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Everything posted by theblether

  1. This is the correct way of doing it, drive around then get the Thai national to ask in the local mom and pop store, or village eatery, not in your presence. Jungle drums will start. The last time I was on the periphery of this the land, with a good aspect, that attracted the Thai nationals attention was 650,000 baht a rai. Drumbeat brought an offer of land with the same aspect for 450,000 and the deal was done. In fact, 2.3 rai was purchased at that base rate.
  2. I still see it now but the one that repulses me are the frogs on a stick. Even worse, deep fried whole frog, with the oil seeping out across the plate. Horrendous.
  3. Who remembers the visa tightening regime re overstay around nine years ago? When automatic bans for overstay were issued. At the time the Thai gov gave people a grace period to sort out their visa status before the policy took effect. One Mae Hong Son resident declared an overstay of twenty-two years at the airport, left for London, and returned with a valid visa. TWENTY TWO YEARS. I know someone personally who is twenty-nine years in Laos without a visa, and he hasn't owned a valid passport for twenty-one years. Go with the assumption that a guy who knows he has an arrest warrant in the UK will do anything but draw the attention of UK authorities. Further assume that he knows the risk of overstay but figures every day is a bonus until caught. The only question is why return now? One of my mates surrendered after skipping court ( convicted in absence and sentenced to eight years, drugs and firearms ). Relatively young, he surrendered as he got sick of looking over his shoulder every day. What annoyed me was that he only served an additional four months for skipping before trial. These people are criminal, they don't think live the way we do. So growling about "passport renewals" and the like is foolish. You assume he had a passport at all.
  4. *The ignoramus have spoken. Fixed it for you.
  5. I've lived there, Puerto Vallarta and Guadalajara. It was Mexicans that informed me of the Tex-Mex issue. Maybe you should go over and correct them , huh?
  6. Only an ignoramus who hasn't travelled the length of themselves believes UK food is the worst in the world. In a straight culinary fight of top class chefs using the best ingredients I'd group the following ten as the best - not in order. UK, USA, Australia, China, France, Italy, India, Thailand, Greece, Portugal - special mention, Japan Most overrated - Morocco, Mexico, Thai street food Mexican food confuses people. A lot of times they think they are eating Mexican when its actually Tex-Mex, which is American. And the Mexicans need to apologize for the avocado craze, what a catastrophe, all those bearded halfwits wandering around comparing avocado toast recipes. ps - most important PEOPLE'S as a n originator of the food that developed to feed the world? Easily Native Americans.
  7. I know several cases where the mesh caused ongoing pain. The "take him to England" line was absurd. One the main complaints is cold weather pain. Also, these days I wouldn't like to guess how long you'd wait on a repair, north of six months would be a good estimate. I have one friend who had his mesh replaced after two years, in his case it was straightforward. You'd may as well go to the referral then weigh up the options. I'm always apprehensive about general anaesthetics, though I did find recovery from my two hernia operations to be straightforward. I'd be living with it unless it was debilitating, but for gawds sake, take England out of the equation.
  8. I agree with this. Some foods such as venison, game birds, blue cheese etc have a brief period where their taste and your palette collide. The same goes with fermented fish, there's some I can tolerate and others are culinary catastrophes - the type of tase once it enters your mouth it never leaves your mind. For American members, that's how I feel about Chitlins. 33 years later and I'm still scarred.
  9. Got to be honest, a lot of Thai food is off-the-scale dreadful. All these breathless-in-wonder vloggers spouting utter drivel about how good the street food is do my head in. No sane person travels 10,000 km to eat entrails on a stick, reconstituted cancer-causing chicken and pork balls, deep fried cr*p, diabetic-coma inducing sugar dished, washed down with gallons of msg. The fried chicken is spew-worthy, they can't even fry an egg with cremating the thing - the list goes on. Now, to be fair, restaurant quality Thai food can be different class - but the street food> Dear me, give it a rest.
  10. Nonsense again. The tax applies to UK airports, the "further you are from Heathrow the higher the APD cost" line is just laughable. Also, every single airline provider provides a breakdown of the fair and tax before you book the ticket. If you can't be bothered reading the "sneaky" tax which is in black and white and in front of your nose then that's up to you.
  11. Nonsense - Thai domestic flyers have seen an increase of 30%. International passengers have seen an increase of 4%. It's the Thai domestic market that has been relatively hammered.
  12. The busiest and most profitable supermarkets in the UK restock all day every day. And here we have a bunch of retail "experts" spouting about "Thai logic" and related drivel. You are making yourselves look so stupid its beyond belief. By the way, watch out for the new fashion hitting Thai supermarkets. Several previously 24 hour supermarkets are closing at night as they figure there's no profit ( fair enough ). They also can't get the staff. Some 7/elevens are closing overnight. I never thought I'd see that day.
  13. I've done both several times. I'd do MHS - Pai, fish cave near MHS, MHS, long neck village, usually elephants on the road down that way, Mae Sariang, cut inland to Doi Inthanon then home down the Mae Wang valley. Road to Fang is boring, go via Phrao, catch the sticky waterfall on the way down, Tha Ton, teacup temple, go up Doi Lang to the best moo katter place in Northern Thailand. Doi Mae Salong, early in the morning be at the Golden Horse Temple, before 8am, see the monks ride back from collecting alms, Doi Tung, Chiang Saen, Opium museum, and if you can be in Chiang Saen on a Saturday night there's an excellent night market overlooking the river.
  14. The majority of Thais in Taiwan work in factories and agriculture. There are occasional arrests in connection with prostitution but its nothing like the scale in South Korea and Hong Kong ( among others ).
  15. US law forbids engaging in sexual activity in a foreign country with under 18 year old's. US law enforcement has a presence and is active in Thailand. This guy will have to answer to US authorities.
  16. The easiest way to spot fake reviews is by looking at the dates. If there's a cluster over a short time span it's usually fake. That applies to both good and bad reviews.
  17. You're only proving my point. You clearly don't understand the concept of the village bike. If I had wanted to describe her as a hooker, I would have called her a hooker. I made a specific point of calling her a gik ( do you know what that is? ) and the village bike. When you don't know what you are talking about, don't talk.
  18. The link is broken, however, I found them on Facebook. I wasn't aware of that business at all, thanks very much. Also, there are some other good tips on this thread. Thanks very much.
  19. Your making things up in your head. I said "village bike" not hooker. And where did I say it was deserved or a good thing? This is the problem with the internet, far too many people lack basic comprehension of the written word. It's really quite concerning.
  20. "Thai woman works 10 hours a day and sleeps in a house with 12 strangers to fund feckless husband. Village gossips go into overdrive about his lowlife gik. Her sister or best pal tells her of the gossip, that he's spending her hard earned money on the village bike so she travels to Thailand to blade both of them." I swear to gawd, farangs think they get the rough end of the stick in Thailand. All they get is a tase of what life is really like for Thai women in particular.
  21. I have several, ranging in age from around 30 to 60 plus. Among other useful things they look after my house when I'm away, cutting grass, etc. They ensure the place is immaculate when I return. They have been known to travel to meet me in places such as Hua Hin and BKK when I'm in country. They also have been known to extract me from days-long drinking sessions in Chiang Mai and transport me back to the village. We go to a lot of events, such as drag racing, festivals etc and have spend weekends away in the mountains with their families. I commend the OP for thinking about this. Thai men will warn you and protect you from the vagaries of life in Thailand. Contrary to the received wisdom that "Thai men are no good" there are plenty who live in long and successful marriages. They'll point out that the women you see in places like Pattaya are the village bikes, the bipolar headcases, the yabba heads and the drama queens that literally leave blood in their wake. There is no one more expert on Thai women than Thai men - if you believe the "Thai men no good" trope I have a bridge to sell you.
  22. Wild, absolutely wild. And taking a trophy photo of the policeman too? Thais will be rightfully outraged by this. a truly shocking incident, appalling.
  23. Do you like cheese? where do you buy your favoured cheese in Chiang Mai?
  24. Yup, I got banned for ten years which seemed a bit harsh 555 Onwards and upwards.
  25. It was clarified around seven years ago. There's no such things as a 30+30 lease in Thailand. That was a common marketing tactic by scam real estate agents at one time. Bizarrely some even claimed that 30+30+30 was possible. You are at the mercy of the landowner when your lease expires after 30 years. A guy I know took on a 30 year lease which would have expired when he was 76. 9 years later he negotiated a new 30 year lease. His reasoning was that there was a good chance he'd live to 76 but he reckoned he'd be dead by 85. In reality, 2 years after the new lease was signed he took a brainstorm and left the property. The number of people who subject themselves to delusional property deals is off the scale.
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