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Posts posted by spambot

  1. 1 hour ago, ubonjoe said:

    You are also legally the possessor and the occupier.


    Ohhh - Right - I obviously misunderstood your reply - So as a person that rents a condo I do not own - I am the possessor - And therefore  I can use the online systems to report my TM.30.


    And just to be clear when I leave to go back to UK in a few weeks time and return in a few months  if I get my password in time I can use the online system rather than visiting immigration to report TM.30 that I am at the same address - Is this correct?

  2. 53 minutes ago, jackdd said:

    I think your understanding of "occupier" and "possessor" is somehow off.

    Please explain your living situation. At what kind of place do you stay, who is the owner of the place where you stay and in which way were you given permission to stay there?

    Ok - You are probably right - I live in a condo in Bangkok together with 70 other residents and I have a 6 month contract to pay rent monthly. 

  3. 25 minutes ago, jackdd said:

    The ios app probably also doesn't have an option for "occupier" in this drop down, because occupier is never mentioned in any official document.

    What is your legal situation in this property? Are you really just occupying it, but not possessing it?

    Yup - That is probably true, unfortunately since I'm not an IOS user I had no way of testing this. My legal position is occupier.

  4. Is there an online TM30 reporting for occupiers only, rather than owners.


    If I look here at the IOS app it says that the app is for "Owner or occupant of a dwelling place" - is this really true?



    Since if I look on the Android app  - It makes no such claim



    And if I look at the browser version url - It tells me nothing at all about who can use this service for TM30 reporting. 





  5. I just got an email back from an IM officer to my question: When will Medical insurance be required for applications for O-A visa.


    Answer back:


    Dear Sir/Madam,

    WE DO NOT REQUIRE MEDICAL INSURANCE. May I please know which website show about medical insurance.


    I sent them a link back to the source (National Newspaper)  - Still awaiting a response...

    • Haha 1
  6. 9 minutes ago, merijn said:

    I heard no updates for the announced O-A visa health insurance.

    Like others said it's planned for July implementation so maybe we will hear something about it shortly.

    So far i know they are still struggling on how they can check the foreign health insurance for correctness.


    Possibly the radio silence is a good thing - or just a bigger surprise when it occurs.

  7. 11 minutes ago, AAArdvark said:

    Are you saying that the O-A can be done on-line?  If so, that brings up two questions.   One how are the various proofs submitted and could that also mean that the process could be started on-line even before returning to the UK?

    You have to scan in the originals and attach them to your online application - Then send passport and originals (or certified copies) in the post and get back in post (Ten GBP extra) or book appointment with the online diary and appointments section face to face to submit passport.


    You  will need to have your criminal record certificate - sent to you in Thailand, but is listed as a possible option when you apply online at https://www.acro.police.uk/police_certificates.aspx 

    • Thanks 1
  8. Just now, jacko45k said:

    As of today no requirement for Insurance. It was rumoured for July implementation. Are you aware that UK Visa applications have just changed to on-line?

    Will you have a Re-Entry permit for the current extension?

    Yup - I have enrolled for the online service and can see that as you move through the application process and there is no insurance mentioned. I will get a re-entry permit and use this for back up if for any reason O-A is not successful. Hopefully directing the IO on the way back into Thailand which option to use from the two available.

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  9. I am planning to be in the UK in the first week of July and I will also apply for an O-A - However the news flow seems to have slowed down on when the new requirement will be implemented - And since July is just 2 weeks away - Has there been any meaningful developments on the July date for the O-A medical insurance requirements date being implemented?

  10. I just logged into the system a few mins ago - it seems to show all the options you have as a filter to work out your different visa options, don't t get stuck if you enter into an option for the first time it gets stored as the thing you want to do - delete this first if you want to investigate other different options.

  11. 1 minute ago, ezzra said:

    Full report, like you have never done before, they have gone mad over there, someone decide to dust up a 20 years old law and make people lives difficult, mind you foreigner and Thai alike, hopefully someone will wake up and stop this madness soon...

    Thanks, ezzra - I guess this has got to be within 24 hrs?

    Do you have any idea if the rental agreement alone is an option for providing the housemaster, house registration and ID card?

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