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Everything posted by theblether

  1. How about 90 days military training followed by nine months in Thailand as a classroom assistant. Would you have signed up for that aged 18?
  2. I've been in favour of this for years with some provisos. 1. Male and female service. If its men only, I'm against it. 2. 90 day mandatory military training followed by voluntary streaming into either civic or military service. 3. A complete ban on front line service. No one on national service should be sent to a war zone under any circumstances. The civic service possibilities are endless. From assisting in British and foreign hospitals, to streaming trainee teachers into overseas posts. The 90 day military training is essential to codify discipline. And I accept many will find that punishing. However, once that period is over it could be/should be an enjoyable life enhancing experience.
  3. I'm not a boomer. You forgot to answer: "Please explain to the forum why Mexico's balance of trade with the USA is surging." - I gave you a clue already. In years past we used to have three hundred plus comments on threads like this where people of intelligence and experience argued excellent points to death. These days we're reduced to the ramblings of Dunning-Kruger incompetents. At this point you'll be googling "Dunning-Kruger" to find out what it means which just adds to the hilarity.
  4. I'm not American. And you've just exhausted my idiot quota for the day. Off with you.
  5. IMO, Singapore Airlines will cover all medical bills in Bangkok. The potential reputational damage for a few million dollars for not doing so would be too high. IMO, there is zero chance that they will allow any passenger to go to the newspapers saying "I'm stuck in a Thai hospital until I pay a $200,000 bill."
  6. The tragedy is you actually believe that. You believe that with the power of a thousand burning suns. And it's rank stupidity. A machine in Shanghai doesn't know it's a machine in Shanghai. A machine in Chicago is exactly the same. If you are thick enough to believe that China has labour market supremacy over the US then you are only proving your ignorance. China is already on the road to demographic catastrophe. But - and due to the fact I have a daily ration for engaging with idiots and luckily I have one left today- I'll raise the stakes. Please explain to the forum why Mexico's balance of trade with the USA is surging. This will be entertaining as it will involve actual thought.
  7. 37 year old - DVT, after returning from a Florida flight. Maggies dad - Canadian - devastating stroke rendering him vegetative then dying after his retirement flight Big Davie - DVT then stroke after returning from Thailand in 2022, died in the December after a lengthy coma. P - CM legend - six months in BKK hospital after a devastating stroke, retirement flight from the USA, lived with horrendous realities that I won't name, no dead. J Small - collapsed and died on the runway - stroke. LR - stroke, rendered comatose, dead six weeks later ( Heathrow ) JT - stroke, Nigeria, oil and gas worker relocating from Brazil Let me add, I diagnosed and prevented J Small from dying from a heart attack way before his stroke. People that know me from CM know exactly who I am talking about re Big Davie, P, and Maggies dad. I couldn't believe I was looking at my thirty-seven year olds friend in his open coffin. My first stint as an ex pat was in 1970. Nine people died associated with the iron or mine my father worked on in the first year. International travel and expatriate lifestyles are dangerous way beyond the norm. Too many people take far too much for granted.
  8. You'd need to be a troll to spout this "And I know hundreds who have survived long haul flights" Or maybe just dumb. Hobson's choice. Oh, dear.
  9. This is just stupid talk. I know seven people who have died as a result of stroke or DVT's after long haul flights, some after months in a coma. https://www.samitivejhospitals.com/article/detail/health-risks-of-long-haul-flights-what-you-can-do The WHO recommends that passengers on board airplanes get up and walk around the cabin or visit the bathroom every 2–3 hours during long-haul flights to reduce the likelihood of DVT. They also advise against passengers placing baggage at their feet as this may restrict movement, which is necessary to keep blood circulated to the feet and legs.
  10. All these conspiracy theorists - tell us how many aircraft used the same flight path within say, an hour, before this incident. And an hour is a long time.
  11. Equally, you'll be asked to sit and wear a seatbelt in the Emirates A380 bar if turbulence is anticipated. If severe turbulence is expected you'll be instructed to return to your seat. In my case I do wear the seatbelt throughout the flight as it makes no difference to my comfort and stops the cabin crew from harassing me if I fall asleep. However, the A380 bar is a highpoint of travel so unexpected turbulence won't stop me from enjoying Emirates hospitality at 43,000 feet.
  12. I'm Scottish. My uncle was FEPOW and a famed founder member of the Burma Star organisation. I'll not take lessons on WW2 Japan from some inconsequential troll on the Internet. You've just been told straight why China will not launch a war against the USA. If you don't have the intellect to work that out what let me suggest a google search for you: "What would happen if the Three Gorges Dam burst" Here's the difference between me and you. I know what I am talking about. Many of you have lived long lives and never knew that an estimated 1 million Japanese soldiers died of malnutrition and disease related malnutrition. Many of you have lived long lives and never knew that 11 million Japanese were close to death through starvation. Many of you did not have a clue that the Three Gorges Dam is the biggest single geostrategic error in world history. Truman saved untold numbers of lives by dropping those bombs - and to paraphrase your witless attack - that made him an exceptional human for the right reasons.
  13. For all of you still fixating on the decision to nuke Japan - it is well known that Truman was motivated to drop the bombs due to estimated American casualties. He rightly didn't want to risk losing as many as a million Americans to death and injury. What most people don't know is that 11 million Japanese were either starving or seriously malnourished. It is further estimated that 1 million Japanese soldiers died of disease and malnutrition during the war. Disease ran rampant as their immune systems were compromised. Any lengthy land invasion would have been preceded by a blockade, further cutting off meagre food supplies to the island nation. With people already starving to death, the humanitarian option was to nuke the country into submission, then turn on the food tap to prevent a catastrophic famine. Truman's decision to nuke Japan was one of the most humanitarian acts by an individual in world history. His further decision, supported by Congress, to rebuild the country rather than go on an orgy of vengeance, elevates Truman to one of the greatest humans to have ever graced this planet.
  14. Dropping the bombs was the best thing that ever happened to Japan. It saved millions of Japanese lives. As for the OP, get a grip on yourself. We're nowhere near nuclear war and even Putin has said it won't happen. The only way a nuke will be used is by a minor state, the major players have far too much to lose. Nixon was one of the first to mention the minor player risk. As for China. China cannot win any type of war against the USA and allies and they know it. They developed a gigantic Achilles Heel with the Three Gorges Dam, and a single cruise missile would wipe out around 80% of China's military capability. It would also kill 50 million Chinese and render around 400 million homeless. Some of your need to get off Twitter and actually read history and genuine world political analysis.
  15. It's like talking to an impetuous child. Amazing stuff.
  16. Just about every flight I have taken over the Indian Ocean has experienced turbulence. A few have been real bone-shakers, a couple were even worse. We normally get a warning, although a couple of times the turbulence has come out of nowhere. This incident is clearly an extreme example and I'm sorry for the loss of the British gentleman. His wife, who is now in hospital, must be devastated. We take too much for granted.
  17. Utter garbage. Quite unbelievable that you are arguing with a guy with decades of experience in the flooring trade. This is the Internet at it's pathetic best. And you showed yourself up. You can't handle the idea of carpet fitters earning more than you, as you: "make a package of circa £80k plus bens, working in IT for a UK bank, SE based, have a degree and plenty of experience etc. and I'd consider myself reasonably well off." Read the link and weep - and remember the rate quoted is PER ROOM https://www.tapi.co.uk/services/fitting
  18. 🤣🤣🤣 10/10 for entertainment value - is that the same checkatrade that says it takes two days to carpet a three-bedroom house? Man, that's hilarious. Anyway, the good news is we've established you're not a troll. You'll just believe anything you see on Google and will argue with guys with decades of experience. Nice to make your acquaintance, sir. And I can't wait for the guy who moved to Thailand for its cheap plumbers to reply.
  19. Nonsense. Closer to £65,000. By the way, you didn't seriously google "cheap pints of beer in the UK" did you? That's on par with the guy who just indicated he moved to Thailand because the plumbers were cheap. The standard of trolling on this forum has collapsed.
  20. Pathetic I've operated a flooring business for decades. I know what people earn. By the way, fitters down south earn even more.
  21. I get the impression you think I'm stupid. I have carpet fitters that earn £90,000 a year. Do you think we care about £100 for a plumber once in a blue moon?
  22. Nionsense. It has been well estanlished that the Boomer generation is easily the richest in all British history. By the way, with 29% worth a million or more, how many do you think are worth a mere £250K? And with the triple-lock pension British pensioners have never had it so good. You are just moaning for the sake of moaning, which I suppose is a British traditional value, so carry on.
  23. I'll accept your comments and I understand the geographical differences - however - there's more than one bar in my town with beer that price and that's before you go to Wetherspoons. And I'm aware that housing prices down south are wild. However, again - that's what has set up many English for life. They rode the housing boom and cashed out a fortune. We Scots have done fine but we didn't see anything like the values in places such as Surrey.
  24. Here we go again. Another chance for the nutter brigade who haven't lived in the UK for decades to start ranting. Let me annoy you - 20% of British pensioners are millionaires. NHS free, education, free, university - free in Scotland, limited fees in England. Prescriptions, free in Scotland, Bus passes, free. 8.5% increase in the UK pension. Re NHS - contrary to the drivel you read - I was referred to the hospital for an ECG a week past Thursday and had the scan on Monday - two business days. My gas and electric bill for the last quarter - £330. The most expensive in my family was a millionaires seven-bedroom house, £1100. Supermarkets are cheaper than Thailand. Fruit is bizarrely cheaper. Meat is higher quality and cheap 200 baht a kilo for chicken breast. £2.10 a pint in my local bar. Where are we more expensive? Rent and petrol mainly. Rent isn't an issue if you own your house, just as we have been encouraged to do for the past 50 years. Street food us cheaper, but every UK town has an all you can eat buffet these days for a tenner. Have at it with your growling. And this family is in for a shock when they see the reality of school fees etc in Thailand.
  25. Fury's uncle was a famed bareknuckle boxer - his book is excellent and surprising at times. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Bartley-Gorman-King-Gypsies-New/dp/B00I63MQXC/
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