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Posts posted by spambot

  1. Transparency either in Thailand or UK / Europe / US can be subjective - Banks generally fall into the same trap with their lack of transparency (Banks generally are based on black box trading), but key for me in Thai share market is the lack of shareholder pressure - listed companies in Thailand behave as though they are sole owners and shareholders get no real power to change a company destination through their share ownership since Thailand has a very high percentage of retail investors the larger institutional investors and hedge fund lack of activity is not really effective for keeping companies on their toes.


    Having said that there is diminishing benefit insider trading is going to  give anyone if Kuroda / BOJ does eventually manage to fix its yield curve or Yellen / FED does speed up normalization or even possibly (but less influential) BOT pull back from its currency swaps program. So understanding the Macro economics might possibly become more incisive for  profit taking than any of the current insider leverages.


  2. Thanks Scbascuba3

    I am focused only requirements of a sole trader - And why do I think its going to be only the single SA100 for sole trader - The reason is: I could not see any possible documentation that could be used  from HRMC to use as proof for a business existence and there is no legal requirement to register a sole trader as a businesses so I could not work out what the Embassy might be referring to (in the case of a sole trader) that could be provided. There is however a legal requirement for limited company  to have a Certificate of Incorporation and hence this can be provided.

  3. Currently I'm in UK and will be applying for METV - I am puzzled by by the different consulate requirements for:

    1. Self employed

    Hull requires  - ONE form:               "photocopy of Self assessment form SA100 / SA105" 

    London requires - TWO forms:       "self assessment form and company registration document

    2. Flights

    Hull requires  - Onward air ticket FROM Thailand (within 6 months)

    London requires - Photocopy of air ticket TO Thailand


    The website might not reflect the actual - So wondering if there is a different requirements from each  location?

    Does anyone have actual experience of  what was accepted - Flights and self employed?

  4. While immigration only accept an income certificate (letter) from your embassy - Still take the original supporting documentation with you to immigration. In theory they are not required, but from personal experience I found that (on one occasion only) I was requested to prove my overseas earning with original documentation - This is not a normal situation (and should not happen) - But nothing in Thailand is ever a normal situation.

  5. Not sure if this is the form since I have never received one, but it seems likely


    Leaflet also sent with document


    Can someone confirm / deny this is what is being received?

    Also this seems to cover most of the issues raised in this thread


    Also details from when it all first started in 2004 - Tells about all pensioners should be covered in the annual mailing over a 5 year period.


  6. For the last four years I regularly get an sms message from SCB bank every time one of their customers makes a deposit or withdrawal - Obviously its my mobile number that use to belong to this customer and not updated. I visited the bank multiple times and identified the disclosure of confidential information and every visit is the same - disinterested and lack of concern, even on one occasion bank teller looking at the sms messages on my mobile for the transactions - she reassured me "that its OK you have no need to apologies". Geeeze

  7. The denomination column on the super-rich site is not indicating the actual note type, but rather the actual amount of the transaction.

    I beg to differ!

    Maybe your actual experience was different, but mine was as identified. I called them directly and asked them the question - I latter visited them the next day and asked the same question. I was directed to the buy and sell rates on the display in the communal area and it was explained that the break rate was transaction value.

  8. This is probably the case - That not all information has been actually provided to you by your bank.

    Under their banking license they can not actually stop you making international transfers for situations where the funds have been transferred there in from an international in the first place and assuming you have the correct documentation to prove that the funds arrived into your account this way you will have no problem. Hence have a conversation with your bank (with the right department that understands the actual situation regarding International transfers)

    I remember having a long conversation with my Bank in their overseas section of Kasikorn Bank and it took quite some time to understand the situation, but eventually I realised that I should keep the documents that are issued with every international transfer into the bank - they are called an FET (as pointed out by a number of people already on this thread). Then when you use this documentation in your transfer request you can move the same amount of funds that you have covered by the FETs.

    To get these documents for each transfer you must request them from the bank as they will not automatically issue them, but you can successfully request these any time within the same financial year. However if you have fund deposits prior to the year you are interested dont worry since you can then request back years to be taken into account for the transfer out - only this way you do not get the issued paperwork and this information takes a little longer and uses a different process.

    Also and importantly these restrictions for transfer of funds are only applicable for amounts above a certain size (each bank is different) and the indication at the time given to me was vague since it was at the judgement made by each branch manager however indications was it was OK for about 50k per transfer. You can get more than this amount transferred as long as you supply an invoice for the reason for the transfer into a foreign bank as payment. Hence if you bought a motorbike in Australia for 200K the invoice from the seller would be sufficient to release the International transfer.

    Outside of this - simply attach a Papal account to your Thai account and make personal transfers to any other International bank that you have another Paypal account attached for example Australia if that's where you wanted the transfer. This method of Paypal transfer is not restricted in the same way as International transfers going directly to an overseas bank.

  9. Thanks elviajero

    Great response - And importantly - I did not realise that the visa Category O-A actually was already a multiple entry that would allow unlimited travel out/in within validity of the Visa.

    I think I must be mixing this Visa up with the old "O" Visa (no longer available to many including me - since not married to a Thai or receiving a national pension).

    Many years ago I had the "O" Visa and needed to leave the country every 90 days - I thought that the "O-A" was different in that you could not leave without a re-entry permit.

    So Thanks again for the clarification.

  10. I am applying for a O-A Visa (in UK)

    As I understand that will then require me to report every 3 months to immigration (or do this online).

    However I can exit the kingdom and return if I obtain a re-entry permit will be first (single 1,000 THB and multiple entry 3,800 THB).

    Since the validity of the O-A visa is 12 months - Does this mean that when I exit and return the 12 months allowed to stay starts over again i.e The stay until date passport stamp is given for 12 months time?

    Bottom line does this mean that exiting and re-entering back into the Kingdom on the last day of the the visa (valid until date) - Then this will effectively provide a total of 2 years from the date that the O-A visa was actually issued in the UK?

  11. johnatong is correct - The last 3 different bank accounts that I eventually opened - Every one of the banks initially said no and wanted a work permit - I always told the person dealing with my enquiry that they were wrong about their policy and that they did accept new applications if the purpose was to deposit 800k for an application (If necessary you might be a little more convincing and quote fictitious friends that have opened an account on the same basis) - Most do not really know what the actual rules are and if you raise some doubts in their mind they (at least in my experience) seek further info from different dept and then you usually get your application accepted.

  12. Taxi will be the quickest by far.

    You take the Victory Monument entrance to the 2nd stage expressway heading towards Chaeng Wattana. After you pay the second (B10) toll, take the first exit (Namwongwan). From there just go straight all the way to the end of Rattanathibet Rd, then on to Kanchanphisek towards Pathum Thani.

    If the taxi driver doesn't know then ask once in that area. Motorbike taxis will know.

    Outside rush hour, should take 20-25 minutes. Using the river will be a much longer trip.

    Bear in mind that it's not that easy to 'pick up' a taxi there ... you are some way from the main road. Hopefully someone will advise the best place to walk to, to pick up a taxi ... alternatively keep the taxi that took you there.

    In the past I've given lifts back, you might be lucky and someone is leaving when you are.

    Best way to getting back is to use the (hidden) bus terminal directly opposite that very few people actually use.


    Best to find a location from the above link - About 5 bus routes in total - Then work out which works best for your own location to pick up a connection - For me I use to take a no 66 bus directly back (non stop) takes you to Pinklao which is near Khausan road / Grand Palace, but if you get off the bus early when it gets near the river you can catch no 14 direct to Victory monument.

    • Like 1
  13. For this immigration office: Chaeng Wattana Rd, Amphoe Pak Kret, Chang Wat Nonthaburi 11120, Thailand

    1. You can catch many buses from Victory monument to Chatuchak market - The most frequent is no 29 - every 10 minuites.

    2. From Chatuchak market get the number 52 bus - There are 3 every hour - This bus will take to to the stop on Chaeng Wattana Rd - Get off and walk left next to the government offices - down to the very bottom of the open road way and find immigration in the last building.

    Note - the number 52 does meander a lot and takes its time to get to where you need to get off - But it will get you there in the end - feels like most of the journey you are not going in right direction and its way too long, but that's the way it is.

    For landmarks - Look out for Pak Kret post office (big HQ) on LHS and then CAT huge buildings campus on LHS - Then on this last landmark get ready to stand up and leave the bus - you are at your correct stop.

    Good Luck.

    This is Bangkok Immigration Office...yes

    Yes JAS21 it is the main immigration office for Bangkok and where extensions take place - Obviously Bangkok is a large place - To be specific its located at Pak Kret, Nonthaburi, Bangkok - However Pak kret is rarely used to identify this location for online, but useful to find it on goggle maps.

    Nonthaburi is a province and Pak Kret is a city in Nonthaburi Province,


  14. For this immigration office: Chaeng Wattana Rd, Amphoe Pak Kret, Chang Wat Nonthaburi 11120, Thailand

    1. You can catch many buses from Victory monument to Chatuchak market - The most frequent is no 29 - every 10 minuites.

    2. From Chatuchak market get the number 52 bus - There are 3 every hour - This bus will take to to the stop on Chaeng Wattana Rd - Get off and walk left next to the government offices - down to the very bottom of the open road way and find immigration in the last building.

    Note - the number 52 does meander a lot and takes its time to get to where you need to get off - But it will get you there in the end - feels like most of the journey you are not going in right direction and its way too long, but that's the way it is.

    For landmarks - Look out for Pak Kret post office (big HQ) on LHS and then CAT huge buildings campus on LHS - Then on this last landmark get ready to stand up and leave the bus - you are at your correct stop.

    Good Luck.

    • Like 1
  15. I just want to add, I spoke with Ashtons from the link provided on the Thai Embassy website, and they charge £5 per copy. The whole process will only take 10 minutes. They're based at 90 Long Acre, Covent Garden, London having moved from Gloucester Road. They said anyone charging more than £5 a copy is breaking the law. So there you have it, ignore the Notaries who were qouting me obscene amounts of money. Go straight to Ashtons.

    Thank you, ubonjoe, for advising me to click on the Solicitors link provided on the Thai website.For some strange reason I thought they would be expensive when in actual fact they're incredibly cheap. I can now get my documents notified by them and then go straight to the Thai Embassy afterwards. Brilliant!!

    Good feedback Senior Player

    I came back to UK a few weeks ago after 6 years in Thailand and now need to get a new Visa to go back - I have in the past considered the O-A, but since the new rules change it seemed simpler to get the multi entry tourist Visa (METV) - Simply because of the Notary and the issues involved with this process - The confusion and the wild variations in the quotes. The quotes ranged from £99 (plus other vague ancillary costs) to £390 and I was never convinced that any of the people I spoke with actually had done this before or even knew what a Visa application notary process required. The Medical and the police reports are fairly straight forward and with the costs around £100 for both meant that this is much easier to action and understand

    You mention that by using Ashtons you got the costs down to £5 / document, but you don't mention how many documents they signed at that rate and hence the total costs you ended up paying?

    Also it would be useful to understand what documents are actually required to get a notary signature? It was not clear to me if the bank statements required a signature from the notary since the letter from the bank meant that the bank had acted as a notary and hence probably did not require to be certified - So then you only need to have the police and medical reports then certified by the notary - what was your experience?

  16. I read that the only reason you would need a covering letter was if your bank statement didn't have the bank's address and your address on the same piece of paper. I bank with Natwest and their statements have both on the first page as well as the desposited amount in my current account. Basically all the information they need is on one statement sheet of paper. My statement covers 3 months. I'm also taking the previous statement that covers the previous 3 months just as back-up. But my understanding is the last 3 months should suffice for the solicitor (or notary).

    Possibly the letter might be required if the bank operates only online and hence the statements provided are print outs and ensures that this will prove them as being authentic.

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