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Everything posted by beautifulthailand99

  1. They have done so for some time https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/exit-checks-on-passengers-leaving-the-uk/exit-checks-fact-sheet what will be the game changer is the joinging up of the various govermental and banking computers.Big Brother is indeed here and is watching you already.
  2. If the Kennedy fella comes in he could take some of the Dem vote then Trump will be a shoe-in.
  3. It will never happen Britain is more than bust and monies for folks living abroad and forgotten will be nobodies priority. But campaign away if it makes you happy. Indeed, highlighting it will only spark off some eagle-eyed bean counter to work out how to link up bank accounts, home office passport entry/exit to UK and DWP computers to determine residence and then stop any fraudulent claims and even backdate them if thought necessary. You can see some Sir Humphrey shilling 100s of mullions savings to the minister and getting a gong for it. https://www.thenational.scot/news/23903863.dwp-plan-monitor-benefit-claimants-bank-accounts/
  4. That will be the tunnels the City Council build every year that don't work when it floods before they go a-whoring in Walking Street drinking at the Alulah-Ak Bar.
  5. Interesting I had thought it was some Dr No type boiler room operation, but it turns out just to be a rich man's baubie to play with. Must have had some great parties inside off the scale of extravagant.
  6. And yet you feel the need to comment. Hmmm
  7. There's no bad money in Thailand just money and an army that doesn't fight wars or waste that money if you want morality in your economics I suggest you are probably in the wrong country.
  8. Quite a place/palace !
  9. The plot thickens it say Cyber Research Centre on the google maps and a search went all the way back !
  10. This place has always intrigued me it looks like an Arab palace, but I've never seen any signs of life. Can anyone shed any light on this ? Arab Palace
  11. Niels Colov has his fingers in many pies and I see him about quite a bit. https://www.facebook.com/NielsColov/
  12. He was/is certainly successful -but his wife and one of his managers is now in prison for sexual trafficking, and he looks a mess.
  13. Got it used HOLA free brower set to Thailand and I'm in many thanks !
  14. Hmm, maybe they don't want outsiders playing around with it so is limited to Thai access only. I have tried on another Firefox, Opera and Chrome and same thing for everyone. Any ideas I don't have a Thai VPN.
  15. Many thanks that's what I have trying before but it times out when trying to access it from the UK. I assume it works OK in Thailand ?
  16. My wife has a small parcel of land she bought 20 years ago in Narithawat and wants to look it up on the web and see what the condition currently is with an intention to sell. I understand there is a searchable map with a nominal land office valuation that is used to determine tax due. Has anybody got a link for that as I can't seem to find it through English google. Many thanks in advance for any help anybody can provide.
  17. Bernies Music Bar is always fun and cheap never had a bad night there. All the falang musicians in the area jam there at some point. https://www.facebook.com/BerneyMusicLounge/
  18. Water treatment plant Jomtien that they spent literally billions on - as far as I remember that lies broken and unused.
  19. Add Eco energy Ko Larn to that list ! https://www.pattayamail.com/news/pattaya-islands-solar-energy-pipe-dream-continues-to-draw-scorn-416306
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