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Everything posted by beautifulthailand99

  1. If smears and lies make you happy, then it would be churlish and uncharitable of me to disabuse you of your happiness.
  2. I've read Mein Kampf but that doesn't make a Nazi, just better informed.
  3. If Israel cares about its survival and peace - they would declare a ceasefire, arrest Netanyahu and allowed unfettered humanitarian supplies into Gaza. Every Israeli politician in that vidoe from ABC says he is totally untrustworthy and can never be peace while he is PM.
  4. In that video Ozimoron posted the head of Shin Bet if he was Palestinian he would fight like the Palestinians by any means necessary. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/jan/14/shin-bet-ami-ayalon-calls-on-israel-release-intifada-leader-marwan-barghouti Ayalon said most Israelis believed that “all Palestinians are Hamas or supporters of Hamas”, and they did not accept the concept of a Palestinian identity. “We see them as people, not ‘a people’, a nation,” he said. “We cannot accept [the idea of a Palestinian people] because if we do, it creates a huge obstacle in the concept of the state of Israel.” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ami_Ayalon
  5. That is utterly true horror - Israel is truly losing the plot, and I think that that was Hamas's plot all along. If we can't have our land back, we will turn the whole world against you, even if we destroy ourselves in the process. And unleash the demons back. Dark days indeed and that is where the whole world is going. https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2023-11-12/ty-article/israeli-security-cabinet-member-calls-north-gaza-evacuation-nakba-2023/0000018b-c2be-dea2-a9bf-d2be7b670000 Israeli security cabinet member and Agriculture Minister Avi Dichter (Likud) was asked in a news interview on Saturday whether the images of northern Gaza Strip residents evacuating south on the IDF’s orders are comparable to images of the Nakba. He replied: “We are now rolling out the Gaza Nakba. From an operational point of view, there is no way to wage a war – as the IDF seeks to do in Gaza – with masses between the tanks and the soldiers.”
  6. For some reason my previous post seems to have gone missing, here it is in the Telegraph. Powerful stuff. After winning Best International Feature Film for The Zone of Interest, British director Jonathan Glazer delivered one of the most overtly political speeches of the night, as he touched on Israel’s war against Hamas in the Gaza Strip. The Zone of Interest director Jonathan Glazer said he refuted 'the Holocaust being hijacked' Glazer, who is Jewish, said: “We stand here as men who refute their Jewishness and the Holocaust being hijacked by an occupation which has led to conflict for so many innocent people.” He continued: “Whether the victims of October 7th in Israel or the ongoing attack on Gaza, all the victims, this dehumanisation, how do we resist?” “All our choices were made to reflect and confront us in the present – not to say, ‘Look what they did then,’ rather, ‘Look what we do now’,” he said of his film, which is based on a novel by the late Martin Amis and centres on a German officer’s family living next door to the Auschwitz death camp during the Second World War. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/films/2024/03/10/oscars-2024-live-latest-updates/
  7. I know from personal experience a lot of Thai overstayers are going down the refugee route at the moment. The system is so broken that the Home Office after an initial cursory case review allows them to work as well. He will no doubt have sent back vast amounts of money back to Thailand using the underground money exchange route which is prevalent in London and kept his gains away from confiscation by the authorities. With a good lawyer, he will get a minimal sentence and go back to Thailand a rich man. It is a well trodden path. The most common excuse is they have borrowed money from gangster loan sharks in Thailand and are unable to go back at the risk of their lives.
  8. I am not a propagandist for Ukraine or Russia for that matter, I found the reference on ARSS The British Army Rumour Service, a more pro-Ukraine forum you won't find. And it was them that made the Wagner /Nazi allusion.
  9. "Crimes against the state" is suitably vague. The other category is miliary personnel convicted of crimes whilst serving, and as there is no other link in English that I can find the point remains. Britain has never done that, and the US has to go back to the Confederacy for something similar.
  10. To any seasoned observer, that looks like the last roll of the dice. It is certainly nothing that any NATO army would ever contemplate. Giving arms to convicted sociopathic criminals and expecting it to go well. But it bears out what the Pope and Macron are highlighting that Ukraine is losing, and the front threatens to turn into a rout, and if they are recklessly gambling multiple Patriot batteries and getting them destroyed it points to a breakdown in competency as well.
  11. Thanks for the clarification - I concede that point.
  12. Don't bite the hand that feeds you. I am in blood / Stepped in so far, that, should I wade no more, / Returning were as tedious as go o'er
  13. A brilliant documentary made at great risk to VICE inside Russia as to the truth of the situation. Well worth an hour of your time. Putin's invasion of Ukraine was a tragedy for Ukraine, for Russia and the whole world. There is no escaping that.
  14. I had the great pleasure and privilege to work at the Embassy back in 2003 at the old compound on Wireless Road under the wonderful Ambassador Sir David Fall, so I hugely appreciate all the work you do in so many areas, Consular, Trade, Political and Defence to name but 4,all under difficult circumstances. There were 50 UK staff then and 200 LE, and we were always busy, so I can only imagine how run off your feet you must be now. We had Gurkha guards back then, and I remember one morning asking if I could see the knife the kukri they carried, and he replied politely I would love to Mr BT but if I did, I would have to kill you ! If Khun Attakorn is still working there, send my regards, he will know who I am.
  15. War crimes can only be committed by established state entities - Hamas are not that, so cannot per se commit "war crimes".
  16. Well, it seems like Ukraine will be getting its own convict Wagner-esque Dirlewanger Brigade. “Not all military commanders are ready to take convicts and prisoners, but we will not and do not plan to impose such mobilized people on anyone. Most likely, these will be separate units,” the official explained. https://mil.in.ua/en/news/ministry-of-justice-announces-upcoming-submission-of-a-draft-law-on-mobilization-of-convicts-to-the-parliament/
  17. Well, Ukrainians aren't shedding any tears for him, that's for certain. To a degree the west is trolling Russia rather than a true concern for his death. https://www.aljazeera.com/opinions/2023/3/4/why-ukraine-is-wary-of-the-russian-opposition It seemed to make sense for Ukrainians to offer support for Navalny’s movement, at least tactical if not strategic, as it could potentially destabilise Putin’s regime and subvert its war machine. But the troubles of Navalny and his followers did not resonate with Ukrainians, as his past remarks, as well as the Navalnists’ arrogance and disdain, offered little hope that “the wonderful Russia of the future” would have any respect for Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity. Even after the Russian authorities poisoned Navalny with a nerve agent and later imprisoned him on politically-motivated charges, few Ukrainians softened their stances.
  18. The reports that Ukrainian AD effectiveness have been seriously degraded seem to be borne out on the battlefield. And why 2 Patriot systems would be co-located together to be taken out by one missile suggests incompetence. My guess is they wanted advanced AD near the front to combat the deadly FAB bombs being deployed by Russian planes behind their front and were spotted by drones/satellite and they are not effective against hypersonic Iskanders. The Patriots literally didn't see them coming. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13179327/Dramatic-moment-Russians-destroys-two-400m-Patriot-surface-air-missile-systems-one-hypersonic-Iskander-strike-costly-blow-Ukraine.html https://edition.cnn.com/2024/03/10/europe/russian-guided-bomb-ukraine-frontline-intl/index.html
  19. These days here I honestly no longer know what is biting satire or batsh&t crazy. Or maybe the latter is the natural order of the world and after a period of rationality is reverting to type. Make Trump Great Again should be his real slogan. If he does win, what does that say about America as a great nation ?
  20. One of the great lies of history. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_land_without_a_people_for_a_people_without_a_land
  21. I think you meant to say Hamas aggressors but let the mask slip for a moment.
  22. The problem with this mo for news items and their resultant discussions is with the absence of context and history (which appears to be banned) then a proper discussion can't be had. Couple that with the framing and selecting of the news items and their accompanying narrative it makes for a one-sided debate. It's a bit like the question when did you stop beating your wife ?
  23. Aye certainly was, and included rape and massacres as part of their game play. Just Google the Tantura Massacre or watch the documentary movie. Hamas had demonic handmaidens to teach them their devilish ways.
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