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Everything posted by theblether

  1. Too late, you've already sent that message. Feel free to explain to me and forum members why you wouldn't bring someone in with "special influence" to assist your distraught daughter who has been repeatedly sexually assaulted by a repeat and habitual offender. Once again, I wish your daughter all the best but remind me, this is not the first time this has happened? Why didn't you sort it out the first time round?
  2. Is that all you took from that post? And there was me thinking that you were one of the more switched on members of this forum.
  3. You are correct. This is why Thais have to sort it out. We all agree that the type of boy that sets out to assault a young girl is vermin. However, if his powerful parents move against you then you have a serious problem. Far too many of you are suggesting using a lawyer as the first step. Are you prepared to pay the consequences of a lawyers letter landing on the wrong door mat? And I'll point out. There's a well known member of this forum who will not comment on this thread as his life was turned upside down by crossing the wrong Thai. OP, be very careful, or you'll find yourself not only moving schools but relocating altogether. Implicating a Thai boy as a sexual predator and expecting his parents to accept it? dear me - where angels fear to tread.
  4. This is a Thai issue. Have a senior/respected member of your family or social circle approach the school. They'll sort it out the Thai way. Now the brutal part - part 1. If you married a bar girl and the most senior member of your family is a cowhand, you're beat. Now the brutal part - part 2. If, after fathering a child in Thailand and living there for years you don't have a Thai in your life capable of holding their own on your behalf in this situation, that is entirely your fault. Quite frankly it's absurd that you have turned to a farang forum for advice on this matter. By this point your Thai associates should be circling the wagons. Sorry to be so brutal and I wish your wee lassie all the best, this must be extremely distressing. However, the number of times we see farangs boasting on this forum about how they avoid their Thai families, Thai communities etc is appalling. It's times like this you need them, and times like this your truly realise the standard of family you married into.
  5. I know for a fact, and contrary to what people believe, that the police don't ordinarily go hunting down warrants as there are far too many and most are minor. The difference in my mates case was that three of his accomplices appeared and there was a firearms conviction involved and it was a High Court warrant ( in Scotland, sentences over five years can only be handed down by High Courts ). They were keen to get this guy. As a rule of thumb, the police will use warrants to harass people they know and who are on their hitlist. Friday afternoons are a dangerous time as the police go looking for the vagabonds they hate as they will automatically have to spend the weekend in jail before appearing at 2pm on the Monday afternoon. If they arrest them first thing in the morning they'll be transported to court and have a decent chance of being bailed. By the afternoon, there's no chance of a court appearance and hence the infamous weekender awaits. Anyway, it's a real cat and mouse game and there's a degree of personal enmity involved.
  6. Absconding is rare. And you need to be stupid to abscond from a single figure sentence. My daft mate absconded from a six year sentence and spent five years on the run. The police harassed the life out of his friends and family, and he missed his mothers illness, death and funeral. He was captured in Amsterdam, and had an extra year added to his sentence for absconding. He said he regretted his stupidity. The stress of constantly looking over his shoulder and being unable to plan for the future ground him down. Some members of his family disowned him due to the harassment. He said the eventual arrest was a relief. He's now out and living in Amsterdam. You are never free when you are being hunted.
  7. Get a grip on yourself. You remind me of a guy who had mental health intervention after posting about Trump 14,000 times on a single forum. Walk away from the Internet. Enjoy your day.
  8. Just to clarify. It wasn't me. Just in case anyone is wondering.
  9. This guy has posted in this topic 70 times. 70 times. Dear me. It must be a record for this forum. Shocking.
  10. Farcical. There's no way this survives an appeal. It doesn't matter now anyway, it can't be appealed before the election due to the sentencing date. And I said already, I think there's more merit in the other cases. This one is a joke. A very poor joke.
  11. Well, people are always asking for politicians of conviction. They've got one now.
  12. All Trump has to do is announce criminal justice reform and a minimum of 30% of black voters will support him. However, it has been my long-held opinion that the US justice system is cruel and absurd. The strange thing is, the Democrats broadly agree. The foundation of the US system is legalistic bullying and plea deals. Plead guilty to X and you'll get 5 years, dare ask for a jury trial and we'll land you with ten more charges and you'll be looking at 25 years. Each and every one of us has seen that play out. The idea that people can be sentenced to 600 years in jail is the definition of moronic. In the UK the maximum sentence is whole life. And we give legal aid so that people have a chance of a fair trial. The ghost of King Pyrrhus is wandering around today. Some "victories" just ain't worth it. And before the TDS Brigade launches into frothing attacks - I'm of the opinion that other criminal investigations against Trump had more merit. This one is farcical.
  13. It was from a report in that notorious left-wing rag ( ahem ) known as The Telegraph, quoting security officials. By the way, please tell me you are not one of the halfwits that thinks Iran supports the Palestinian cause. 🤣 Anyway, when you get a chance read this report. chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/https://www.equalityhumanrights.com/sites/default/files/research-report-72-the-impact-of-counter-terrorism-measures-on-muslim-communities.pdf
  14. By the way, your view of the "Irish" is straight out of The Wolf Tones fantasy playbook. If you'd like to engage on this issue be aware I am from an Irish Roman Catholic family that rejects your delusional view. However, it's off-topic.
  15. White guilt complex - hilarious. I stated a truth. Here's another truth. The Internet is polluted with halfwit clowns that don't have the first clue as to why Muslim nations are rejecting Palestinian refugees. I look forward to you informing the members of the forum why that is the case.
  16. 94% of intelligence reports dealing with Islamic terrorism in the UK come from the Muslim community. Without them there would be far more terror attacks. You are deluded if you think the majority of British Muslims support terror attacks. They detest the scum with a vengeance and the consequences for innocent Muslims are immense. A Muslima doctor friend was involved in treating victims of the horrendous Manchester Bombing attack. Exhausted and traumatised, she went home on the train and was subjected to abuse. Have a think about that.
  17. The thing that entertains me above all is the Irish complaining about immigrants. I can't think of many countries that have exported more people than Ireland over the past couple of centuries. And there lies the foundational racist issue. White people should be able to settle anywhere without restriction, brown and black should be put through torturous hell for the right to live in the UK. Add to that a wee bit of religious hatred and you have the perfect combustible mix. This forum is a prime example. The number of people here who growl about simple immigration requirements o Thailand then go wild at their home countries allowing immigration is beyond belief. Quite simply, low-IQ racism.
  18. The mood music looks positive, however, it's been around 15 years since there was a variation in financial qualification. It would be surprising if they reduced the level as that doesn't suit the recent policy announcements of trying to attract a "better" quality of long term stayer. The realistic best most people can hope for is no change.
  19. A bit harsh but you can't truly believe that middle class and elite Thais are going to make it easy for a rice farmers bed-bouncing daughter, eh? No one is that stupid.
  20. why are you all assuming it's one baht per kilo? If it's 2 baht per kilo then she's 60kg
  21. "- Adjusting the criteria and conditions for the Long Stay visa for elderly people who wish to spend their retirement in Thailand, starting in September 2024." Oooft - here we go. So where do they go with this? Raising the 65,000 baht monthly qualifier or 800,000 baht in bank? Let the speculation begin.
  22. I was in that general area for four months. When PV was too hot I went to Guadalajara which was cooler due to it's elevation. I loved Guadalajara, between it's historical areas, general topography and being situated near Bar Girl Heaven ( the town of Tequila ) I found it to be a vibrant and excellent place. However, it's not a well-known tourists destination and while I believe there is a substantial gay community there's very few Westerners. As this is the gay forum, I think anyone aiming to live around the American Consulate/Chapultepec Avenue area would have a great life and there was a large gay nightclub along from the hotel I used. Living further out would be difficult for anyone. A gay guy I knew in Chiang Mai moved to the burbs and hated it. So if PV is too obvious - Guadalajara is my dark horse recommendation.
  23. Puerto Vallarta, Pacific coast, Mexico, is a busy retirement and vacation area for the North American gay community.
  24. I was talking to my brother-in-law yesterday, a former HMS Raleigh trainer. He discussed at length the potential discipline related problems but accepted that military discipline had to be imposed otherwise it would be a shambles. He added that military discipline would need to overarch the entire service period, so fighting in a pub = civilian police handing you over to the MP's. I agree. However, he/we liked the idea of modular training. Youngsters could be put through driving courses, electrical, plumbing, first aid, carpentry, cookery schooling etc. The list is endless and with a bit of wit would not be a dire interruption to their career. Those that chose the military path could go through HGV courses, parachute training, yachting etc All recruits with a sporting or musical pedigree could be streamed to elite programmes. There's far too much concentration on the concept of this being a punishment. And if it were mandatory one-year military service I'd agree. On the other hand, it could and should be a life-changing and life-enhancing event for many. A chance to give them experiences and opportunities they'd never get otherwise in many cases, especially kids from a poor background. Will it ever happen? No. If the Tories were serious they'd have floated this years ago. It's an electoral gimmick when it should have been a reality.
  25. Correct - too many people regard the concept as a form of punishment. Your points are excellent. Loads of people would sign up for a years worth of modules including the issues you mentioned.
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