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Posts posted by Chalard

  1. 9 hours ago, Father Fintan Stack said:


    It's plausible although unlikely.


    Raises the questions why supply passports to people and why tell people what you are up to? 


    Also, they were actively recruiting people on Soi 22 to partake in their extortion scams, which doesn't led itself to this theory.


    I believe they were extortionists with a bar stool CIA/Spec Ops fantasy. 


    A few members in our club who were frequenters of Soi 22 were drug runners, thief's & professional bull shit artists;  so will be interesting to see if their names eventually appear in any reports / findings... lol

  2. 17 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

    Thais are adept at 'keying' vehicles: firmly dragging a key along the exterior of a vehicle.  They do it to motorbike seats also, though usually with a sharper object.  I've had it happen a half dozen times in Thailand, when parked legally.  The worst was when the left front wheel came off my p.u. truck.  Luckily I was driving slowly, and no-one or property was hurt.  I then noticed lug nuts in the back of my p.u., and recalled that I had parked for 11 minutes near (but not among) a tuk tuk hang-out.  I was probably 50 meters from where tuk tuk's line up, but that was apparently too close for one of them.  Of course, no words were exchanged before or after the incident.  Easier to just vandalize a vehicle, and not bother asking a farang to move.   It's lucky I wasn't driving 70 km/hr on a busy hwy when the wheel came off.

    A___ holes...

  3. Why publicise this sort of information in the media? Nothing like telling a suspect that you're on to him and you know where he's hiding out. Sure - he'll politely wait there until you come for him. Too many brown shirts wanting their 15 minutes of fame...

    I'm sure the suspect is a frequent user of TV & will be keeping up to date with all the new postings of his whereabouts, so he can avoid being caught..!!! lol

  4. Hmmmm - Assuming (dangerous word here) they are talking about the flyover coming from the northbound lanes of Rangsit - has anyone thought of erecting a temporary roadway/flover to get into the airport or must all traffic go several KM's past the airport, find a U-Turn and return. Doubt any of the planners thought of that..

    You still have 2 other options.

    1. Use the elevated expressway exit into DM. They will still probably charge u.

    2. Use the entry bridge to the old domestic terminal & just continue straight on to the Terminals.

  5. we had 2 suitcases ruined by the new airline, both had the handles broken off them. When we confronted the sales point with it they promptly closed the office and walked out. The head office refused to do anything about it when we contacted them as they said we had no proof they did it, they are cheap and do not have any customer service or care for what they do, wouldnt be surprised if this is from the same people.

    You forgot to SMILE.....

  6. Just another day in THE most dangerous country to drive in in the WORLD,forget the bogus statistics that it is second or third,it is FIRST.

    There are more dangerous places to drive than Thailand despite what statistics say

    Name one.

    I haven't driven in every country in the world obviously, but have done in a lot. Some countries the driving is very bad but not aggresive. Others are so snarled up, and the roads so bad that you can't get a decent speed up so not so many bad accidents. Thailand is by FAR the most dangerous: fast cars, reasonable roads, face, complete disregard for other people and blatant flouting of the the traffic laws.

    Have you lived or driven in EGYPT..!!!

  7. I thought librarians were people that looked after books....and generally nice people.

    This is a shock to me that librarians would do the old dirty money that can be cleaned trick.....

    Were your eyes only half open when you posted so early this morning..???

    If not, you better go to Specsavers so you can recognise the word Liberia. Lol

  8. Sorry,my friend,but you are being set up.I've lived here a long time,and i was very green in the beginning,since then i have become a little less trusting,a lot more cynical and quite suspicious.

    This girl bears all the trade marks of a hit and run.You love her after 6 month's,she knows this.You have some money,she knows this.Thai girls can be quite wicked and can play the slow wait game. It all begins with tears and excuses about family.Also the other poster was quite right.How do you know that she hasnt got 3/4 boyfriends that she is conning along side you.

    How long have you been here? i ask because there are lots of guys who think they are Thai wise,but they get caught.You say she has never given you doubt,this is just another version of 'Oh but she's not the same a other thai girls' I have known guys who have married and even then,after 6/7 years,the girl just appears at the front door with her case telling you she's leaving.

    My friend had an 23,000,000 baht house,a lake,a 30 metre swimming pool,and his servants lived in accommodation in the grounds.

    married 10 years,wife just ups and goes,next,the mafia are on him for 18,000,000 she owes them.Had to sell his house for 10,000,000 to pay her debts.Card's,booze etc.

    There are a lot of guys who will tell you different,they are not all the same,and they are right.but 6 months is too soon to be doing what you are doing.

    Have you been up the village yet,to meet the family.?? That will be interesting,do you speak any Thai or Laos?

    Just be careful my brother,or you will be in for a world of hurt.

    Didn't you read the headline..

    They are in USA..!!!

  9. It has been reported that the son has left Thailand, leaving his parents in the country (mother in hospital). There is only one reason

    why one would "abandon" family members in such a sitiuation.

    Yes, tell us please. It seems you are omniscient.

    If you have read other comments / forums you will find that the son works / lives in Singapore so i presume he had to return to work.

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