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Posts posted by alexakap

  1. So.......do you think they will hang some balls at the back of the plane now? like they do on the trucks.....it would look more appropriate then does on trucks.... cowboy.gifgiggle.gif

    I prefer if they keep'em on their original place. And use when need....not dress a boys as a girls, not flee from the areas of personal responcibilities, and not looking for a job with "katoey's attitude"...even as an air hostess blahblahblah.... Hope you get what I meant. :)

    A male, once born - must be a Man, not something...mmm...different. passifier.gif

    That's all I wanna say here.

    1. Show your proof about your genes statement.
    2. Show how in nature bulls relinquish their johnsons and give milk.

    What you believe has no basis in fact without proof

    Go to school. I provide NO free education - I better sleep.

    Some scientists - you do believe in science don't you, or are you a creationist/intelligent design mouth-breather? estimate that millions of human babies are born with “ambiguous genitalia”, AKA “intersexuality.”

    ...and we, ppl, just let them to exist (where in da real life they will fail in one generation). More than that - we, ppl, are constantly chanting "to be tolerate".....

    Can I remind Spartans here? They were strong. And they got balls of steel (try to search something comparable among Thais...??)

    It's their body, who are you to judge

    I am a part of society where THEY exist. The very same member of the mankind.

    May I express my opinion about their existence? Who are they to shut me up? Or who are you trying to do the same?

    can only define themselves and the world around them in terms of their genitals

    You must have genitals at least. They are not. What a pity - they can't even turn the word on'em...smile.png

  2. As it has come up in the comments, what would I think if one of my children was a katoey.... it would be difficult for me to face, however I personally think that a lot of katoeys are just kind of brought into it by an overly female society, where they are often raised by single mothers or grandmothers, and even though there is a 3:1 ratio of women to men, if a young boy has female friends, they are usually regarded as a katoey by their friends, because friends of the other gender isn't a common thing in Thailand. If they get called a katoey since they were soo young, then they just naturally grow into it, particularly as the boys might shun them because they have "girl germs" lol


    As for me, I think that all of these "katoeys", "transes" etcetcetc is a result of lacks of "masculine" among thai men. Thai men lack of "macho power". Always soft, smile, never to confront, blahblahblah - in most of Western cultures they would be called "no-balls men". Almost all of them.

    And what we expect from their children? Sure, they no need their balls. They simply sees no use of "being macho", as sees no examples.

  3. You may learn the number and variety of transsexuality, hermaphroditism and homosexuality beneath your “Gods” own creatures is far bigger than that of cardinals in the Vatican.

    All of'em produces no offsprings. As well as cardinals, AFAIK. :)

    And this is the way Nature clears itself after "unsuccessful useless tries".

    if you are a true bible belter

    Nope, I am not.

    I am simply refusing to eat sh*it just because someone love to eat sh*it.

    To me, it is still a sh*it - someone likes to eat that or not.

    (Im now talking about "tolerance" as a term. Lets call a cat a cat).

    If we all are “Gods” children,- then what makes Jesus so special?

    Dunno what way he is "so special" to you.

  4. So this is turning into a general GLBT bashing thread. How predictable. The intolerance and ignorance is stunning.

    Would you tell me even one reason - why must I tolerate their idea more than my own?

    Will you tolerate if your beloved growing son says one day "Dad, I want my balls cut out, and I wanna huge silicone tits!"

    Will you say "Ok son, lets do that tomorrow morning then!"?

    Just yes or no? No bashes here.

  5. ^ Good thing that the worlds changing, with outdated narrow mindedness along with it.

    i believe nature sometimes mixes things up in many ways from time to time, including a persons gender

    Look at his photo on the prev.page.

    Now you wanna tell me that this head thinks that it is smarter than a Mother Nature - to start his own game with his own rules? C'mon, gimme a break....:)

    Nature will win just in one step: no offsprings from such a careless gamers who dare to play Gods. Bingo!

    What a wasted life...wasted by his own decision and choice.

    • Like 1
  6. Genes can play tricks on the body.

    He was born as a man, and he will live with that, and die with that - regardless his "cut-offs" and wearing girlie things. That's it.

    A simple, purest haraam (حرام).

    i believe nature sometimes mixes things

    And I believe in human's idiocity, short-thinking and selfish.

    Doing such of things as "transfer yourself" has nothing to do with nature, it is just a common excuse (I've read'em a thousand times).

    • Like 1
  7. Re-read the article. It doesn't say that at all. But illegal ones are usually less safe because they have not been constructed properly. But all owners have been asked to check them.

    Re-read the header first.

    I hardly see ANY safety standarts followers here in LOS - legal or illegal. More than that: "legal" ones cares less.

    If so - what is the bloody difference, except the amount to pay? Storm-proof?? C'mon, gimme a break. Just today I saw the burned FICO ("legal" one), and yesterday I passed a failed Hopewell bridge somewhere around Chatchak (a "govt project", fully "legal" somehow).

    Wake up. TiT.

  8. this new flood wall they are building.

    They're not.

    I am passig DM on a daily basis. Twice.

    All I can see is the removed sandbags and cleaning the roadsides (~1month ago), and some fixes&repairings on the old weak red-bricked border, partially damaged by the waters.

    So far is nothing more than just this.

    Even the DM's traffic exits are not yet repaired, and everyone have to "jump-jump-jump" on the failed, damaged part of the Viphavadee rd.

    Once again: I am passing that twice a day. F.uck Google - ask me!! :)

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