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Posts posted by alexakap

  1. sadly the underhand shit they do is not accountable until it comes into open court,

    It is happening daily and around the world. I have tonnes of examples...:(

    BTW, mr.Bout has not even opened case\lawsuit at his country of origin. Russia has nothing to him, and he is currently "clean" in criminal means. The same goes to Thailand - he has NO opened cases and did nothing against Thai laws too.

    This is why I am surprised in double - thy R.embassy did not protect his own "clean" citizen to be extracted from remote country to....mmm......somewhere else against his wills.

    And the one big point - what EXACTLY did he speak "immediately", so now they can ease their tights for him...May that be that he is now "used in full" (as an ex-KGB high-rank officer, knows manything "valuable"), so they slowly going to free him (sooner or later)...

    Don't worry, I am the last one that will defend these people

    Which ones, exactly? I dont want to miss the point again... :)

  2. When you are in an accountable legal system then expect the law to be followed, and that is what has happened here.

    Yeah...and when you dealing with US - expect they will come and "extract" you even from the neutral third-party country - settled a trap for you and pushed you to talk "immediately". "Accountable legal system"?? Yes, of course...Speak about it to the ones locked in Guantanamo.:bah:

  3. On the car park of my nearest temple in Bangkok, (police box approx 20m from there, school in the temple compound) every late afternoon there is a quite large group of guys drinking, gambling and running the car park ... and nobody cares ...

    Of course the only part they do enforce is that bloody rule of no alcohol sales between 2pm and 5pm. I've lost count of the number of times I was doing my groceries on a saturday afternoon and was unable to buy a bottle of wine for dinner or a few beers for the evening because of it. I don't know which idiot thought of that rule and what they are trying to achieve with it. All it does is make me go to the same supermarket a second time to buy the same thing they wouldn't sell to me 2 hours earlier. AAARRGGH!!! Thai logic at its best.....

    C'mon, just come across the street to ANY "mama\papa shop" - and you'll get your needs. Im not sure about good wine, but beer is always there. Always. 24\7\365. And it is always COLD (being kept in mama\papa Family Freezer made back to 195x :) )

    And it is also CHEAPER. :)

    I have a VIP access to my nearest one (as I am a daily visitor for a beer). Ban of boozes?? Ha-ha, very good joke. Keep talking, officials...

  4. It does not say it will end the drinking problem in Thailand.It is just a helping tool to get to that end. A journey we will not see the end of in our life time.

    But that is no reason to put down the effort.If you don't start nothing will ever change. Is that what the nay Sayers are aiming at?

    As other mentioned above - they (officials) have already "started" with 50m school-area bans some time ago. Or many-many-many other "bans" (say, not to sell alcohol to teens blahblahblah)

    Enough talking here (Thais are best in talking, you know) - just show me results from that. Any noticeable results - except wasting rearranging the budget funds of course...

  5. prohibit the consumption, sales, distribution and advertising of alcoholic beverages

    A top-important problem in this country. Yeah.

    What's next? Anyone quit drinking by that?? Or just have a short run to the nearest 7-11 across the road and get their beloved lao-kao?

    More you ban something - more they demand that, it is just classical. You must ban completely and for all - or it will not worth for trying. Especially in LOS (hub of soft bans) - where you can ban anything you want but have no balls to enforce anything you ban.

    Ah, yes: I forgot mama\papa shops too. Try to hard-ban them all across the country - perhaps the country will ban you back, Mr.Deputy Permanent Secretary of the Public Health Ministry Siriwat Thiptaradol :jap:

  6. So this guy was in jail, and in the running to be a minister??? I'm confused....

    This guy just got out of his day in court due to diplomatic immunity, gained after he was in jail???? I'm confused again......

    So burn down a town, make friends with a wanted fugitive and his family, and show the whole country/world how corruption pays off? I'm super confused now!!!!

    This should be in the international news, I would love to hear an international reaction!!!! I wonder how the next government will get power, and when........

    Anyone in\on\at Isaan cares about "an international reaction"? TiT.

  7. - Top Pheu Thai party-list candidate Yingluck Shinawatra: Banned politicians were involved in her election campaign and the party's "Thaksin thinks, Pheu Thai does" campaign motto.

    - Pheu Thai party-list MP candidates, including red-shirt leaders Jatuporn Promphan, Natthawut Saikua, Weng Tojirakarn and Kokaew Pikulthong: Detained under court order resulting in the termination of their Pheu Thai Party membership.

    Jatuporn: Also not endorsed because he is being detained without bail on terrorism charges.

    Pichit Chuenban: Serving a jail term over the past five years.

    - Top Democrat party-list candidate Abhisit Vejjajiva: Abusing his power as prime minister by getting the Commerce Ministry to hold a fair selling items at discounted prices in Samut Prakan on the day of advance voting, asking a "subordinate" to buy votes, using amplifiers in prohibited areas and intimidation.

    - Democrat party-list MP candidate Ong-art Klampaiboon: Abusing his power as former PM's office minister in charge of MCOT's unfair broadcasting of party election campaigns.

    - Bhum Jai Thai party-list MP candidate Chai Chidchob: Offering free food to "influence" voters and officials related to the election.

    - Bhum Jai Thai's Chai Nat MP candidate Porntiva Nakasai: Listed in the same case as Abhisit.

    - New Democracy Party leader Suratin Picharn: Bankruptcy, which might affect the party's fielding of MP candidates.

    What a nice zoo of so-called "leaders" rule this country....Bravo! Keep ruling!! :(

  8. I could become an expert, just like you. That is if I actually believed the tripe, ladled up and slopped in the trough by the nation Newspaper. I choose not to.

    Maybe you should "choose to" read the ICJ ruling then (or plenty of other material)

    I did. Did you?

    that specifically says that it is only ruling on the temple and the land that it is on, and not on the other land in the area.

    Got an eye?

    The Court therefore felt bound to pronounce in favour of the frontier indicated on the Annex I map in the disputed area and it became unnecessary to consider whether the line as mapped did in fact correspond to the true watershed line.

    For these reasons, the Court upheld the submissions of Cambodia concerning sovereignty over Preah Vihear.


    Thу Annex I map is attached to the prev.post.

    PS: "Preah Vihear" is not only a Temple itself, but the Kh.province as well. A whole province includind the Temple since 1962.

    Sapienti sat. :)

  9. The border was demarcated in 1962

    Certainly, one would think that it would be difficult to rule that the temple is on the Cambodian side of the border without first establishing where the border is.

    What are you guys talking about?? Just google for the ICJ 1962's decision. There is the map, and there is the border drawn.

    It is a true fun to see how Thailand just woke up after 50 years of silence about the story. How typically Thai......


  10. In this case, Thailand is wrong and Cambodia is right because Cambodia seems to be will to abide by the rule of international law... Although it is entirely possible that some of those international law experts can sometimes make the wrong decision, nations should, nonetheless, abide by those decisions!

    Of course, not all Thais would agree with this. When I said this to my wife, WW III seemed to go off in our bedroom!

    Which "rule of international law" aren't the Thai's abiding by?

    They are NOT trying to lay claim to the temple. They have accepted that the temple belongs to Cambodia, as per the 1962 ICJ ruling.

    NO ONE has ruled on the land adjacent (4.6 sq km) to the temple. That is what this dispute is about.

    The Cambodians want to use this disputed land as part of their management plan for the temple. But the border has not been demarcated, so how can they put forward a plan that potentially uses Thai soil?

    Thai soil. Yeah...Of course. :)


  11. Those red ppl had ruined many and many of the Thai business. Those red ppl had paralized Thai capital with the roads blockage etc. Those red ppl had burned Thai buildings. Those red ppl had killed Thai soldiers. Those red ppl led by the Main Criminal (wanted) and some minor Criminals (with the bails have been cancelled). Those red ppl landed some grenades to the innocent Thais at the BTS stations. etcetcetc... Then let them win and come to juristic power for more!!! PS: this country never stops amazing me. IF those win - whatever happend to this country, I'll tell "Somnaina!". The idiocity must be punished and then understood sooner or later...

  12. Actually, a lot of the CM pubs dont pay the artists. Is some of the aforementioned spots, people get up and jam because they enjoy playing music and having a social venue to do so. The ones who make a good income are the owners of the pubs

    Yo, let's raid karaoke bars too! Plenty of rich Japs over there, "working w/o proper documents".:)

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