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Everything posted by theblether

  1. And now you have reduced your "lovely lady boss" to a prop in a pitiful Internet exchange. Well done, classy post of the day.
  2. Your comment is accurate in every way. My first stint as an expat was in 1970. Throughout my multiple expat stints I've encountered this type. They justify their decision to move by demonising their homeland. As for CM. It will be a cold day in he'll when I subject myself voluntarily to another smoky season. I love the place, my village life is exceptional, but like many CM based people - March arrives, we leave.
  3. I always check in early so I can use the business class lounge. Thats usually 3 hours before añd fast track immigration takes very little time.
  4. Your rebuttal is worthless. I have an excellent life in Thailand, and a superb life in Glasgow. That's because I'm not a social incompetent and I value my Scottish family life. Thailand is overrun by bitter and twisted Western rejects spouting inane garbage. Your reply is a prime example. The tragedy is - you thought it was clever.
  5. You don't have freedom of speech in Thailand. Get over it.
  6. I suggest some of you reread this thread as a black comedy. Stasi, KGB, international reputation, UN Charter blah blah blah. Get a grip on yourselves, the number of people ranting like delirious fools is beyond belief. No one cares. And for those of you that sincerely believe yourselves to be correct in said pompous protestations - Explain why you choose to live in such an "oppressive" country.
  7. Dear me. Aye, the UN is going to send peacekeepers to Thailand cos a YouTuber was questioned for being an idiot. Very good.
  8. Go to seatguru.com Input your flight details The website lists seats to select and avoid by colour. Also, look at the passengers reviews of the seats. What some people hate you may enjoy. For example, I flew to Rio and the one of the two seats at the back of economy was slated as you couldn't lean against the window to sleep. They forgot to mention ( one wise passenger did ) that you had enough room around that seat to stand, stretch, and go to the galley or WC without disturbing anyone. That seat was excellent. The premium economy seat from Santiago, Chile to Madrid was not as good. A wee bit of research goes a long way, so use seatguru.com
  9. I agree. The breed of dog was never ascertained. We don't have natural predators capable of this type of damage and its a mystery why the aggressor locked on their faces. Also a mystery why people can see a photo like that and wonder why the dog can't just be rehoused. #justsayin'
  10. No farmer would allow a dog that attacks livestock to live. It's an instant death sentence.
  11. Ridiculous comment - no one that keeps livestock would allow an aggressive dog to run riot. The idiot brigade that thinks it's a wee shame for the dog would weep when they see the damage done to literally defenceless animals. Here's the result of a dog attack in Scotland. If you think Noem is mental then there's something wrong with you.
  12. Snakes don't bother me unless they are in my pond. I don't see cobras that often ( never in my pond ), but I do see rat snakes and banded kraits on a regular basis - and I've seen both in my pond.
  13. Great photos. I'm always amazed at how comfortable many Thais are handling these guys. A juvenile cobra found its way into the kitchen at my local pub and one of the rescue service guys just walked in and picked it up. The Thai ladies with me set a new land speed record when he offered them a closer look.
  14. Not a chance it would still be drawing breath after biting me three times. And its capable of biting you mind your conscience when it rag dolls a five year old kid. Put it down.
  15. Yes, I have and the rescue dog was young enough to be retrained. Unfortunately I had top put it down as it developed premature arthritis due to being overfed as a pup, causing immense stress to its developing skeletal structure. Noem was not wrong to shoot a dog that worries livestock. I was brought up on farms and with the hunting fraternity. They would have no hesitation in shooting problematic dogs, especially dogs they owned. Some dogs are born mental, certain collies are born defective with a condition called NCL5. This can turn them aggressive. As soon as its noticed they will be shot without hesitation. ps - your boast about the English being 1000% more humane ( utter garbage ). What do you think happened to all the racing greyhounds? Dredge the rivers and ponds and you'll find thousands of skeletal remains.
  16. The OP mentions that age group - no one reading that OP cares about people that age. They know they are going to have their pension frozen.
  17. ps - I should add - some of you will remember a few years ago that the Thai government requested the UK government validated your income for retirement visa reasons. The UK government flat out refused, they weren't prepared to share that info with another country. It would have been a catastrophe for many pensioners. First, for those who were cooking the figures to qualify - second, those who were claiming they were resident in the UK. So while some of you spend all day growling like bulldogs chewing a wasp, never forget how close you were to being dragged under the radar by Thai government policy. And who knows what the unintended consequences of the new tax policy will be.
  18. One of my ( very ) close relatives is an HMRC tax investigator. I posted this years ago but now time for a reminder. The government has an internal system called ICE. My relative only needs to submit your national insurance number and it spits out reports. If he adds a last known address and ( god forbid ) a passport number, twenty-three government agencies spit out everything they know about you. First, I haven't read the whole thread - the Thai government has a report of every time you have entered the kingdom. Do not kid yourself that the British government does not have every single entry you have made to the UK in the last 20 years. Second, the UK government has access to every flight manifest for passengers of any nationality entering or leaving the UK. By the way, some of you will be unaware that the HMRC investigation period has been extended from the previous six years to twenty years now. Second - HMRC can demand every financial transaction linked to your UK account and the banks cannot deny access to the records. So every time you have used an ATM drawing from a UK bank in Thailand it's recorded and accessible by HMRC. Equally every bank transfer overseas is recorded but no one is that stupid that they don't know that. Third - DWP are part of the ICE system, that should be obvious to everyone too. Fourth - one that you likely don't know - council tax records are part of ICE so if you are declaring that you are resident in the UK to bypass the pension freeze it will take the DWP a press of a button to discover your registered address. Another press of the ICE button will uncover your banking records, flight manifests etc. You cannot defeat ICE. After the bad news, now the good news. HMRC etc are far too busy to be chasing up every pension claimant. The people that get caught usually have an unexpected change in circumstances ( such as the person who they are registered as living with dying ), or the housing association discovering that an "unknown" person is living in the accommodation, or the "registered person" coming to the attention of social work support due to illness. Otherwise, someone would need to grass you into the authorities. There have been absurd cases where, for example, people sublet their own council house and use the profit to live in Thailand, then the council catches them out. You must be beyond stupid thinking you'd get away with that. However - this OP is approaching trolling territory. Mentioning the 55 year old and 61 year old is another absurdity. Who cares? They are nowhere near being affected by the pension freeze. And this forum has been tortured for decades by people moaning about the pension freeze that knew before they retired it applied in Thailand. An utter waste of time as the governments ( including Labour ) have no interest in increasing their pension burden for people who choose to live overseas. They are delighted you have made the move and saved them a fortune. So sad, too bad.
  19. Google is rolling out a core update and it's not going well. I saw a hack last week ( can't find it again ) that indicated searching for results before 2023 often provide better results.
  20. First, not every Russian in Thailand is fleeing the war. Just the same way as not every Irishman was in the IRA and not every Muslim is a member of ISIS. Plenty of Russians were emigrating and traveling the world long before he war started. Second, far too many Russians are being harassed and bullied over an issue that they have no control over, or, in many cases, agree with. This is done by a coterie of idiot farangs that start firing into this stupid conversation as soon as they discover their nationality. It's from the same rancid low IQ stable as talking to Germans about the war and Argentinians born in the 1990's about the Falklands. By definition, the vast majority of Russians in Thailand want no part in the war so making it a topic of conversation ( which they hear all day every day by farang strangers ) is rude and foolish. Give it a rest. Treat them as individuals. The Russians I talk to breathe a visible sigh of relief when I refuse to engage in any form of controversy or war talk. I've found them to be good, and interesting company, although I have no doubt they have their fair share of a**holes. Give them a chance
  21. I'm not mixing them up. I mentioned content spinning, I mentioned plagiarism, I mentioned unnatural AI text. They are separate issues.
  22. I think you need to review Thai custody law. You'd be amazed at how often "remote" fathers destroy the best laid plans of mice and men. Request sight and get this document translated before you get a shock. And you better make sure its recognised and not written on the back of a fag packet. ps - I hope I'm wrong but I personally know four examples where the spouse prevented removal of the child. That includes one former high profile member of this forum.
  23. Make sure you have a copy of the document where he signed away his parental rights.
  24. I live in the UK and have assisted several Thai students to navigate Masters degrees. I have watched them walk away embarrassed by the lowlifes they meet. I also know many middle class Thais that avoid other Thais like the plague. The UK Thai community is bedivlied by rotten-hearted hookers often married to oil & gas workers who spend their lives crowing about money. I have witnessed this, I know Thais who have witnessed this.and here you are making up stories about "middle class communities" in the UK. The community is overrun with illiterate, alcoholic prostitutes. You've as much chance of encountering this fantastical "middle class" enclave as tripping over Brigadoon.
  25. Is the father still living? Is he okay with his children being removed from Thailand?
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