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Everything posted by Tippaporn

  1. You state that as if it were fact. LOL Why not be honest about it and qualify it with "I believe."
  2. So it is all lies? How can he get away with that? Newsom doesn't tell you all of the facts. Up to you to find out what's missing and then, once all of the facts are assembled, can you draw a proper and accurate conclusion. Newsom only tells you that which paints a pretty picture of him. And he's convinced you. If you don't ask questions you'll never know what's really true. Ignorance is bliss, they say.
  3. Such drama queen bunkum. It wasn't a political party you don't like that destroyed homes in LA. It was a fire. Even cavemen understood what fire is. It was the policies of a political party which allowed the fires to destroy the homes. Only rational cavemen understand that.
  4. It's common knowledge that the cause of death for most fire victims is smoke inhalation, not getting burned to death. Victor Shaw seemed to not know that.
  5. Disastrous climate change due to man's activities is not my claim. It's yours. The burden of proof lies upon you. Though a great many have taken on the burden of showing that it's a fallacy. I have to admit I laughed when I read that. That's it? That's the extent of your "evidence?" I was expecting to see much more. Maybe some pretty graphs and charts. At least something, anything, that ties your evidence directly and conclusively to man's activities. Mr. Scientist, you'll have to do much better than that. This is beyond weak. So the laws of thermodynamics are causing the warming of the earth, and all of the effects caused by that warming. So you state. Were the laws of thermodynamics then inoperative during the ice ages? If those laws cause warming then what laws supercede them to cause cooling? You seem to love to show off with your comprehensive knowledge of thermodynamics and deride others for their ignorance yet you never seem take the important step of explaining its workings to the "uneducated" readers that you seem to scorn so that they might become as enlightened on the subject as you claim to be. If thermal dynamics is such an integral factor in the cause of "climate change" then it's incumbent upon you to explain it such that the average Joe and Jane can understand it and help clear up their misunderstandings. Try teaching instead of haranguing. So your theory is that increased warming leads to increased wind speeds. I won't argue that since I don't possess the knowledge to do so. However, your implication is that the wind speed of the Santa Ana winds in question was increased due to "climate change." Without providing any data to support that contention you can only then speculate. Now that puts you in the realm of hypothesis. Not proven science. Good luck finding historical data on wind speeds that stretch back any further than the start of record taking. I believe that leaves you with a tiny sliver of data which is insufficient in detecting any trends. Speculation would be your limit, then. LOL. I love the implication you wish to pass off as fact that all meteorologists are in agreement. A known impossibility. Another version of the belief in the logical fallacy promoted by climate changers that consensus equates to truth. "Most scientists agree . . . " LOL Not all of them have gone on to "higher learning centers" after high school but that fact doesn't lead to the conclusion that then they're all dumb as rocks. That would be another logical fallacy if you were to suggest that. But they are smart enough to recognise when their lives become intolerable and the dumb azz ideas that made their lives intolerable. And they're smart enough, and brave enough, to demand a change. Give them some credit, for crickey's sake. Aw, just come out and be blunt about. Just say it loudly, in caps, "I HATE TRUMP." And because he was re-elected you then must turn your hate to those you blame for electing him. ". . . 50% are as dumb as rocks." To you they're only dumb as rocks because they voted for a guy you HATE. That's pretty obvious, no? And here, too, you don't get it at all. The creation of an ideal life, or even world, is not dependent solely on intelligence alone. Intelligence is not the solver of all problems, either. Get off of your intellectual pedestal.
  6. @Will B Good How about addressing Joe Siracusa's charge: "Keep in mind that there are seven major water facilities that were supposed to be built but they couldn't meet the ecosystem's criteria as a result of Newsom's pushing on this angle here." Was that one of the liberal progressive Dem policies that had bearing on this disaster? Any comment or analysis, Willy? I didn't see that fact listed on Newsom's California Fire Facts website. Are you asking yourself why? Or are you afraid to ask questions at all because it might lead to the truth and so destroy your precious worldview? In which case you're stuck with all that's involved in changing your ideas?
  7. And the full story is? The article isn't heavy on specific details. John Carr, for instance, had protective gear. If you don't have that then the smoke itself can overcome you. Hence it would be futile to stay. From what can be gathered from the article it appears that Victor Shaw did not have any protective gear. Whether to stay and fight or not is a decision that is dependent on a host of factors. One of the main ones is common sense. Unfortunately, common sense is lacking amongst many people. Victor Shaw apparently was one of those people.
  8. Simple. Because they have no values. Thus no conscience. I lay the ultimate blame on the ignorant people who voted for them. The old adage holds true; people always get the government they deserve. @Will B Good, for instance, is still defending Newsom despite this massive failure for which he played a major role. He'll keep voting for criminal ineptitude. He want moar of the same.
  9. Again, to all those who throw their hands up in surrender and wail that human agency is useless in the face of nature here's ordinary citizen John Carr, armed with nothing more than his common sense, the belief that he could have an impact, and guts, who saved his home and others whilst the rest of his childhood neighborhood turned to ashes. Pacific Palisades resident John Carr, 65, defied evacuation orders to save his family home from the devastating wildfire that ravaged his neighborhood. Armed with a garden hose and determination, Carr worked tirelessly to protect the house his parents built in 1960, saying it was worth fighting for. Though exhausted and injured, Carr successfully saved his property and even prevented the destruction of neighboring homes. He criticized the Los Angeles Fire Department’s response, believing more proactive efforts could have saved additional houses. To his neighbors, Carr is a hero for his bravery and selflessness. To quote Mr. Carr: "When I was out here hosing the house down and getting ready, and when the houses started to burn, I-didn't-see-one-single-fire-truck-out-here-at-all. Zero. "If they had had some fire trucks just to put a squirt here, a squirt there, and kept an eye on things all these houses would be here right now. I'm telling you right now I saw it with my own eyeballs. All these houses. These houses behind me are all gone. They started with one little spark, one little small fire. If they just squirted those out, had a few people out there, they'd all be here now." Instead, the call was to evacuate and, don't worry folks, the fire department has got it in hand and will be here shortly. Most every resident living in a fire zone should have fire fighting training. At minimum, knowledge about wildfires and steps that can be taken when they happen. That's a common sense idea, no? Could of had a neighborhood full of John Carrs and saved their homes. And, most importantly, halted the further spread of the fires due to the embers coming from their burning home wafting through the air to set the next neighborhood on fire.
  10. LOL. Why didn't you link to the source, Willy? Was it because you didn't want anyone to know that it came from one of the main players responsible for this massive tragedy? Of course Newsom is going to make himself shine. Hat tip to nauseus. Even if Newsom's supposed accomplishments are true the bottom line is that the estimates from a few days ago were $150 billion in destruction. And counting. So, for all of these so called accomplishments the end result is massive failure of a historic nature. But what you don't address are the specifics of how the failed efforts to combat the fires, not to mention the policies that allowed for the tinderbox conditions to be optimized - yes, optimized - were due to California "leadership" policies. For instance, you could start by answering the question of where the hell the fire trucks were? Rick Caruso, who ran against LA Mayor Karen Bass, saved his shopping mall with privately contracted fire fighters. The rest of the area burnt to the ground. Pacific Palisades, btw, voted 70% for Karen Bass. People always get the government they deserve, don't they? Or, you could address the policies that led to the almost year long closure of the Santa Ynez Reservoir due to a several feet long tear in the cover. Especially during the period of the Santa Anas when the risks of fires are at their peak and all water systems must be operable during the fire season. Or why it was closed last February, bids for repairing the cover didn't begin until April, and it took until November before a contract was awarded. Are those dumb azz ideas that contributed to the disaster? Should those folks be held accountable for their mismanagement? Or is there no accountability for failure in the liberal progressive Democratic world? Hell, failure more often gets you promoted. State to probe why Pacific Palisades reservoir was offline, empty when firestorm exploded Emptying of the reservoir began in February after a tear in the floating cover measuring several feet allowed debris, bird droppings and other objects to enter the water supply. DWP drained the site to avoid contamination and comply with water regulations. DWP sought bids for the repair in April, at a cost of up to $89,000. In November, the utility signed off on a contract with a Lakeside firm for about $130,000, records show. The status of the repairs is unclear. The DWP’s employee union leader condemned the months-long wait to restore the reservoir. https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2025-01-10/as-flames-raged-in-palisades-a-key-reservoir-nearby-was-offline The above are just a start, Willy.
  11. Calm down dear, calm down. When you lack a reasoned response addressing points made you can always just deflect with a clever sounding sarcastic and meaningless response. Libs are famous for using that tactic to take attention away from their own failings. Dude, why not simply address the failures in policies and discuss how those contributed to the disaster? At least responding rationally would be what any serious poster would do. Is that too much for you? Where'd you go, Willy? No response? Too much for you to take a look at the policies? When you lack a reasoned response addressing points made you can always just deflect with a clever sounding sarcastic and meaningless response. Libs are famous for using that tactic to take attention away from their own failings. Seems you're proving the above to be absolutely true. LOL. Keep hiding.
  12. They've left because they can't bring themselves to admit they were wrong. So they continue to repeat their invalid ideas to themselves in private, in an endless effort to convince themselves that the lies they've accepted are indeed true. The ones that remain are the hardest of the hardcore. True staunch believers in the lies they believe are the truth. Yet even they realise deep down that they can't convince others any longer. It's hopeless for them but still they persist.
  13. Not fair. he thought he had 20-24 too. The loss in 2020 was providential. People had to witness with their own eyes the hellishness that the liberal, progressive Dem dumb azz ideas would produce. The RINOs also unmasked themselves. And, importantly, Trump had 4 years to think things through and plan for his 2nd term.
  14. Well, it's obvious the liberal, progressive Dem policies utterly failed. I doubt anyone could do worse. In any case, to keep yourself on topic do you have any comment on what those failed policies were and how they could be changed? Or are you limited to only trashing Trump? As if that's being helpful during this crisis.
  15. The afternoon of the 20th. That's when BRANDON leaves and takes all the a$$hoIE$ with him. Many of whom will be lawyering up.
  16. Last post you were all keen on facts? Ah, to be utterly blind to your own hypocrisy. And it gets ignored when it's pointed out. Typical dishonesty.
  17. What was I saying about dumb azz ideas? But, no, no, no. Those dumb azz ideas did nothing to contribute to this travesty. There were no steps or actions that anyone could possibly have taken to prevent or mitigate the fires. Honest. Hey, it was simply nature being nature and we humans just can't do anything about that. We're totally helpless creatures thrust into an uncaring and unforgiving world and must simply accept our lot. And then people are astounded that Trump got re-elected. LOL Dumb azz ideas create lots of pain and folks are fed up with leftist dumb azz ideas. So they voted for someone who wants to move away from all of these dumb azz ideas and implement ideas that actually work.
  18. Have all the comebacks from this post been deleted.......? Strange? Now that's squarely an off topic post if ever there was one.
  19. Really? These catastrophic fires began with Trump's first term? Evidence, dude. Show the evidence which makes your claim true. But you see, there is no evidence that you'll come up with. Because it doesn't exist. It's the go-to leftist tactic. Make false claims and incessantly insist they're true despite the utter lack of evidence. And if asked to back up the claims then respond with ad hominem. Dude, you folks have run this gambit so often that people eventually get hip to what you're doing. No one believes you anymore. That's now a problem for you. You've lost all credibility. And there's no way for you to regain it.
  20. Calm down dear, calm down. When you lack a reasoned response addressing points made you can always just deflect with a clever sounding sarcastic and meaningless response. Libs are famous for using that tactic to take attention away from their own failings. Dude, why not simply address the failures in policies and discuss how those contributed to the disaster? At least responding rationally would be what any serious poster would do. Is that too much for you?
  21. Please parade your array of academic credentials which allow you to make such an authoritative statement. What is asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence. You don't get it, Lacessit. Just as you dismiss assertions that the LA fires had nothing to do with climate change, due to lack of evidence, so too do any assertions that they were caused by climate change get dismissed for the same reason; lack of evidence. Academic credentials be damned. We've been witnessing the destruction of the U.S. in large part because it's been run in large part by academics . Those folks are quick to say "common sense be damned." Academics are not gods and are as fallible as any uneducated person. That seems to be beyond your comprehension as you consistently put these people up on pedestals. Anyway, the 2024 election showed that your views have been weighed and measured by the people and have been wholly rejected. Tough titties. It's high time for sane change.
  22. Wow! Sounds like you've got a great storyline. With a bit of work I think you can turn your post into a best selling dystopian novel. Your post shows great creative imagination. Granted, heavily on the negative side. But hey, doom and gloom sells well. Just curious. Will there be any survivors? Sarcasm aside, there are so many fallacies contained in your viewpoint that it would be difficult which one to begin with. I'm leaning towards the climate change denialism but then that would be going off topic since so-called climate change undoubtedly had nothing to do with these fires. Which is the topic.
  23. DEI is one of the dumb azz ideas that don't work. Lots of companies now <deleted>canning those programs. Why? Because DEI is a dumb azz idea. And they're finding out that it doesn't work.

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