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Posts posted by spambot

  1. 39 minutes ago, Andrew Dwyer said:

    I do have to say that, after a quick look at Embassy website, I believe my above statement is incorrect and the online application is for E-visa only.

    ( see photo for list of countries applicable)




    Clicking on the [2] takes you to other visa types and the requirements seem unchanged ( need to supply passport on application so no online available ).




    A great shame as my hometown is in Yorkshire and will involve an overnight stay in London to obtain an OA.

    Yup - Pity indeed - Yorkshire Also my home town - So I share your pain!

    • Like 1
  2. 2 minutes ago, Andrew Dwyer said:

    This has been mentioned before:
    “on April 1st the OA at Thai Embassy London will increase to £150 and will only be available online, documents supplied online and an arranged visit to have visa put in passport “

    ( this is the gist of what I read earlier not an exact quote )

    Since then I have been unable to find anything online to back the above statement up.

    If anyone has a link , please post .

    Yikes it gets better,


    The extra £25 can be easily justified if have long distance travel to London since it saves one night hotel fees and £12.50 on the postal order.

  3. 3 minutes ago, Andrew Dwyer said:

    Yes, I mentioned it on a few threads and have only seen one other poster say he also did it.

    I did it as at the time posters were saying that uk gp’s were reluctant to sign the form as the diseases are “ obscure “, or they paid a lot for the service.

    I paid 360 baht ( £8 at the time ) 3 years ago, but also paid £20 to my uk gp for a letter saying that from my records I didn’t appear to have any of the symptoms !!

    My uk letter was refused, so I pulled out my trump card ( Thai med cert ) and all was good, a masterful stroke if I do say so myself emoji51.png.

    Later this year will just get Thai med cert obviously .

    Ha - Brilliant and I agree a masterful stroke indeed.


    Blimey when I went to my Doc he wanted £35 just to sign the downloaded Medical form from the Embassy site and that was with no examination required.


    Sounds like a good deal - Thanks for the info.


    • Like 1
  4. On 3/12/2019 at 12:33 PM, Andrew Dwyer said:

    3 months or 1 month ?

    Notarised or not ?

    No wonder we are left scratching our heads !!

    I’m looking at doing an OA in Aug/Sept this year and the way it’s going I think I’ll use the format I used 3 years ago.

    3 months statement.

    Original medical certificate ( from LOS ) and original ACRO certificate
    PLUS notarised copies of both using a solicitor instead of a robbing notary ( who IMO is a failed solicitor who bought a rubber stamp !! ).

    Actually good thinking - I didn't realise that Original medical certificate ( from LOS ) could be used. Is there a cost saving from doing this?

  5. On 3/12/2019 at 5:04 PM, Jim P said:

    So much confusion, Im taking my lead from the updated information on the website, not from the email I received.. I will use the £20k deposit 3 months prior and submit original documents along with one copy, therefore they will not need notarisation. Having been submitted online after 1st April you I will be given an appointment to attend in person so I will already know that my submissions have been accepted. To me this seems the most sure fire way of a relatively hassle free application.

    When you describe "Submitted online" - what are you referring to, surely not the A-O application or is this a requirement to apply online before you can turn up in person i.e You can not turn up without an appointment?

  6. On 3/9/2019 at 7:47 PM, Jim P said:

    I wouldn`t bother, I got an email which totally contradicts the website. Put the £20k in and have peace of mind.

    thai embassy.png

    Mnnn Interesting - Mine says its three months of statements:


    Dear Sir/Madam,
    1. 3 months back original bank statement remain 20000 GBP in your account 

    2. If you supply the bank statement you do not need to supply more

    Please check from requirement below



    Which one are you suppose to believe?



  7. 20 minutes ago, JackThompson said:

    I have read reports of others (and responded to clarify it was true) that documents from the USA-Embassy in KL were acceptable to Thai-consular officials in Malaysia.  I do not know what the UK offers.


    I think many will soon be getting 1-year-Non-O-MEs based on retirement soon.  Many more will get Non-OAs from their passport-country. 


    It is reported the UK Thai consulate now wants 3 mo seasoning on the 800K for the Non-OA there (previously no seasoning) - though at least UKer's money could remain in the UK - ideally well-invested and not pulled in and out of investment-portfolios to satisfy insane-demands by Thai immigration.  But, I don't know what types of accounts are permitted for this purpose (would vary by consulate).


    I expect this 3-mo seasoning requirement could happen at nearby consulates offering the Non-O-MEs based on retirement, also - or they could simply be discontinued, forcing more who have the qualifying 800K or 65K income (but not all in Thailand) to payoff immigration via their partner-agents, instead.

    Ahhh - Brilliant response JackThompson


    This answers a question I sent to London Thai Embassy earlier this week - I asked purposely just a single question"How many original statements were required for the O-A application?"


    When the email response cam back saying 3 months was needed and gave me a link, but the website actually indicated that just a single month statement was required - I copy pasted the web site detail that showing requirement for a single statement and I emailed this back. And on this second email I now asked the single question:"Thank you for your response - You have specified 3 months of statements for O-A application, but the link you have provided me with shows only a single statement is required, can you clarify?" This last email was never responded to!


    You just gave me the answer why - its probably just about saving face in that the rules have changed, but the website hasn't.

    • Like 1
  8. On 3/5/2019 at 6:28 PM, SunsetT said:

    So did u itemise your enquiry so in their reply 1. refers to O and 2. refers to O-A? If not their reply is typically Thai, i.e., as clear as mud.


    I asked purposely just a single question

    "How many original statements were required for the O-A application?"

    When the email response cam back as (shown in post) - I copy pasted the web site detail that shows they were requesting a single statement and I emailed this back. And on this second email I now asked the single question:

    "Thank you for your response - You have specified 3 months of statements for O-A application, but the link you have provided me with shows only a single statement is required, can you clarify?"


    This last email was not responded to!





    • Thanks 1
  9. Mnnnn - Good Info here:


    • JackThompson -You don't need "Thai" bank statements to get a Non-O from a consulate abroad - money proof in any bank will do. 
    • JackThompson And in Penang, you should be able to get a 1-year Non-O-ME based on retirement, also - vs the single-entry.
    • JackThompson You can get a letter from the USA embassy in KL - they only stopped them in Thailand

    If i am reading this right then the following is possible:


    1. If you have 800K THB (equivalent) in a non Thai bank you can go to KL USA embassy and get an Income letter. - Is an income letter available from the British Embassy?
    2. Take the income letter to Penang and apply for 1 year Non O multi entry, based upon retirement.
    3. Then leave every 90 days, but get nearly 15 months if last entry is well timed.

    - Have I got this correct?


  10. On 3/4/2019 at 4:02 PM, SunsetT said:

    This is the requirement for the O visa but not the O-A visa. If it happens again perhaps you could discreetly point this out to them. Also send a print out of the online O visa requirements which immediately precedes the O-A visa requirements above.

    Mnnnn SunsetT- Interesting  and yes you are correct.

    I just got information again from the Embassy a few minutes ago from a fresh inquiry asking to clarify the three statements vs one for OA - This is what I got back.

    Dear Sir/Madam,
    1. 3 months back original bank statement remain 20000 GBP in your account 

    2. If you supply the bank statement you do not need to supply more

    Please check from requirement below




    • Like 1
  11. 10 hours ago, lamyai3 said:

    Due to the timing of my trip to the UK I'd only be able to provide them with a monthly postal statement pertaining to the month before my application is made - my statement giving the previous month's balance arrives in the first week of the month but I'll need to apply for the visa near the end of that month, so at the time of application it'd be over three weeks out of date.


    Do you think this will be acceptable if I post it in, or will they ask for something more current? I could staple it to an updated printout of my balance at the time I send it in, but maybe the previous month statement will be enough. 

    I presume that you are going to apply with a single month statement?

    I was told I needed 3 months - Interesting to see if one will be accepted.

  12. 11 hours ago, SunsetT said:

    I applied by post last August and original docs were accepted as is the stated requirement on their website. £20k was in my current account for just a week before the one latest monthly statement required was sent. I did make sure it was a proper paper monthly statement and not a copy of a paperless online statement which most UK bank accounts want u to have now. I did initially request one of these from my bank but it looked just the same as a photocopy and I thought that it would never be accepted by the single braincell embassy staff as an original nor would they understand that there is no such thing as an original bank statement these days if u have online paperless statements as most banks require u to do now. So I actually downgraded my bank account so that I could opt to receive postal paper statements to keep the embassy dinasaurs happy who, can u believe in 2019 , only accept payment by postal order or cash (probably for tax evasion purposes).

    Ha - Yup its frustrating isn't it trying get the Embassy to accommodate the normal.

    And yes postal orders, blimey. I sent mine and they cashed this and then send me back an envelope full of bank notes, cash in the post together with my original documents.


    I was surprised that you were accepted with a single bank statement - The Visa officer I spoke to on the phone told me they needed 3 months.


  13. 18 hours ago, MRToMRT said:

    I would call them, last year I was there and they would not accept my orig docs. They wanted to me to give them certified copies even though the offical instruction was for origs.

    Same happened to me last time - They sent back my originals and wanted a certified stamp on copies. I got email confirmation and I called directly last week. The policy seems to have gone through some changes. Mine was by post and it looks like from your response that you were actually there at embassy in person - That does seem strange that they would not accept originals.

    • Like 1
  14. I haven't yet applied - its info I got from Embassy prior to applying.

    I currently have an O - Extension based upon retirement - I am not sure this is relevant though. There is not a change as you identify - You simply apply for O-A and ensure that (if its an existing O visa not yet extended or with an extension) when you return to Thailand it is not used when entering the country i.e point out you want to use the new O-A Visa.

    Doing the 800,000 baht equivalent requires 3 months statements.

    The direction for bank statements was original statements - not print outs, but I did not check what was needed for print out from an online only account.

    I am doing funds in account 800K (£20K) and no pension to show.

    The Original Criminal record is needed.

    If you are sending by post - The originals needed are for Criminal record, Bank statements and Health (this needs signature AND Doctors Stamp). If you are sending duplicates in the post (each duplicate needs a certification from a solicitor). If you are visiting the Embassy - take just your same originals as you would as if posting them.


  15. Information update if submitting original docs by post for O-A to London Thai Embassy. I sent an email and got a reply and I called direct to speak to a Visa officer and got the same reply (but they did confirm info about criminal certificate - email did not mention). Original docs can be sent in the post (without certification) however you need (just) the medical signed AND stamped by doctor (did not check if the doctors health center stamp would be accepted) 


    Reply to email for clarification....

    Dear Sir/Madam,

    We require all ORIGINAL documents which are bank statement and medical record check with GP stamp.
    Kind Regards,
    Visa Officer






  16. 18 minutes ago, lamyai3 said:

    Yes, I also ran into confusion a couple of years ago in a few solicitors offices, as to what was the Thai embassy appeared to want. In the process I got a lengthy explanation from an actual notary of what notarization in the UK actually meant, including explanations of his responsibilities under the Apostille Treaty of 1961! When I asked him why it was so expensive, and mentioned that the embassy's own website recommended Ashton's solicitors in London at £5 a copy, he made it very clear that in that case, the embassy didn't need notarised copies at all, just certified ones. I then got them certified by the regular solicitor at a tenth of the price of the notary, £2 per copy and this was indeed all the embassy wanted. 


    3 minutes ago, SheungWan said:

    A lawyer will ask you if you want the docs notarised or certified. If you say yes to notarisation, then they may tell you that they are not qualified to do that. If you say yes to certification, then they can do it. You provide the original doc, but the lawyer makes a copy and certifies that. 

    Good info Guys.


    I did contact Ashtons in London since I knew this would be a little more certain than guessing. I did not spot the difference at that time between Certified and Notorised

    - So great insight with the info again guys.


    This is the exact response I got from Ashtons:

    "Thank you for your email regarding certification of documents for the Thai Embassy.
    We are required to have sight of the original documents to be certified.
    As this would entail either an inconvenient visit by you to our offices in London or you having to send to us by post your original documents and then having them sent back to you by post which would just serve to add to the cost it might be more prudent for you to have the documents certified by a local Firm of Solicitors."
    • Like 1
  17. 2 minutes ago, patinchis said:

    I got a O-A in person in london last August...al I took was a hard copy of my bank statement, not photocopy, a criminal record check(I got by post) and the original signed doctors form....straightforward,next day collection

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect

    Yup patinchis


    Making the face to face application works.


    But since I would be travelling from Yorkshire and probably needed two night in London I decided to post. But you are right the option for not using notorised certainly was to visit in person.


    Hopefully now with originals permitted the notorised part has been eliminated.

  18. 1 hour ago, ubonjoe said:

    The part in red is relatively new.

    I do not think they will return the originals if you send them.

    You can send copies if they have been certified.

    Thanks UbonJoe,


    In my case they did, but I didn't want them back - I was just sending them because I thought it would reduce the need for a notorised copy. However they sent mine back so as to take a copy and then get them notorised. I'm not sure either if they do send the originals back, but was not important to me.

  19. 1 minute ago, lamyai3 said:

    You speak of "sending" the documents - I always understood that in London application and collection for the Non O/A (unlike the SETV) had to be done in person?


    Interested in reading more first hand reports of what the embassy is now accepting, seems it's changed in the past year. Providing originals without need of certified copies from a solicitor would certainly be helpful. 

    Yup - Totally agree Lamyal3.


    For me its possibly a game changer. Getting the health, criminal and financial were relatively straight forward. However it seemed impossible to get clarification on what constituted notorised. I decided to send them originals. The Embassy cashed the postal order and send back cash together with the passport and the original health, criminal, bank docs requesting they were notorised.


    The problem I found was many solicitors said their legal credential would not be sufficient.


    I  got the letter with returned passport 3 days before a sale of a property and 7 days before I was to fly. Low on options I  asked my licensed property conveyencer (not a solicitor) to use a stamp saying "original document was seen by law firm xxxx (at this address) on this date...."  


    I got the O-A Visa back 5 days after posting.


  20. 15 months ago I applied for a Non-Immigrant Type O- A.
    At that time I supplied Originals for bank statement, Criminal record and health check, but the application was rejected and I then needed to send copies that were notoised. 
    The website indicates a change for what can be sent (but doesn't always mean its true).
    Has anyone used Either of the following methods recently?.
    1. ORIGINAL - Bank statement, Criminal record and health check .
    2. COPIES of - Bank statement, Criminal record and health check (IF certified by a Notary Public officer or Solicitors).
    • Like 1
  21. 5 minutes ago, ubonjoe said:

    1. Same as wrote before. Your extension makes no difference even if you have a re-entry permit.

    2. a. The re-entry permit is a stamp done by immigration in your passport.

        b. Put your visa number on the TM6 arrival card.

            If the officer notices your re-entry permit and mentions it tell them you want to use your valid visa.       They will not normally ask any questions if your visa allows a longer stay than your re-entry permit.

           It is your choice which one you want to use for entry not the officers. 


    UbonJoe - Great response - As always - Thanks!

  22. 2 minutes ago, ubonjoe said:

    As soon as you leave Thailand your extension of stay is no longer valid so there is no problem apply for a visa at an embassy or consulate.

    If you had a valid re-entry permit to reinstate your extension when you enter the country the immigration officer might ask if you wanted to use the visa or it.

    Thanks UbonJoe - Good response.

    There is a possibility that trip to UK is shorter than expected and might find it better to use the re-entry permit. Hence as an insurance I will obtain a valid re-entry permit before leaving.


    But what happens if I find that I stay as long as planned and do not need to use the re-entry permit..........


    1. When I apply for the AO visa from London

    - Will my application be accepted (even though an extension date is current)?


    2. If OA application is accepted and I do get the OA visa

    (I am not sure if re-entry permit is a stamp or separate document hence the questions below)


    a). If re-entry permit is a separate document

    - Can I simply not present the re-entry permit (hence no options for IO to figure out)?

    b). If its a stamp in my passport

    - Will it be my decision to tell the IO that I do not want to use the re-entry permit and I want to use the new OA Visa  (or) is there any slim possibility that IO will refuse to accept the new OA Visa?

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