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Posts posted by alexakap

  1. What abilities did they think she had? She is a complete political novice, a clone, and a puppet. Seriously there is little any one politician could do in the face of this natural disaster, but the PM's handling of it has been awful. Maybe next time Thais should look for some sort of competence in the people they elect.

    When she comes to TV - she looks completely LOST in the mess. She can only idiotically smile (yet her eyes not smiling at all) and nervously talk to the ppl with lots of her common "kor thod/mai roo/na ja"- and nothing more than just that.

    But this is not the answers ppl are waiting from their PM and from the leader of the country.

  2. Congratulations to the Governor of Bangkok for finally speaking up and telling the people what they need to know. They need honesty, not constantly revised fantasy like Bangkok will be saved, I mean central Bangkok will be saved, well maybe some of downtown will be saved, well certainly the top of Baiyoke tower will remain relatively dry.

    I live in Don Muang and I am following the news avidly, I doubt there will be many places to move my car to, according to a report posted earlier, (05.33) the water level at Klong Phrapa was due to go down in two hours due to pumps. Apparently Yingluck is on site at the water works. My theory is that if Don Muang floods, then alot more places will do in Bangkok, as it is on relatively high ground. If anyone else could give me any information as to what is going on I would be most grateful.

    Here is Kklong Prapa now (07-00am), right at the line of DonMuang...

    I can't see any level to go any inch down, but just up...



  3. Alex, I was in that area on main road, although I think the flood is uneven, hits the people living around canal first.

    <br>Klong Prapa right now (water leaks to left side of the picture - right to the houses nearby)

    <br>...and there was the main road (also left side)...



  4. The Police Commission yesterday approved the promotion of Pol General Priewpan Damapong to commissioner-general of the National Police Office.

    "The prime minister will soon forward his appointment for royal endorsement," said General Ek Angsananon, secretary of the Police Commission.

    Priewpan has been the acting police chief and is also the most senior deputy commissioner-general.

    The post became vacant when the Yingluck Shinawatra-led government transferred General Wichien Pojphosri to the National Security Council in a move widely seen as aimed at helping Priewpan rise to the top of the police force.

    Priewpan is an elder brother of former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra's ex-wife Pojaman na Pombejra.

    I now feel I am fully protected. Hail govt! :annoyed:

  5. Rumor has it that flood water arrived at Zeer Rangsit overnight (all over at Mor Chit bus terminal), I can confirm it hasn't arrive yet.. probably at Major? Time: 0535AM

    Water does not travel straight, I assume it's slowly spreading within the area.

    BMA managed to overall a long pipe (assuming to drain water at phaholyothin soi 48) over a span of two weeks. The water level by the canal is actually lower.

    Just go and see Klong Rangsit or Prapa.

    They are full.

    Water coming to houses near Srisaman, Wat Nawong and around.

    Not a rumors - just go and see yourself. I'll meet ya here...

  6. Unfortunatly i'm not in Thailand yet, will get there in 18 days but if situation is still bad I would be pleased to bring food and other things needed to people that cannot get them.

    Don't forget to obtain a work permit prior doing anything!!!

    PS: it is just an irony to th govt. Thanks for your offer anyway.

    No it is not irony, some people who helped at the Tsunami got problems.

    Yes I know.

    But I can't change anything here - just be ironical and ignorant, as I am for "90-day reporting" for example....I know that it is a "sad joke", but can we do anything here? :( When you following- it leads to nowhere else but time\money wasting, and if you're not - it leads to the very same, then - why bother...TIT.

  7. I'm also concerned about looters, but think my village will try to maintain security there - a number of neighbours have stayed too. I don't think anyone want my lousy old TV's hehe.

    They'll see your old TV right AFTER they come to your house....not prior to that.

    Here is no way to tell'em "Hey, you;ll find no valuable things at this house - pls dont waste your time!!!"....unfortunately. :(

    As a result - they'll came just to check - are you hiding something behind this notice or not...

  8. We had another place to go to. Just be careful with electricity - do you have two floors?

    Yep, I got 2-floor private villa + garden here. And not at the roadside, but at the moobaan (they have their own sandbag walls around plus a few of diesel pumps as they announced). Also there are high concrete walls all around the moobaan, up to 3m high or something.

    Also the whole area is elevated a bit. And the house has it's own elevation above the moobaan's ground level...

    But the klong IS the klong, and it is very near... :(

    My wife just scares of looters, and it is the main reason we'll stay.

    I can switch off downstairs and still use power upstairs. But I didn't like the feeling of being stranded among a lot of water, with no power or water. Just take it as it comes, I say.

    I can switch the whole house off on the switchbox - no problems abt that, as the main power lines are on the pillars - not underground.And the water...well, I can boil the current one - I got a portable gas oven+ballon of NGV or how you call that...

    Enough for survive, I bet...

    Let's see...

  9. What's your elevation? Anywhere near klongs?

    As for me, Im right behind the Klong Rangsit (i.e. on Bkk side).

    Yueah, yeah, I know - shit happens.... :(

    We then had water come from the north and also crossing the road from bang Bua Thong.

    BBT is very low land, AFAIK.

    I have some pieces of land there, and those get flooded YEARLY, at this time. The waters coming up to my neck or something....Nothing special...

    Too close to the river. The soils are also not strong - just a mud, especially when water comes...

    Just have your place prepared, move as much upstairs and pack some bags to take in case you need to leave quickly.

    As for me - I am NOT going anywhere, whatever going to happen.

    I have no other place to go.

    I'll stay.

    If there will be water - I'll fight that to the end. My end or water's end - who cares... Sooner or later, all of this will end.

  10. Did he buy you a raft ?

    I have a nice swimming underwears, if you prefer. Yet no sunshine, but hey - this won't last too fast....Ha. Ha. :(

    Im in Nonthaburi and we are dry still too (dont know how long with this raising water) and here we are dry thanks to the effort of me and the villagers.

    I am very familiar with Nontaburee. Where are you located, exactly?

    AFAIK, wild water has already flooded the market @the end of Sanam Bin Naam (till the very entrance of Wat Chompuwek, which is about 1km far away from the river)...:(

    Next one is Tiwanon rd, the core line of Nontaburi...

  11. Whoooo, that would be the "cerise sur le gateau" as we say in my mother tongue. Getting arrested for illegal work when giving out food to flooded elderly 5555

    Whatever that can be named- pls be informed. Some ppl already have an issues while trying to help here in LOS. This could be so funny....but yet so sad.

    Just be informed...and just do whatever you feel you MUST do. I hope the common sense will prevail to those idiots currently in power.....but, be informed and keep your eyes open. We will miss you, if something...

  12. Same with me, but I live on Pantip side.

    I remember that as "Banglumpoo - Marketplace for rent". The Panthip could be the only one - there @Petburi rd, 5555 :)

    Still dry but lots of traffic on Ngam Wong Wan.

    Nothing new here. It is jammed on daily basis since the last century. I ever had an accident on the bridge in front of The Mall NgWW....also long ago... :)

  13. Unfortunatly i'm not in Thailand yet, will get there in 18 days but if situation is still bad I would be pleased to bring food and other things needed to people that cannot get them.

    Don't forget to obtain a work permit prior doing anything!!!

    PS: it is just an irony to th govt. Thanks for your offer anyway.

  14. It looks like the server which hosts http://www.navanakorn.com/ has also submerged....

    HTTP Error 503. The service is unavailable.


    Works for me.

    Nava Nakorn, the first industrial promotion zone in Thailand, was founded in 1971 and has managed by a group of professionals with great experience under the name of Nava Nakorn

    You can freely access to all destinations of Thailand. Nava Nakorn has easy access from Bangkok CBD. Nava Nakorn has 4 main ways to access from Bangkok CBD.

    You can easy to recruit workers due to the location of Nava Nakorn is very close to many workforce supply centers. Nava Nakorn’s daytime population is around 150,000 to 200,000 and the nighttime population is around 100,000. Nava Nakorn is also a labor haven.

  15. Given the scale of the flooding (industrial parks aside) - to houses, farmland, SME businesses, infrastructure, rubbish disposal and basic clean up costs on the street, as well as more involved clean ups for chemical spills such as oils etc. 50 Billion Baht actually seems a very low amount.

    And don't forget to divide by 2 or 3, as a larger part will be "somehow lost" somewhere in transit from govt accounts to the ones who really need these funds...

    And later on some Somchai's will be driving a few more their brand new Benz'es.

  16. Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity...

    I can't call these ones just "stupid" - playing the high politic requires at least some kind of self-defence, cheating, mass-controlling and so on, you know what I meant. They are very smart...in some areas of being a polititians.

    The stupid (uneducated, frankly speakin) just believed that electional s_hit and voted for them.

    And now it is time to gather stones together.

    PS: and the idea to bring the Master here - is not their. It is the idea from the Master himself, and he is anything else but not just "stupid". Those above are just a puppets....now having a whole power of this country. I bet the puppeteer enjoys play the strings...

  17. As much as I do not like what the PTP is doing, I am sure they are not planning on things to go this bad.

    It is their agenda since the very beginning - to bring their Master back. Nothing else is important.

    I can't expect any piece of morality from those who is able to step to Govt right from his cell.

    Look at these faces once again. Im pretty sure - they came to take care of The Country. I feel safe now by knowing that someone take care of me here in da middle of Pathumthani, mind my difficulties and closely monitor my troubles.


  18. Don't you all understand that the TARGET of this govt is to fail everything and as deep as they could?

    When this govt reaches the very deeps of their fails - then ppl would come to the streets again, and cry for a better one (deja vu, yes)...

    And then our Mr.T will step in with his "Im The One to save this country - when I was in the position, there was NO such of things!!!" (and there will be no one left to oppose him at that time - as there was noone to oppose him at last elections....)

    And people will believe. Yes, of course - do they have any choice (except buying AK47 instead of khao lao, of course)

    Don't you all ever think that everything is EXACTY as planned? Dont you all ever play chess and spare a Queen to win the whole battle in just 1-2-3 next steps? :rolleyes:

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