  8. Hello, I've just downloaded the new form and it appears you now only need to submit 6 documents in joint names over the last two years, this seems a big drop as I'm sure it was 20 before, has anyone used this form yet I just want to confirm I am reading it correctly.

    Yes that is right you now only need to submit 6 documents in joint names over the last two years

  9. hi all

    on the new set m form's i do not fully understand what they mine and need some help in understanding

    it says the following what does it mean???

    Have you obtained one of the relevant qualifications listed in Note 2 to show that you have

    sufficient knowledge of the English language and life in the UK? If so, show which qualification

    by ticking one of the boxes opposite.

    Note 2 Relevant qualifications are either:

    - a pass in the test known as the “Life in the UK” test (aimed at those with English language ability at or above ESOL Entry

    Level 3); or

    - an English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) “Skills for Life” qualification in speaking and listening at Entry Level

    from an approved awarding body*,

    or two ESOL Units at Access Level under the Scottish Credit and Qualifications

    Framework approved by the Scottish Qualifications Authority. You must also include a letter from your college stating that

    the ESOL course included citizenship materials; and if you took your ESOL in England, Wales or Northern Ireland, you will

    need to show that you have progressed by at least one level from the level at which you started.

    * Approved awarding bodies. In England, Wales and Northern Ireland, the awarding bodies approved by the Qualifications and

    Curriculum Authority are: Cambridge ESOL; City and Guilds (Pitmans); Edexcel; Education Development International (EDI); English

    Speaking Board (International) Ltd; National Open College Network; Open College of the Northwest and Trinity College, London.

    so if you have enrty level 2 is that ok ??? or do you need to show that you have gone up a level?? do you need entry level 3 or just show you are doing entry level 3 course???

  10. Hello all just a update on the set me form's

    If you are making your application before 27 November 2008, you must use version 06/2008 of the form. If you are making your application on or after 27 November 2008, you must use the new version (version 11/2008).

    this is from uk border agency

  11. Thailand and the UK are equally guilty of ridiculous laws and regulations that keep married people apart or make it very difficult to be together. I despise these idiots and there stupid rules.

    I agree with what you say ,why do the thai and uk goverment make it so hard for everyone who falls in love ??? it is different if you fall in love in the uk or ecu ,but as soon as outside the uk and ecu someone tells you what and when you can do.

  12. HI toasted just check when you do the ilr that you have the right set m form's as the goverment seem to change them quite a lot now the forms are from 18 august 2008, but i was told that there is a new set m coming out next month, so just check when you go to do your ilr you got right form's,or they will not except it and send it back to you.

    Also on the set m forms dated 18 august it says

    A relevant ESOL qualification - if below Entry Level 3, you must show that you have progressed by at least one level and that the course included citizenship materials;So you need to get entry level 3 if you can or get 1 or 2 and show you have progressed up a level.

    ESOL is the easy course and your wife should mybe get it for free after 1 year in uk, or if you are getting tax credits. ESOL is easy comperd to Life in the uk test which has lots of stuiped question's which even English people do not know the answer's,so go down the esol route for your wife,

    all the best pete

    Hi Pete

    You say that you may beable to get the ESOL course for free after 1 year of being in the UK can you tell me where you get that info from or how i can get this fpor my wife

    Kind Regards


    mark when my wife did it we went to local collage and showed the tax credits in my name and because it was below a ammount that was ok so my wife got it for free. just ask your local collage on the requiments to enrol aon a esol course


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