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Posts posted by alexakap

  1. Democrat Leader Blames Govt for Misjudging Flood Threat to Navanakorn


    All of them can only blame. They are perfect in this activity.

    But hey, who will compensate the losses? Where would I convert their blames to a freshly-printed Bahts (see the next News) - just to cover the losses caused to me by their "misjudgind the thread" (read: their common daily activities)?

    Boring. All of this is boring, and only blames giggling around in da streaming waters...:bah:

  2. That approach can work too, but obviously, not always.

    Always, and always will (as far as I can predict). Just find the correct Bigga Badda Bossy Boss of The Case. Show me the case where dealing with right people was NOT worked here in LOS? :)

    PS : it is their Game, and we can only play it in correct order - or be completely out of that. It is our way of being here. Those who can't follow - can't survive here for long, and finally heading to the nearest ticketing booth on their way home. I have seen many of them during my XX years here, since the last century... :)

  3. I suggest you educate youself more on the subject, and if your claim is large, consult a good attorney.


    You know what? FORCING a Thai to follow your (logicfull\lawfull) way sometimes much more expencive than not doing that. Im not going to kill the rest of my life in da courts while hearing my case (Already have the experience - and I have WON, a farang has won a lawsuit against Thai company here in LOS.....and just within 6 years!)

    I suggest you to check the level of knowledge of your opponent prior suggest him anything, and then check the conditions of THAI insurance agreements (not English ones, nor Wikipedia's).

    Attorney? Yeah...They are also Thais, and noone else (as this position is reserved to be filled ONLY by Thai nationals)....blah-blah-blah...I better skip having any insuranses next time. The result is same, but much less headache (and expences).

    PS: and finally I got my funds back. No attorneys, forget the insurances....

    Once again: TIT. Too long here...too experienced in dealing with locals. F..ck the papers - deal with The Person and let him Feel Bossy....for a while. :whistling:

  4. Nope, flooding of a river is not considered the same, and as serenitynow rightly states the corporations are suitably insured. You don't build a multi multi million dollar facility without being correctly insured. The se are multi-nationals, not Thai's looking after a workshop or their own house. Flooding is not force majeure. You cannot stop an earthquake, or a tsunami or a hurricane, but you can stop flooding. Thats why you always get new carpets on insurance in England if your house floods :whistling::whistling:

    Tomorow morning we'll met at the riverside, and you'll show me HOW would you stop the current flooding. I prefer Auytthaya\Pathumthani section, if you don't mind.... ;)

    PS: my insurance claims were rejected due to "force majeure". Already.

    PPS: here is not England - here is TIT. Have your passport stamped for an entry? Then forget about logic until it is stamped for a departure. :whistling:

  5. These guys have no idea about when to release information. Industry in Thailand is now crippled, with the prospect of MANY people losing jobs, companies are likely to go bust and the government now tells them they have to put up the basic wage. I wonder how many major industrials will now use this current situation as the excuse to relocate, after all the insurance companies will be paying for most of it.

    Will be paying? Why?

    It is a force majeure (as tsunamis, earthquakes and so on)...:whistling:

  6. Why don't they just buy Somchai a new computer with internet access so he can have a good browse of all the bloody weather predicting services that are already out there and have been for donkeys.

    Oh, no, not Thai way, Thai not do self, not believe.


    C'mon. The serious shit has happen - and now those in charge just seeking for the arse to be "fully-fully wrong mista!!".

    They HAVE TO blame something - just not to be blamed themselves. Why not blame the radar - that will not blame anyone back, thus it is wrong and the reason of faulting of anyone under it.

    How typical Thai...don't take it seriously. It is not the radar itself - but just faces.

    It is common here.

    It is normal here.

    Very normal, predictable, and not to be changed in the foreseen future (no need radars - just ask me, 5555).


  7. Yes, I have balls. I didn't say I disliked the info that "the worst apparently over", it's just that given the government's reoccurring false alarms and ever-changing spokespeople, I'm hesitant to believe today's spokesman.

    Don't worry. Soon Kh.Thaksin will come, and you'll remember this govt as a good one fix everything in this country...

    Ha. Ha. :(

  8. A bit hypocritical isn't it- after all, you're just another keyboard warrior bashing the other "keyboard warriors" aren't you? kettlepot.gif

    Sure I am.

    But I at least NOT interfere to the ones who are doing their jobs. Those who need support at most - must hear at least something GOOD, here and now. Don't tell those who is dying that there is NO heavens, and dont' tell the child that there is no Santa....they will discover themselves, sooner or later. Perhaps they will cry that time....but THAT time, and not NOW - when we need all of their manpower.

    PS: and I am not saying that the govt is always telling the truth....just let's bash it tomorrow, when the things not so critical and manpower is not so important. Call it "propaganda" if you want, but those @the river NEED to hear good news. Let's bash the lies after things ease IMO.

  9. Pathum Thani and Ayyuttaya are ok now.

    like I had first thing this morning in Pathum Thani) loudspeakers telling you to quickly move things upstairs as **Snip**

    The waters @ TaladThai now, and only 2 sections of it stay unaffected.

    Next by TaladThai are FuturePark Rangsit, Zeer and then - welcome to DonMueang.

    Just a few kilometers to go...

  10. >Sorry if you perceive wanting to have truthful information as "bashing".

    No sorries. If you dislike the info from authorities - just go and sue them IRL. Got a balls? :)

    >More than hope what people need is the truth.

    Where and when in Thailand ever you seen "the truth" from the authorities?

    Where in the world have you seen "the truth" from those in charge?

    Why are you expecting that your speech will change this here and now?

    C'mon, gimme a break...

    >False hope is not hope.

    Wrong. Go get some education in social psychology. False hope IS the true hope unless false is discovered and understood.

    And false would be discovered tomorrow....or never (in case of non-educated Thais. See the last elections).

    >btw, no one is protecting my arse.

    Those who is arranging sandbags now. Say thanks to them, or at least mind those anonymous farmers. Water is now on TaladThai, FYI....

    >btw II, I'm not "fighting" here.

    You're not helping the things too. A million of speaches will not shift a single sandbag a meter higher....but a ppl who still have a hope - they will.

  11. The government said just yesterday that only official announcements by Justice Minister Police General Pracha are to be made.

    Do we believe that or do we believe the Agriculture Minister?

    If we don't believe the first, why believe the second?

    It's only "good news" if it proves to be true... and that's something the administration has been struggling with almost as much as the flood.

    Do you have any extra options? You may take it or leave it, and nothing more than just that.

    All these bashings from so-called "keyboard warrors" changed NOTHING in da real life - they may believe or they may not. Someone cares?

    Those ppl just need good news now. It is the last reason they still fightting with wild waters and protecting your arse, while you are sitting in your chair and fighting here.

    They just need a HOPE that something is going to end. Wanna hear that all your acts will be useless, while wighting hard with something?

  12. So true. I dont think the thais even thought about some farang working/helping without a permit. As i stated in another post a few of the guys were cops and one works for immigration at chang wattana, Everyone was happy i helped infact were making fun of me lol . Today a pick up drove round my village giving people updates on various locations here using a loud speaker . They got to my house and said "thanks to the farang from england with the good heart that helped yesterday, etc etc."

    I feel proud i helped and proud of everyone as we all pulled together.

    Id be feeling very quilty and ashamed if i just watched them from my window with my feet up.

    You must understand the difference b/w "Thai ppl" and "Thai govt".

    Helping Thai ppl has nothing to deal with Thai govt.....and be catched working w/o work permit has nothing about Thai ppl themselves.

    PS: most of Thai ppl blame to Thai govt for their idiocity, incompetence and corruption. Ask your nearest Thai fella - you'll learn that by yourself.... :)

  13. Anyone living in phreuksa 19 out in Bangkurat, Bangbuathong area?

    A danger area AFAIK

    Too close to the River...the soils also not too strong and muddy all the times.....

    I have 2 rai's of land over there. Had to abandon that from my plans to build a house as those easily be flooded every Jul - Oct, 1meter high or something....... Have built @Pathum instead.

    Be prepared for unexpected, you yourself or your friends over there... :(

  14. Residents of Pathumthani, this might be useful


    Yet my area is not anyhow "marked". But electric plays crazy here....

    thanks for the link, just been talking to my girlfriend in khlong song, khlong luang Pathum and it's pretty hairy there i do hope that dyke has been repaired as the water is up to the top ready to cause chaos and she is only but 10 metres from it. Not sure the link will make her worry more though! :(

    Still dry as a bone here (@my area).

    Some areas around my moobaan are normally flooded after a goddamn good rain. But not @my moobaan, as they have elevated the whole area prior building anything. Not much high I guess, but yet is it dry around - thanks to Allah.

    Other areas around are normally flooded at this time (other years too). Have no idea how it is there right now - it is dark, and I am having my beer... :)

  15. I went to our local supermarket yesterday afternoon and normally there is a few people shopping ,more on a Sunday. I was shocked it was full and the majority of the shelves were empty and you could see greedy people buying food they do not necessarily need .

    If this continues there will be shortages for sure.

    Someone makes good and fast profit on outdated and less-demamded products for a higher prices.

    And the rest of population still too uneducated to understand this "forced demand".


  16. First off they don't rate dams as 100% when the water is spilling over the top, but at a safe distance below,

    Thus that is NOT a 100% as they rated it is, but 70% (as it can handle extra +30% without any harm).

    And THEN those real 70% + extra overlimited 30% giving us 100% of the capacity (when water finally reaches the top of the wall). STILL 100% at the very maximum, not 130.

    I just can't accept the percentages like "a very-very full, sure sir, a 100%!!! PLUS 30 extra for'ya only!" (but the dam still stands - mean it is still not reached its 100 REAL percent even they said it is now on 130). On its REAL 100% it will start collapsing (and please God save us all at that time).

    PS: and yes, I know about structure's overall limits - and overlimits, adjusted for safety purposes or something. Just no one ever plus'es em together. 100% of planned capacity and 30% of (still known and meant while constructing!) overlimit (the dam wall's overheight, IMO) - this I will understand. But not "Pasak dam is 130% full of water" - please gimme a break...:lol:

    "Pasak dam is going to it's REAL 100%" should be correct...

  17. With the 130%, I think it means over 30% of capacity the dam is build for.

    If you are a dam build for, say, 100m high concrete wall...how the heck can you hold extra +30 metres of water? It will just overpass your 100m w/o any difficulties...

    So...which 130 percent they're mentioned? 100% full and +30% of the current is passing over? :)

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