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Posts posted by spambot

  1. 40 minutes ago, Muggi1968 said:

    I only fill out the TM47 formular, show the original passport and TM6 arrival card.... Done or you can try online:


    (If you have a 1 year visa)

    Thanks Muggi1968


    Ahhhh Good - It sounds like there are no extra hurdles - just same as I used to do before - Turn up with passport and arrival card and fill out the TM47 form.


    Mnnnn the online option sounds like a good idea, but can you do this on your very first report?

  2. Last time I did a 90 days report was on the back of a retirement extension and after being in Bangkok continuously for five years. However I have just returned from UK with an new O-A Visa and I am not sure if this changes what is needed for my first report.


    1. While technically I am actually changing to a new address - I am not changing from a Thailand address to a new address in Thailand - So Do I need to complete a TM 28 (change of address) form?


    2. Since I am renting a condominium do I need to take my rental agreement ?

         > If so.... Do I also need to take a signed photocopy of the owners ID card and house book?

         > If so.... Which house book (Blue / Yellow)?


    3. Is there a report form I am supposed to complete and take?

        > The only form I can find is the TM30 form, but this seems to be the responsibility of the condo owner - Is there any repercussions if this has not been done (prior to my reporting)?


    4. My passport was stamped into Thailand 10th Oct 2018 and by my calculation the report date will be 8th Jan 2018, but as I understand the 90-day reporting can actually be done up to 14 days prior or 7 days after the reporting date - Is this correct? 


    5. Do I need photocopies of my passport ID and visa page?



  3. 14 hours ago, Lincsman said:

    Hi spambot,

    Did you send in a copy/copy's of the additional O/A long stay form which is only mentioned on some web-pages, see attachment

    OA Long Stay Additional form.pdf

    Web page

    http://supibee.thaiembassyuk.org.uk/forms/Long Stay.pdf

    Yup - I did - I sent 3 copies -  but from reading about berybert and others experience it is not clear that 3 were needed - The check sheets says three, but I now am not certain

  4. 6 minutes ago, berybert said:

    Yes the request for proof of 14,000 baht is very old, so you would imagine the others bits on the letter are also. Re the copies, that's why I tell people to use the solicitors links on the embassy website. They know what they are doing as they do it everyday.

    Yup - True.


    But from Yorkshire doing a postal is more difficult - I did contact Ashtons and was advised they could not help in a postal application.

  5. Hi berybert

    Makes me wonder if the postal applications are different in some way, but if they are I can not work out why they would need to be.

    I am guessing that the request for 3 photocopies was an old requirement - since 3 photo copies was not highlighted on the checklist as error when sent to me when I only sent one. Unfortunately for me the ones I sent were originals, but should have been certified copies.

  6. 16 minutes ago, berybert said:

    Use the people that are linked in the Thai Visa website page. Its not far from the embassy and I used them and did mind the same day. Helps of course that I lived in London.

    Also you only need to hand over 1 signed copy of each so it will cost no more than £15, if you go in person the person behind the window will give you back all the copies. She only wants one of each, and that it the photocopy  with the solicitors signature on it.

    Hi berybert

    Just So I understand - did you take three copies of Bank, medical criminal  to the Embassy - Only one of each was certified - You handed across all 9 copies - The Embassy then gave you back two of each of the Bank, medical criminal (6 in total) and these were the ones that were not certified?

  7. 28 minutes ago, Lincsman said:

    After speaking to the London Embassy last week they informed me that the O/A can be done by post.

    I think the requirements sent back to spambot were out of date as it states £14000 income, I was told over the phone this week that the funds need to be £18000 because of the poor exchange rate.



    Extract from the visa by post web-page

    When Submitting your Application by Post

    • Complete and sign one application form. Only visa application forms issued by The Royal Thai Embassy in London will be accepted. A separate form is required for each traveller regardless of age. Download form here.
    • Your Passport/Travel Document which must be valid for at least 6 Months from the date of  application.
    • Two (2) recent passport size photos.
    • Tourist Visa Single Entry (£25), Tourist Visa Multiple Entries (£125), Non Immigrant Visa Single Entry (£50) and Non-Immigrant Visa Multiple Entries (£125).
    • Each applicant must enclose return address and pay an extra £10 on top of the visa fee to cover the return of passport.

    Visa application by post will normally be processed within 3 - 5 working days




    The requirements probably were out of date that they sent - Since I did get a postal O-A visa.


    So its not entirely clear which requirements on the list are still appropriate. But do watch out however for differences between what is listed on your post above / the embassy website and the extra requirements that were highlighted as missing on my application since they actually want 3 (not 2) passport size photos and they want 3 completed application forms (not 1)

    - (see orange highlighter in image uploaded) as rejection.


    it also says you should provide 3 O-A application forms - But I sent only one on the first postal and they did not  highlight this as an error.


    Hats off to you if you got someone to answer the phone call - I spent 1 hr 45 Mins listening to a recorded message "please hold the line your call is important to us" before I gave up

  8. 46 minutes ago, lamyai3 said:

    I'm surprised, I was informed that postal application couldn't be done on the non O/A. 



    I was told exactly the same from each of the UK consulates I called asking if UK postal was available.

    Went on this forum asking - Many said NO - Just one member announced that a fried had just done postal.

    I emailed Embassy - and got confirmation back it was possible.

    • Like 1
  9. 2 hours ago, Lincsman said:

    Hi Spambot

    Im also going to apply by post to London.

    Did you have to get each photo copy certified or just the original documents then photo copy those to send off?


    Hi Lincsman


    The way I read the list is seems to say each photocopy needs certifying - So I got

    3 x Bank statement

    3 x Medical Certificate

    3x ACPO criminal record

    Total 9 Certified documents

  10. After making  application by post for O-A visa - After  three days I received an envelope special delivery back in the post.

    Inside the envelope was: Passport (without visa) - 125 GBP in cash - Attached checklist  (see uploaded image)


    My postal order for 135 GBP had been converted to 125 GBP cash (10 GBP used to pay for postage) and placed into the returned envelope.

    Three photos are actually  required, but on the application it  asks for just two.


    I had sent the original ACPO criminal record check (containing watermarks, originator signature and holographic embossed unique certificate number) and also the original signed doctor medical certificate, but it seems  that originals are not actually accepted.

    - They want copies of the originals and then want the originals certified by public notary or solicitor certifying they have seen the originals and the copy is a true facsimile. 


    The last requirement on the list was actually incorrect "You must apply in person only at Royal Thai Embassy in London" - However since I actually applied only by post and (not in person) after 2nd postal application I now have an O-A visa.


    Note on getting the certifications:

    I had certifications by a legal conveyancer  not a solicitor, who was insistent that a solicitor and a licensed conveyancer hold an entirely different authority / legality when certifying documents. However this certification was accepted - The stamp on my documents read  "certification by Property Lawyer" 


    There was only the orange highlights on the original checklist - That was sent back in the post - The red pen and yellow highlights were latter added by me.

    O-A Visa rejection.jpg

  11. Thanks Guys


    That clears it up!


    Might be interesting for some to know:

    Original NPCC (Criminal certificate) was sent to Embassy, but passport was returned without a visa......


    They want a copy of NPCC certificate (not the original) - certified by a solicitor / public notory - Even though the original NPCC contains an original originator signature, security watermarks and a holograph embossed security code that is unique to my application.



  12. Hi 

    • Medical certificate - signed by a doctor.
    • Uk Criminal record certificate.
    • Banks statement showing excess 800,000 THB


    After searching I was delighted (and surprised) to see that an O-A visa was possibly available outside of the UK and not restricted to apply exclusively only from London Thai Embassy. 


    Background: I will now not be able to apply to London Embassy for my O-A visa and my flight leaves in a few days time.



    1. Can anyone confirm that it is actually possible for a UK passport holder to  apply for an O-A visa in HCMC?
    2. Can I use a UK lawyer  for verification for the medical / Criminal certificates - or do I need to have these notorised in Vietnam?


  13. You can move your funds out of Thailand and you do not need to convert to THB prior to moving the funds - The best method is to choose from the many intermediary fx transfer service provider that will get you a better fx rate and lower charges than the banks in UK or in Thailand.  


    You do however need to talk to the Kasikorn business center and fill out the appropriate paperwork since its a Gov requirement to show proof that the funds exiting the country has not been generated inside Thailand and hence not subject to tax. You could overcome this process by using an FX transfer service that is registered in Thailand and then would show up as Thailand only transfer and hence not seen as leaving the country. However I think most of these service providers I know about are registered in Singapore - initially try the following Singapore providers and compare their rates - its a competitive market and you should aim to save / retain at least 5% more of your GBP when they hit your UK bank of choice.  Also try Googling and contacting other similar providers to get a solution that best fits.  https://www.worldfirst.com/en-sg/ or https://transferwise.com/sg/ or http://tikfx.com/singapore/ 


    As for the tax questions you pose - I have no idea on your personal situation, however it is unlikely that the situation would warrant the HMRC to have the power to freeze your account and withdraw when you make the deposit into UK. I would say that once the funds are in a UK account you are simply then free to do as you wish


    As for converting the funds into Euros, its not a good time to make the conversion since the EUR/GBP is at a record high and you will now get 20% less GBP than would have got end of 2015 if you immediately then do the conversion to GBP. 

    • Like 2
  14. Good Info Nick ZepTepi

    Last time I was in HCMC doing the same as you - I also took my bank statement from my online UK bank, but I was told that it was not required.


    I asked why it was not required since it states on their website that it would be required - She said that if I had previously a tourist  visa issued and this application was being done as a back to back then a bank a statement would be required -  So by this definition your application you shouldn't require the bank statement.


    I am assuming that since you are not leaving Thailand immediately after the visa's 60 days then this would be an extra reason for requiring the bank statement.

  15. samsensam - Seems to have made a good and relevant point.


    Best advice - Do a trial launch at low cost to get proof of concept.

    How - To do this:

    1. Go to AliExpress.com and search for whatever she is wanting to buy from a manufacture in bulk i.e search 'cheap cosmetics lipstick' (currently most items in this category cost about 40 - 50 THB)
    2. Go to Shopify.com and launch an ecommerce store (on a worpress site) - 14 days free and then $29 / month.
    3. Add the shipping costs to the cost of product cost and mark up your product(s) 100/200% 
    4. Identify the targeting i.e audience profile of the buyer.
    5. Buy traffic (Facebook, Twiiter, Youtube etc) for this targeted audience.
    6. When the orders are received - you will place the same order on AliExpress store where the product is being sourced - But using the shipping address as the address you got from your order.
    7. After enough orders are taken then calculate - The cost of conversion - Are you making a profit after all the cost of making these conversions.
    8. If you are not making profits - Change the product or the landing page or the targeting.
    9. When you do start making a profit - Scale up the advertising and buy more traffic.
    10. Gradually add more products based upon the testing described above.
    11. Once the the volume become high enough and the business is proven - THEN approach manufacturers and buy in bulk.

    However when you move to sourcing from manufacturers this comes with complexity and storage requirements and your volumes need to justify the 10 - 15% cost of product reductions that are being achieved. 


    Follow the link to see how many pages are selling cosmetics using Shopify here - 1.13 million.

    - The majority of these pages on Shopify are drop shipping stores and not original manufacturers.


    The above method is simply a drop shipping process - There are many people making a living doing the method as described - And they do this with initial investments that start at 5,000 THB.


    You do not need to invest 100,000 THB to test your girlfriends idea.




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