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Posts posted by spambot

  1. 2 minutes ago, cleopatra2 said:

    It is not a new Police Order but an amendment to an existing order.


    The Police Order stipulating the requirements for an extension have not changed and remain the same

    Lump sum in the Bank

    Income method 65,000, 40, 000

    Combination of above


    The order for supporting documentation has been amended to reflect the non issue of embassy income letters.



    Thanks for the response on the clarification of this being an amendment rather than a new police order - The main value I would welcome is the clear confirmation that even though I can not see any other interpretation from what you say - I am assuming you are confirming that my figures are correct?


    For Jan 2020 extension: If 12 months x 35K foreign bank transfers occur = 420K.

    Does this mean that if (800K - 420K = ) 380K  is seasoned for the last 3 months - Then this amount will satisfy the combination rule?


    Bottom line: If monthly outgoings are 35K and you transfer this amount from a foreign bank every month for normal needs - If you then just maintain a long term deposit of 380K then this  is enough to satisfy retirement extension needs.

  2. While not explicitly mentioned in the new police order - Will the foreign bank transfer be an accepted replacement for the Income letter when used in the combination with appropriate Bank deposit and will this satisfy for a Retirement extension?


    For example for Jan 2020 extension: If 12 months x 35K foreign bank transfers occur = 420K.

    Does this mean that if (800K - 420K = ) 380K  is seasoned for the last 3 months - Then this amount will satisfy the combination rule?


    Bottom line: If monthly outgoings are 35K and you transfer this amount from a foreign bank every month for normal needs - If you then just maintain a long term deposit of 380K then this  is enough to satisfy retirement extension needs.




  3. 20 minutes ago, logres212 said:

    There is no mention of averaging as in previous announcement. So what I can see from this it has to be a PCM deposit of 40/65000 bhat into a Thai bank account. It cannot be an average of that amount over a 12 month period if making quarterly deposits or if you miss or a bit short one month for example. 

    Yup - Good point.

    The picture is not clear from Jan 20120 - which of the following is acceptable for a year - Since all equate to the same total value of 12 x 65K :

    Amount of Deposits       Value of each Deposit        Comment

    12                                  65K                               If 1 month missed 2 trsfs/m is OK next mnt? 

    24                                  32.5K                            Any problem with more than 12 trasfs?

    10                                  78K                               Not 12 transfs, but value is equivalent

    5                                   156K                              If 10 trasfs are OK, why not 5

    4                                   194K                              But I only get my pension quarterly


    I guess we  know the answer already - There is is no answer - Work in progress - Open to interpretation by individual IM or simply; lets see what happens in the real world of rejections to get the answer.




  4. Question:

    Has anyone - Taken a TM30 that has been completed by the condo owner, but without the owner  present for TM30 submission - And successfully got the receipt tear off signed and authorised by Immigration?


    Reason I am asking:

    I took a TM.30 to CW Bangkok (application for No Immi O vIsa - Retirement) that was fully completed and signed by the owner - But It was rejected!


    I took the same TM.30 back on the same day with a power of attorney letter signed with  National ID signed photocopy and it was accepted.



  5. 19 hours ago, ubonjoe said:

    She gave you advise and it appears she was stating the 15 day remaining requirement for a visa that does not apply for and extension. You could apply on the 21st if you wanted to.

    It does matter when you apply for the extension it will start on the 21st no matter how early you apply.

    You used either a TM86 or TM87 form for the visa application. The TM7 form is used for extension of stay applications.

    Your experience Nyezhov was pretty much the same as mine (last week) Taking back blue receipt for getting the O visa stamp.

    The only differences was I used a UK Embassy letter and the trainee handling the passport she told me I can come back between 30 days and 15 days  from end date for my O visa date stamp.

    I did ask if it was possible to come back 45 days before and she gave her  answer as NO. However I was not convinced that she was fully knowledgeable since I asked her a number of questions on the detail about what I need to bring back for on the date of 12 month extension application and she could not answer any of these questions - In the end she directed me to ask the same questions to the reception / immigration officer - He just gave me a form and said read this as everything is listed on this.


    It would be interesting to hear back from you Nyezhov if you apply 45 days prior and get the extension.


    Lastly I also had the same question about when the 12 months start date will begin (Application date vs end of 3 months O visa date) and UbonJoe gave me the same answer as you got - It starts from the end of 3 months O visa date.



  6. Today just back from Bangkok immigration (CW) - I got an O visa.

    I was surprised that the 90 days started from the day that I applied for the Visa and not from today when I received the visa.


    I will go back to get a 12 months extension (based on retirement) on 20th Dec - The end date for the O Visa is 19th Jan.


    When does the 12 month start for the extension -  20th Dec or 19th Jan?


  7. 23 hours ago, ubonjoe said:

    Thus far it has only been reported as being needed to apply for a non immigrant visa entry. I think they are doing that to insure people are actually living in Bangkok when they do the application.

    Interestingly - I was asked to give them my mobile number - So the officer can call me - When they come out to actually visit / validate the address i entered on the TM.30 form. 

    • Like 1
  8. I did my O visa application today in Bangkok - They Definitely want TM.30 notified on the tear off bit at the bottom of the TM.30.


    Notification occurs in the 'A' section of the immigration building - Application for 'O' Visa happens in the 'C1' section (right next door by a few metres) - Don't expect to have a meaningful conversation in the 'C1' section about TM.30 they just want you to have one.


    Hence if you don't have one before you get there - You need to be having conversation with 'A' section before you apply for the 'O' visa asking them what they need while asking your House Master what they have for you to take.  


    This sounds simple, right!

    - But I was surprised that the condo I have lived in for the last seven years (84 units) - The owner said in the last 6 weeks this was now the very first time he has actually been required to get the tear off bit at the bottom of the TM.30 back from immigration signed as proof of address notification.


    Before this he simply handed over bundles of TM.30's to the local police and got a signature for receipt of the numbers of TM.30 forms provided. Any further dialogue on these supplied TM.30's was then through the police receiving the bundles, not with immigration.  


    I am not sure if this is an isolated condo owner or its a much more general methodology used by many more condo owner. 


    And while my experience has only been for a visa application this might have some implications to Visa extensions.



    • Like 2
  9. There is no requirement listed for proof of accomodation / rental documents on https://www.immigration.go.th/content/service_80

    However on different advise blogs and the experience of some when applying for the O visa (on a visa except - applying CW Bangkok) there has been a request to see proof of accommodation.


    Hence my question - is any proof of rental agreement or even the full blown TM30 required for o visa application?



  10. 53 minutes ago, ubonjoe said:

    1. It can be done up to 45 days early at some immigration office. At others it still 30 days.

    2/3. Yes

        But they should pull the original used for the visa application from their file for it. Some offices will       stamp a copy of it and give it to you when apply for the visa to use for the extension application.

    4. Best to make a copy in case it needed.



    Thanks Ubonjoe - Just a quick clarification. When I asked in Q3 Do I retain the original income letter?

    Your Ans = Yes.

    But then latter suggesting I should keep my own cooy.


    I am guessing here that you are really saying the original wil be retained by immigration (not by me) - Is that correct?

  11. I am making application (I am currently on a visa excempt) for O visa with form Tm 87 and BE income letter.


    1. I intend to apply for extension in the last 30 days (or can this now be done in last 45 days?). 


    2. When I return for the extension - will I need the income letter at this tme?


    3. If so - Does this mean that I actually retain the original income letter at the time I apply for the O visa?


    4. If not do I need a copy of the income letter so I can use this at the time of the extension?

  12. 4 hours ago, Spidey said:

    Yes it's simple and what I intend to do. ! will need i.r.o. 1 million baht in my Thai bank account 3 months prior to making my visa extension. (800k seeding + 200k living expenses for 3 months). Doable but a pain. Much easier for me to send my P60 + one monthly pension payslip + copies of 3 months bank statements to the British Embassy once per year with £52 and receive a letter. More than enough evidence for the British Embassy to determine that my stated income is genuine.

    Just a quick sanity check - You are providing only the last 3 months of bank statements - Is that correct? - Not 6 or 12 months  as some on this forum are suggesting.

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