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Posts posted by spambot

  1. A). I will be going to the UK for a few weeks and when I return - Does anyone have experience of what Chaengwattana immigration requirements are if returning to the same address?

    - Do I need to do full new application or just need to go back to identify I have returned to the same address - or something other?


    B). I was at immigration yesterday to do 90 reporting, but it was bedlam at the TM.30 section and was unable to get any information - I went to counter at the entrance and didn't get any sensible information.


     I took an image of the notice that was outside the cubicles that were processing the TM.30 applications - below


    It seems to suggest that if you do not have house master copy of documents (house registration and ID card) - You can just present your rental agreement as an alternative.

    - Am I reading this right?



    CW - TM.30.jpg

    • Thanks 1
  2. 1 hour ago, soisanuk said:

    An assumption that it will apply to extensions of stay that are based on entry with an O-A Visa - this IMO is still an unanswered question.  The articles by the Ministry of Public Health official did refer to renewing an O-A (which is not done, but extending a permission to stay when the initial permission is based on an O-A is done by Immigration, not Ministry of Health or Ministry of Foreign Affairs - so the question is, will Immigration when all this gets sorted between these 3 Gov't agencies, consider the Cabinet's approval to include extending a stay based on an O-A Visa?  Perhaps Immigration may balk at doing so as it would require them to determine what documentation would be acceptable for those that have non-Thai health insurance policies that cover them in Thailand, a burden.  Until Immigration chimes in on what they will or will not require re health insurance, the question will remain unanswered.

    Good call - questioning if insurance is  "to include extending a stay based on an O-A Visa" - The answer did seem conclusive on this previous topic posts - In that no insurance would be required if extending stay specifically when it's based upon initial O-A visa. This guy states the opposite.

  3. 1 hour ago, youreavinalaff said:

    But the IO has no right to ask to see insurance. Their job is to check the validity of the visa. If they refused entry to someone with a valid visa there would be a big onus on them and, because of that, they would be unlikely to do such a thing.


    I am yet to hear of a visa holder being refused entry without good reason. Usually too many tourist visa or cannot prove they have 20k.


    The MFA can refuse to issue a visa if the applicant does not have insurance. I would say it is most definitely them with the upper hand, in this case.



    Good Info - Thanks - If this is right then the following should be correct?


    Since the new medical insurance, seems to be needed only for an O-A application and assuming that you can apply for the O-A Visa before July 2019 - This should give the holder the use of the O-A visa for two years without the need for medical insurance if leaving and re-entering a day before the ” Enter Before” date (that was provided for the visa by the Embassy on application) - Is this correct?


    This should be the conclusion since there is no application for a new Visa at port of re-entry to Thailand (nor is an extension to the 'permission to stay' being applied for) - The Visa is simply being stamped with an “Admitted until “ date because that's what an O-A Visa is designed to do.


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  4. 47 minutes ago, wgdanson said:

    So then if you cancelled.....you would have no medical insurance if you got sick.

    And to quote what you posted....provided you have not travelled........you can get a refund. 

    Then what would you do, go to a Thai hospital and do a runner?

    The issue for an application for an O-A Visa and whether you purchase medical insurance (or not) could become an optional personal choice if you know a cancellation method might allow you to do this.


    The subject of this topic - Is not looking for the reasons why you should get cover, but rather how you can avoid getting cover.


    To establish the pros and cons of getting cover is best covered by starting a new topic.

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    • Thanks 1
  5. For any that are applying for O-A visa in the UK, this is further info on possible cancellation workaround if required on applications post-July 1st 2019

    This is directly from the UK citizens advice site:

    Main points: 

    a). There are 14 days for a cooling off period that must be provided by law.

    b). Cancelling inside the cooling off period there could be a small administration fee (I did a quick check that shows many do not).

    c) Cancelling after the cooling off period there is likely to be an administration fee:

    (copy and paste is below - Highlights made by me)

    Cancelling during the cooling-off period

    You may want to cancel an insurance policy if you have just bought it and have changed your mind. By law, you have a minimum 14-day cooling-off period during which you can cancel the policy for any reason. If you’ve bought life insurance, the cooling-off period is 30 days.

    The cooling-off period starts from when the policy begins or when you receive your policy documents, whichever is later. You should get a refund of any premiums you have already paid. However, your insurer may take off a small amount to cover days when the policy was in force. They may also charge you a small administration fee.

    Some insurers may give you a longer cooling-off period. If you’re not sure how long your cooling-off period is, you can check the terms of your insurance policy.

    If you want to cancel your policy during the cooling-off period you should contact your insurer as soon as possible

    The right to cancel during a cooling-off period does not apply to travel insurance that lasts less than one month.

    Cancelling after the cooling-off period

    If you want to cancel your policy after the cooling-off period you should check your insurance policy. Most insurers will give you a refund if you have not made any claims during the policy year but you will usually have to pay administration fees.

  6. Just doing a quick search and getting a quote for travel and health insurance combined policy - The first quote provided does give a cooling off period and hence once you have the original policy documents it becomes difficult to detect and hence for many O-A applications there might be a workaround if they do not wish to get health coverage on their trip using the O-A visa method.


     (Cancelation policy copy and paste below)


    "You have a ‘cooling off’ period where should you decide that you find that the terms and conditions do not meet your requirements and provided you have not travelled or claimed on the policy. You can do this by calling World First on 0345 90 80 161 within 14 days of purchase to obtain a full refund of the premium paid."

    • Like 1
  7. I currently have a 12 month extension to stay based on retirement and intend to apply for O-A visa early (London) and do this before the July 1st introduction of insurance requirement.


    1. If I fly back to Thailand after July 1st will there will be any requirement to produce health insurance at immigration when entering Thailand?


    2. I will then leave Thailand and re entering just before the visa expires in order to provide an extra 12 months permission to stay. Will there be any requirement to have proof of insurance when re entering Thailand?

  8. 18 hours ago, lamyai3 said:

    I just did exactly this - departed with a re-entry permit on my existing extension as backup, and then applied for a new Non O-A. When arriving back in Thailand, make sure to enter the new visa number (and not the re-entry permit number) on the TM6 form. 

    Great Call Lamyai3 - Its what I will be doing next month as it also answers my question of if the re-entry permit (as back up) would cause a problem - Also making sure the TM6 gets the new visa number not the re-entry also a great reminder.

    • Like 1
  9. 1 hour ago, Andrew Dwyer said:

    I believe it’s been put back until May now.

    I’m also very interested in seeing what changes have been made, if any, as thinking about obtaining a new OA in September.

    There is going to be an online system at some point and targeted for May as Andrew says.


    I requested information from Hull and Liverpool consulates last week - asking if they're going to be part on the O-A process online appointments - Hull seems to have no idea about O-A (suggesting I could apply in Bangkok). Liverpool was a little more insightful identifying they knew the system was imminent, but they had not been invited to participate yet - So possibilities that making an appointment after the online application has not been ruled out or in with consulates yet.


    I requested the following information from London Embassy 1). Is this new system going to be online application (followed by passport in person appointment) only or would the existing postal method still be available? 2). When the online system is available will the appointments also be available to visit Hull and Liverpool consulates?


    The response I got back:


    Dear Sir/Madam,

    Please contact us again when the online application starts to confirm the alternative method to submit later.

    Kind Regards,

    Visa Officer
    Royal Thai Embassy
    29-30 Queen's Gate,
    SW7 5JB


    You can, however, sign up at their new online portal now - https://thaievisa.go.th/Home/Index in readiness, but, as of this morning, you cannot yet make the online O-A application online.



    • Like 2
  10. 29 minutes ago, Jim P said:

    Seems according to the video it will be possible to visit consulates as opposed just the London Embassy to show original docs,  supply passport and pick up your visa into passport - Hence, Hull, Liverpool, Cardiff, Glasgow, Birmingham.

    • Like 2
  11. I just a response a few mins ago from Embassy:


    My email:

    Can you confirm that on April 1st 2019 the O-A Visa.

    1. Cost will increase to £150 
    2. Applications will ONLY be available online.
    3. The documents required for the application will be sent to Embassy online.
    4.  An arranged appointment to visit will be provided to present passport / have visa placed into the passport. 

    (Copy paste) Response from Embassy:

    1. From 1 st April 19 = 150 GBP 

    2. Application might have to do same process and online at the same time according to the change 

    3. For O-A you must submit online and hard copy as well

    4. For passport submit please check from the website at that time 

    5. Please wait for update from the website



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