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Posts posted by spambot

  1. In my building we have D-SLAM, a variant of ADSL whereby True have effectively brought in the node from their telephone exchange. I do not, therefore, share capacity with the local neighbourhood, only with others connected in my building. It has been rock steady for the whole period since it qas installed early last year with no spikes at all in upload or download performance 24x7. If you can obtain such a connection it is well worthwhile. BTW, It is sreets ahead of anything I experienced last week when visiting the UK,and cheaper.

    Where are you located grahambkk? - which building?

    I have given notice on my apartment in BKK so as to get Internet that works - I'm going to rent an apartment in Hua Hin and sign up on a short contract for a months and test their connection, but they still only have shared wifi routers and importantly share local connections back to ADSL / D-Slam, I can not find apartment here in BK that offers anything consistent and reasonably fast - Hence prepared to travel away from BKK to get what you got i.e D-Slam in the basement and hence no contention battles with the local subs in the general metro area - just share bandwidth with occupants in the building.

  2. Hi i have just completed the METV at the Hull consulate 2 weeks ago.

    The requirements were:

    1. Deposited £5000 in your UK bank account for the last 6 months with bank statements as proof.

    2. A work contract from your employers showing employment for the time and length of your visa.

    3. A Flight details to and from Thailand

    4. 2 X Photo's

    5. 1 X Utility bill as proof of address in Thailand or you could use other means for this.

    All documentation was checked by the embassy, i found them quite helpful and they understood the changes in the laws and recognised their shortfalls.

    Good info thaireddevil,

    Just a quick nudge and possible correction to the list you have given - I am assuming that the utility bill should be proof of address for UK - No t Thailand as you stated. Unless you are staying with friends and you are showing the utility bill from where you are going to stay and this is supplied by the house owner - Otherwise requirement is proof of a hotel booking.

    Also amazingly The Thai consulate in Hull has updated their website and gave a fairly good overview - for the METV requirements


  3. I am getting out for the duration of Songkran - But someone told me yesterday it is also celebrated Malaysia, Lao and Vietnam - Surely not - I thought it was only a Thailand holiday?

    Also a friend of mine down from Udon this week says it is anticitsped that they will have only one day of water wasting in Udon this time - This is according to the local press and radio - anyone know if this is true since I could then go to Lao and Udon or maybe even Nongkai potentially.

  4. This is the first single tourist visa applied for.

    I am making an application in Penang for a single Tourist visa on Monday 14th March.

    I will re-enter back into Thailand on Monday 21st March.


    What will be the (60 days) “Admitted until” date stamp be calculated from:

    A. Application / Visa issue date - Monday 14th March? - Or

    B. The re-enter date into Thailand - Monday 21st March?

  5. I have used NWI for several years.

    I was based in China and now in Thailand. On Monday I spoke to them via Skype about a withdrawal and change of account; it was verified a few minutes ago.

    I also notified them of a change in address via downloaded forms off their website a few weeks ago which were accepted without problem.

    Anybody with a NWI account should have been notified about changes in their banking policies last December, which included new forms to disclose personal information if you had a UK postal address on their records, regardless of circumstances, to be completed and returned no later than March 2016. This is all to do with the new banking disclosure laws of the EU. Many banks, including Swiss banks have participated. Apparently, this is more to do with terrorist funding more than anything else. (So they say). A point of note is they do specifically ask if you are a USA citizen!

    As far as the UK is concerned, the new £500 tax free interest kicks in next month? So this may also have something to do with the new policies as well if you still have any financial connections with the UK, including pensions etc.

    I think the days of many ex-pats who think the UK Gov. doesn't know where they are and hide behind the Personal Data Act are numbered.

    Just my opinion.

    • It could well be something that is being enforced by the new tax free earning changes and so more information is required by Nationwide to ensure they do not give UK non residents these benefits.
    • This would add to the loss CGT allowance on house sales brought in last April.
    • Hence it could be something they are pursuing and targeting non-residents in a broad campaign.
    • You mention "New £500 tax free interest" I am assuming that you are referring to the Interest Basic-rate (20%) taxpayers – will be able to earn £1,000 interest with no tax (so a max tax saving of £200 compared with now). Higher-rate (40%) taxpayers – will be able to earn £500 interest with no tax (so a max tax saving of £200 compared with now). Additional-rate (45%) taxpayers: £0 – they do not get an allowance.
  6. The visa a a one year multiple entry visa which provides an initial one year stay.

    If Thailand is exited/re-entered immediately prior to the visas expiry date a second one year permission to stay will be provided.

    If travel is undertaken during the second year of stay a re-entry permit must be obtained.

    Good Info - I did not realize you could do a border run just before the O-A runs out and you get the 12 months permission to stay at the border.

    For O-A It takes more organising and does have extra costs for the medical and police records - And the cost for the Notary fees, but it got me thinking about the pros and cons.

    1. police records are £45 to get the certificate within 10 working days and £80 for a 2 day delivery.
    2. Medical Record should show that applicant has never been infected with contagious disease with validity at least 3 months - theoretically for UK you should be able to get just your medical records without an examination, but the process is slow (they state in UK that they aim to respond back within 40 days of your applications) and then just to issue an appointment - A Medical examination costs anything between £70 - £150 depending on the practice here is an example of £100 http://www.epmpractice.co.uk/fees
    3. The Notary fees vary the most and depending who you use can be up to £250 I had quoted, but realistically this should be about £60 here is an example of such http://www.premiersolicitors.co.uk/Legalisation,11332,10160,11328,0.html

    So for an extra £45 + £100 + £60 = £205 = 10,000 THB * you can get 12 months of cross border travelling and a relatively easy 12 months extra time (permission to stay) without the poor experiences of Thailand immigration visits in the final 30 days for the second year of stay for a one year extension of stay based on retirement. Also there is no requirement to transfer funds over prior to applying for the extension since you must ensure 800,000 Bht has been in a Thai bank for at least two months (60 days) on retirement extension. Obviously identifying if this is worth 10,000 THB is subjective and will be different for each person – But for me it does have some value worth thinking about.

    * Note: There is of course the cost of the actual visa added to this figure.

  7. Hanoi used to do double entry. No longer available anywhere. As for flight onward I just did quick search. Many 950baht fares. Hcmc from bkk was one.

    Thanks Jacksam,

    Just to understand what is required at HCMC for single TV:

    1. Flight tickets out of Thailand - I am assuming this must be within the period covered by the Visa being issued - is this correct?.
    2. Bank statement - Do you have to show a certain amount of funds? - And is this for a specific currency?
    3. Show the actual physical flight ticket that you used to get you into Vietnam - Good to know since I usually dispose of these at the airport.
    • Is accommodation proof / documentation required?
    • Also what flight agregator site are you using to show 950 THB for the BKK>HCMC - I searched NokAir/Vietnam.Airasia but got higher prices


  8. I found this on travelfish.org. They said that the process was simple but you need to make sure you dot the 'i's' and cross the 't's'. I'm going to Bali next week and will have to go through this process before I return to Thailand.

    "Although the process is fast and painless, they are sticklers for the correct documentation in Bali. You’ll need a passport with at least six months’ validity, a photocopy of the passport, one four by six centimetre head shot photos, 560,000 rupiah, proof of travel both in and out of Thailand -- including proof of payment and (these are new as of 2015, thanks Maureen for the update!) proof of a reserved hotel in Thailand for seven days and a bank statement showing a balance of $700. The paperwork is important; a clearly marked sign outside the consulate says in bold letters that “it is not possible to grant visas if no proofs of travel are submitted”. You need all the paperwork for EACH applicant."

    Hi AlexRich

    Good info well spotted - While it sounds very precise and not a lot of wriggle room - However on different posts there are many people saying the way you are treated in the process is better than any other visa they had issued before - I guess hard, but fair. The location is also not very convenient and does require a taxi - People I know who have just returned from Bali using taxis a lot recommend Uber - Gives you the price before online and no haggling with the drivers and always cheaper than any prices they could negotiate face to face.

    Good luck with your application.

  9. Can someone confirm that the requirements for getting a single tourist visa from Bali requires the following: - Or am I missing something?

    1. 1 Photo (Passport size)
    2. 1 Copy of passport (Data page)
    3. 1 Confirmed fight ticket LEAVING Thailand (in English version)
    4. 1 Hotel Booking, Rental Contract or Sponsor Letter from your friend (with your friend's ID and a copy of house registration or rental contract that has your friend's name on it)
    5. 1 Bank Statement with minimum of $700 (per visa) - Or equivalent in a Thailand or UK (in my case) Bank account

    Also I am trying to book a flight out of Thailand to coincide with the last that the visa will be valid for (that is the until date stamped on the Visa) back to UK, but I am not sure if the Thai visa will start on the date when the forms are handed in or on the date that the Visa is made available for pick up i.e There are 3 working days to collect - Apply: Mon morning and can pick up on Wed afternoon.

  10. What does the airline want to actually see:

    • A print out of an email sent from a ticket purchase made online or...
    • The physical ticket issued by the airline (not a printout copy)?
    And if an email printout is OK - This can be self manufactured through Photoshop or any other digital methods.

    Yes it can. The legal name for it is illegal. Good luck.

    Hi jacksam

    Thanks for that - I am assuming what you are saying is that they do not want to see the actual physical ticket, but the print out is acceptable - Yes?

  11. You don't need a onward or return ticket anymore. You use to and the problem was not with immigration but the Airline refusing to let you fly on a one way . This is not the case now but as the other posters have stated you can just purchase a cheap exit ticket from one of the budget airlines.

    Hi Monkeyrobot

    Looks like you posted while I was typing - and you answered my question and I do not need to buy a ticket (as indicated in my posted question)

    You are sure of this that there is no requirement to buy an onward before being allowed back to Thailand - And also the Thai immigration will not be looking for a ticket either - Yes?

    I believe he is wrong. Its not Thai immigration you need to worry about. Its the airline. You might be lucky. Many enter Los to obtain stamp without onward flight. Its a lottery. I would not. Either obtain a setv or book a flight out.

    Hi jacksam

    Your answer is clear, precise and actionable without any grey bits that need further clarification.

    - Its the kind of answer I like.


  12. i clicked on one of he display ads on this forum - and was sent to http://thailand-retirement.info/retire-in-thailand-less-than-2-5-million/

    The title of this post is also the title of their AD copy - on the landing page.

    • you will receive yearly returns of 250,000 Baht just over 20,000 Baht per month - 10%
    • And you can live in Thailand on 20,000 Baht per month

    Has anyone heard of this company http://newnordicpattaya.com/new-nordic-investments/

    I have not tried to analyse either the data or the company since it just seems to feels wrong.

  13. You don't need a onward or return ticket anymore. You use to and the problem was not with immigration but the Airline refusing to let you fly on a one way . This is not the case now but as the other posters have stated you can just purchase a cheap exit ticket from one of the budget airlines.

    Hi Monkeyrobot

    Looks like you posted while I was typing - and you answered my question and I do not need to buy a ticket (as indicated in my posted question)

    You are sure of this that there is no requirement to buy an onward before being allowed back to Thailand - And also the Thai immigration will not be looking for a ticket either - Yes?

  14. A return ticket is not required. A onward ticket is all that is required for a visa exempt entry or to get a tourist visa. A one way ticket to a nearby country would be accepted.

    Yikes - I didn't know that!

    I am in Bangkok currently and have one of the last double tourist visa's that I got from Vientiane,

    The second part of the Visa comes to an end next week.

    I was intending to fly from Bangkok to Kuala Lumpur and return back again on the next flight to Bangkok on the same day and I was expecting to get a Visa exempt at immigration on my return without an onward flight.

    I will buy the BKK/KLL/BKK tickets on AirAsia online and pay at my local 7/11 and hence no one would be checking my ticket purchase that I have already a return flight onward (after the end of the Visa exempt 30 days).

    1. Does this mean that if I try to makes these flights I would get rejected at some point in the journey and be forced to buy a ticket out of Thailand before allowed to proceed?
    2. If so - Where in the process would this occur i.e Before I was getting on the outward bound flight or before getting on the inward flight back to Thailand?


    p.s I do understand that I have an alternative to extend the current visa for 30 days, but do not wish to do so.

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